
Where 的用法和判断 | 新编英语阅读手册

Where 的用法和判断

Where 的用法和判断


  1. Where did you read the data? 你在哪里阅读这些资料的?
  2. Where did you come from? Where are you going now? 你从哪里来的?你现在到哪里去?(句中第一个 where 作介词 from 的宾语。)
  3. Where were the cellular mobile phones made? 这些蜂窝移动电话是在哪里制造的?
  4. Tell me where to place the electronic brains. 告诉我把电脑放到哪里。

二、where 引导地点状语从句

  1. A white smoke forms where the gases meet. 这些气体相遇处,有一股白烟形成。
  2. Where there is little rain, the reservoir would provide us with the water. 雨水少的地方,水库就会给我们供水。
  3. Where there is a sound, there must be sound waves. 哪里有声音,哪里必有声波。
  4. Go back where you came from. 你从哪里来,就回到哪里去. (本句也可改为:Go back whence you came. 只是 whence 为书面语体。)
  5. Steel frequently is used not only in electric wires, but also where it already forms part of a structure or framework in which it is desired to carry the electric current. 钢不仅常用于电线申,而且还用于要求钢进行传电的一些结构或构架中。钢在其中已作为一个组成部分。(未按原文结构翻译)
  6. It is colder here than where we stayed yesterday. 这里比我们昨天呆的地方冷。

三、where 引导名词从句

  1. We don't know where he works. 我们不知道他在哪里工作。(宾语从句)
  2. That is just where they are mistaken. 那正是他们错误所在之处。(表语从句)
  3. Where he lives is by the side of a river. 他住的地方是在河边。(主语从句)
  4. It is still a question at issue where we shall do the test. 在何处做这项试验还是个未解决的问题。(主语从句)
  5. Have you any idea where he has gone? 你知道他到哪里去了?(同位语从句)
  6. The distance to the net citizen club from where we work is only half a kilometre. 从我们工作的地方到网民俱乐部的距离仅半公里。(介词宾语从句)

四、where 引导限制性定语从句

  1. Beijing is the place where they live. 北京是他们居住的地方。(本句也可不用 the place, 这时 where 引出表语从句。)
  2. Air moves from (places) where the pressure is high to (places) where the pressure is low. 空气从压力高的地方往压力低的地方移动。(可看作定语从句,也可看作介词宾语从句。)
  3. But in those days it was possible to use power only close to the spot where it was generated. 但是在那些日子里,只有在靠近发电的场所才有可能使用电力。(说明前面的 spot)
  4. I work at the same major high-tech firm where he works. 我和他都在同一个大型高科技公司工作。

五、where 引导非限制性定语从句

  1. We went to the industrial exhibition, where we saw a great many new-type economy cars. 我们去工业展览会了,在那里看到了许多新型经济型汽车。
  2. China had possessed the accurate value forπ over 1,300 years before Europe, where the same value was obtained in 1855. 中国求出 π 的精确值要比欧洲早一千三百多年。欧洲是在 1855 年才求出这一数值的.
  3. S = Vt, Where S is the distance, V the average speed, and t the time. S = Vt 式中,S——距离;V——平均速度;t——时间
