
语法—逻辑判断—正确理解 | 新编英语阅读手册





  1. a. He ran into the office to find the cause of the trouble of the machine. 他跑入办公室寻找机器故障原因。
    b. They ran into a train of troubles while working here. 他们在这里工作期间遇到了一连串的麻烦。
    c. Quite a few engineers ran out of the office to the information center. 不少工程师跑出办公室奔向信息中心。
    d. The pilot has run out of fuel. 飞行员已将燃料耗尽。

上述 a,b 两句用的都是 ran into,由于下文不同,ran into 含义就变了。同理,c, d 两句中的 run out of,也由于具体搭配不同,而使语义发生很大差别。根据上下文进行逻辑判断,可排除 run into 的多义性,使它在具体句中只表示单个语义。

  1. a. This is a tower of a building. 这是一座宝塔式的大楼。(不能理解为 of a building 修饰 a tower, 应把 a tower of 理解为“像宝塔一般的”,修饰后面的 a building。这里前后两个不定冠词必须使用。)
    b. Astonishing as it seems, this whole series of actions takes place in a tiny fraction of a second. 尽管看起来似乎令人惊讶。但整个一系列动作都发生在极其短促的几分之一秒内。(本句内也有“a… of a…”结构,但不能按 1)句相同结构来理解。由此可见根据上下文进行逻辑判断的重要性。)

  2. If a young woman of today could go back in time and call on her great-grandmother, she would probably be surprised at the heavy iron pots and pans being used in an old-fashioned kitchen. 假如今日的年轻妇女能够回到以往的年代去拜望她的曾祖母,她可能会对老式厨房里使用沉重的铁壶和铁锅感到惊讶。(句中 in time 只能作“在时间方面”讲。虽然在翻译时它未直接译出,但在译文中却含有此意。)


  1. a. When his watch broke, John had to get someone to repair it. 约翰的表摔了,他得请人修理。(句中 his 指 John 而言。)
    b. Allen is John’s younger brother. When his watch broke, John had to get someone to repair it. 埃伦是约翰的弟弟。他的表摔了,约翰就得请人修理。(由于上文不同,句中 his 指 Allen 而言。)

  2. "You must read Archimedes and Euclid." he said "They lived a long time ago. but we still use their books. Archimedes was like you (Galileo)——he was always making experiments!" 你必须读阿基米德和欧几里得的著作。他说道,“他们生活的年代离现在很远,但我们仍然使用他们的书。阿基米德像你(指伽利略)一样,那时一直在做实验!”(第一句中的两个人名只能按“他们的著作”来理解,而后面的 They 却仍指他们两个人。)

  3. What is fever? Simply defined, it is a state in which your body temperature has risen abnormally. 什么是发烧?简单的定义是体温不正常上升的状况。(句中 your 是泛指,不限于指你的,也包括我的和他们的在内。何况这里是为发烧下一个简单的定义,更不必突出“你的”体温。因此,也就不必译出 your。)

  4. Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. 自言自语是神精病的第一个症状。(句中 yourself 也是泛指. )

三、有时关系代词 which 或介词短语等具体修饰或说明什么,还需要逻辑判断

  1. The integrated circuits have found immediate application in computers and other digital systems which are called upon to do larger and more complicated tasks much faster than ever before. 集成电路在计算和其它数字系统中获得了即时应用,而我们需要计算机和其它数字系统空前迅速地完成庞大复杂的任务。(根据超语言知识即计算机方面的知识,可确定句中 which 只与前面介词 in 后面的两个宾语有关。than ever before 是说明 much faster 的,而与 larger 和 more complicated 无关。)

  2. Induction is a method of charging a conductor from a charged object which does not require bringing the two into contact. 电感应是带电体对导体的充电方法。这种方法不要求这两物体进行接触。(句中 which 并不修饰最靠近的名词性词组 a charged object, 也不修饰 a conductor, 又不修饰名词短语 charging…,而是修饰以 a method 为中心词的整个词组。这只能靠逻辑判断。)

  3. Burbank has been called the plant magician because he could do things with plants which were as amazing as the tricks of a magician. 伯班克被誉为植物魔术师,因为他在植物方面所做的工作,宛如魔术师变魔术一样,令人目瞪口呆。(句中 which 越过做状语的介词短语 with plants,说明前面的 things,而与最靠近的 plants 无关。这也只能靠逻辑判别。)

  4. The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow. 太阳照热地球,这使植物有可能生长。(句中 which 可能修饰 the earth,也可能代替前面主句整个意思。这时就得由逻辑判断来确定 which 的含义。显然,这里 which 代表主句整个意思。)

