
Each 和 Every 的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Each 和 Every 的用法

Each 和 Every 的用法

一、each 作“各自的”、“每个的”讲,作形容词用

  1. There are many trees on each side of the river. 河流两岸有许多树。
  2. Each element has some special properties. 每种元素都有些特殊性质。


  1. Each has his advantages. 各人都有其优点。
  2. He gave each of us (或 give us each) a cellular mobile phone. 他给我们每个人一个蜂窝移动电话。
  3. Here are a crowd of women, each hold holding a baby in her arms. 这里有一群妇女,每人抱着一个婴孩。(each 还常用于独立分词结构中。)


  1. Give them two books each. (= Give each of them two books.) 给他们每个人两本书。
  2. The students have ten books each. (= Each of the students has ten books.) 这些学生各有十本书。(each 用于 have,则为同位语。)
  3. Different kinds of waves have each the same three characteristics: amplitude, frequency and length. 不同的波(各)都有三个相同的特性:幅度、频率和波长。

四、注意 each 作同位语的用法(参阅本节三和第 146 节)

五、each other 作“互相”、“彼此”讲

  1. We help each other. 我们互相帮助。
  2. They speak English to each other. 他们彼此讲英语。
  3. They held each other’s hands.(当时)他们相互握手。

六、each 和 every 词义辨异

I. every 只能作形容词,只有在与名词连用或构成复合词(如 everybody 每个人)时,才能作主语或宾语等,而 each 还可以作代词,直接作主语或宾语(见本文第二项例句)。注意 every 用于部分否定的句子中(见第 9节、五)。

II. every 虽指每个,但概括全体,而 each 仅指“每个”,却以“各…”为主。

  1. We must correct every single error. 我们必须改正所有错误。(着重全体。)
  2. They each have a tool. 他们每人有一件工具。(“个别”意义较重。)