  5. A full flow filter shall be installed in the discharge line and as trainer in the suction line of each replenishment pump. 在每台补给泵的排出管路中务必安装全流过滤器,而在该泵的吸入管路中务必装上滤净器。(句中 of each replenishment pump 不仅与 the suction 有关,同时也与前面 the discharge line 有关。and a strainer 后省略了shall be installed。这些都得靠逻辑判断。)

四、where,when,while 等易混淆的语法功能及其含义也要靠逻辑判断来确定

  1. It is still a question at issue where we shall carry out research. 在何处进行研究还是个未解决的问题。(句中 where 有可能引出定语从句、地点状语从句或主语从句,最后确定 where 具有疑问词“何处”含义并引出主语从句。这也是综合分析和逻辑判断的结果。)

  2. In the international trade in oil the Caribbean was the chief supplier, followed by USA and the Middle East, where Iraq became a producer in 1932 and Saudi Arabia in 1938, exports beginning in 1934 and 1939, respectively. 在国际石油贸易中,加勒比海是主要的供油地区,其次是美国和中东。在中东地区,伊拉克于 1932 年成为产油国,而沙特阿拉伯于 1938 年成为产油国,它们分别在 1934 年和 1939 年开始出口石油。(首先通过逻辑判断确定句中 where 引出了非限制性定语从句。其次根据地理知识确定该从句只修饰最靠近的 the Middle East,而不是修饰前面的 the USA 和 the Middle East 两者,因为只有伊拉克和沙特阿拉伯是和 the Middle East 有关的。在确定句末为独立分词结构之前,也必须进行逻辑判断。)

  3. a. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. 我们起飞后就在城市上空作低空飞行,并慢慢升高,那时飞机突然掉转头来,飞回机场。(句中 when 作 and then 讲,when 前多半打逗号,引出并列分句,而不是引出时间状语从句。)
    b. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was noble metal ore under the ground. 领队在靠近洞口处检查土壤时,机器显示地下有贵重金属矿。(注意句中 when 用法与上句相同,只是并列连词 when 前面无逗号。无逗号时,这种 when 的用法就更需要根据上下文进行逻辑判断。)

  4. Bats are active in summer from dusk to just before sunrise, when they retire to sleep. 蝙蝠夏天的活动时间是黄昏到日出,日出后就休息睡觉。(句中 when 不可以看为引出时间状语从句,也不可看为 when 作 and then 讲,而应看为说明 sunrise 的。但这种选择决定于对蝙蝠有关常识的了解,否则难于进行逻辑判断. )



  1. If he made full use of his time, he is more likely to finish the research two months ahead of time. 如果他当初充分利用了时间,那么他大有可能提前两个月完成这项研究。(有人总感到从句用的是虚拟语气,从而提出后面主句也改用虚拟语气。其实这里从句中的 made 是陈述语气,表示过去一般时。这是真实条件从句,后面主句谓语表示将来时含义。根据主从句句义来看,译文是合乎逻辑的。)

  2. a. Einstein’s simple formula states that the energy to be obtained equals the mass (or weight). Of the substance being converted, time the velocity of light, times the velocity light. 爱因斯坦的简单公式表明,要得到的能量等于正在转化的物质的质量(或重量)乘以光速的平方。(即指:E=MC2. 这里只能根据超语言因素即物理学知识来判断 being converted 作 the substance 的后置定语,而不是这两者构成复合结构。)
    b. The process of one substance mixing with another is called diffusion. 一种物质同另一种物质混合的过程叫做扩散。(句中 mixing with another 作前面 one substance 的后置定语,还是和 one substance 一起构成复合结构,只能根据超语言知识进行逻辑判断,因为语法已无能为力。这里判别为复合结构是合乎逻辑的。)

  3. In an experiment a computer was made to have the ability to answer any questions about its small universe, first having been taught, of course, everything there was to know about its small universe. 在实验中,当然是先教会计算机熟悉有关的“小天地”的内容,才能使计算机具备回答该“小天地”范围内的任何问题。(句中 first having been taught 是现在分词短语作状语,everythingtaught 的宾语,there was 是定语从句,前面省略关系代词 that, 修饰 everything. 不定式 to know… 也作它的定语。所有这一切分析都要以句意符合逻辑作为依据。)

  4. Columbus was unwilling to return having failed, but he could not force his men to continue the voyage. Having agreed to turn back if no land was sighted in three days, he had the good fortune to see an island on October 12, the thirty-third day at sea. 哥伦布不愿以失败者身份回去,但他无法迫使他的船员继续航行。他同意:如果三天内见不到陆地就返航,但他运气很好,于10月12日即海上航行的第三十三天见到了一个岛。(第一句中的现在分词短语 having failed 应理解为说明不定式 to return,因此不能译为:哥伦布失败后就不愿回去了。第二句的条件状语从句 if no land… 也应理解为只与不定式 to turn back 有关,而不是和 Having agreed 有关。上述这些分析只能靠逻辑判别来确定。)


  1. We think it is often possible to obtain a more pure precipitate by redissolving the precipitate, having washed it as free as possible from soluble impurities, and reprecipitation. 我们认为,在尽量洗去沉淀物中可溶性的杂质以后,再次溶解沉淀物并进行再次沉淀,常能获得较纯的沉淀物。(句中 by 后三个-ing短语不全都是并列关系,只有 redissolving and reprecipitation 这两个动名词是真正的并列关系,其中 having washed… 作第一个 -ing 的时间状语。这里语法分析)和逻辑判断必须同时进行,并且相辅相成,但是最后必须取符合逻辑的句义为准。)

  2. Acids react with all of the common metals, although in industry certain mixtures of metals or alloys are said to have been developed that will resist the action of acids. 酸能和所有这些普通金属起反应,可是在工业中,据说某些能耐酸的金属混合物即合金已研制出来了。(有人曾将 or 理解为 metals 和 alloys 的连词作“或者”讲。若懂得些合金方面的知识,不难确定 or 作“也就是”讲,引出同位语 alloys,说明前面的词组 certain mixtures of metals。)

  3. The logarithm of 10 is 1; of 100, 2; of 0.001, -3. 10的对数等于1;100 的对数等于2; 0.001 的对数等于 —3。(本句残缺不全,显然有省略成分。必须用数学知识来验证译文,以免发生误差。)

七、新闻标题要求简练醒目,翻译时更需注意逻辑判断。参阅第 145 节第十八项

八、报刊上的广告和手册之类的工具书中的注释性文字省略成分较多,阅读或翻译时也必须多加进行逻辑判別. 参阅第 145 节第十九项

九、遇到语序不正常的句子,不仅需要语法分析,更需逻辑判断,并根据逻辑判断来验证语法分析是否正确。参阅第 148 节、十二、例 3


  1. Days and nights on the moon are very long. One day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth. 月球上的白昼黑夜都很长,月球上的一个白昼等于地球上的两周之久。(有人误译为“……月球上的一天等于地球上的两周. 问题出在没有注意上下文中提到的 Days and nights 的连用,因为这里 day 已不是“天”、“日”的概念,而只是作“白昼”讲。此外,如果知道一些天文学的知识或查一下有关文献,也就不会译错。)

  2. When more than nine tenths of the sky is cloud-covered with blue sky still to be seen. the term "overcast with breaks" finds its use. 当十分之九以上的天空被云覆盖,但蓝天仍可见到时,就可使用“阴有云隙”这个术语。(一般来说,be covered 后接介词 with,但本句 with 短语却并非 be covered 的固有搭配。根据逻辑判断,be covered 要求的 with 短语已由 cloud 加连字符“-”来代替。句中出现的 with 短语表示陪衬,still to be seen 可理解为作 blue sky 的宾语补语。只有既符合语法分析又符合逻辑的句意才可被认为是正确的。)

  3. The so-called friendship between the two governments was more apparent than true. 当时那两个政府之间的友谊是表面的,而并非真诚的。(曾有人将 apparent 译为“明显的”,但汉语中它不能和“真诚的”形成对比。只有将 apparent 理解为“表面的”,才能和“真诚的”形成对比。)


  1. World governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking. 世界各国政府认真开展反对吸烟运动。(曾有人译为“世界政府机构……”或“国际机构……”。若对译文进行逻辑分析,就可避免这种错误。)

  2. Restrictions on cigarette advertisements, plus health warnings on packages and bans on public smoking in certain places such as theaters, cinemas and restaurants, are the most popular tools used by nations in support of non smokers or in curbing smoking. 限制香烟广告,每包香烟上加印“有害健康”的警告,以及禁止诸如影剧院和餐馆等某些公共场所吸烟,这些都是许多国家用以支持不吸烟者和控制吸烟的最常用的办法。(曾有人将 health warnings 译为“健康警告”。若稍对译文进行逻辑分析,这个错误就可避免。)

  3. Travelling on a hovercraft is not only such faster, but also smoother than ordinary boats. (译文在下段)靠逻辑分析就可看出:本句中 travelling 和 ordinary boats 无法比较;若在 than 后加 on,则就变为 than 后省略了travelling,就可理解为乘坐两种不同的交通工具进行比较。本句译文为:“坐气垫船不仅比坐普通船快得多,而且也较为平稳”。由此可见,有时凭逻辑分析还可发现原文谬误或排印错误。
