
Along 的用法以及对其常用短语的理解 | 新编英语阅读手册

Along 的用法以及对其常用短语的理解

Along 的用法以及对其常用短语的理解

一、介词 along 作“沿着”讲

  1. Many trees were planted along the river-bank. 沿着河岸种植了许多树。
  2. There are trees all along the road. 沿着这条路从头到尾都有树。
  3. We must think along certain regulations. 我们必须依照某些规定来思考。

注:汉语中的“沿着这个方向”或“沿着这条途径”不能用 along…,而要分别表示为 in this direction 或 in this way。这里 in 作“按照”讲。

二、副词 along 作“向前”讲,常与有关动词或介词 with 连用,构成一些常用词组

  1. Let’s go along to the classroom and attend his lecture on Computer Time. 让我们前去教室听他的“计算机时代”专题讲座。
  2. A new Ferrari came along from behind me. 一辆新的法拉利(跑车)从我背后开过来.

注:副词 along 和运动动词连用,基本意思是“向前”,但由于说话人所站位置不同,come along 应理解为“走过来”,而 go along 应理解为“走过去”。当然上述这个“走”字还可由于主语不同而译成其它相应的动词。

  1. We’ll be along about eight. 我们八点左右过来(或过去)。
  2. I want to bring my daughter along to see you. 我想把女儿带来看望你。
  3. The children were brought along well inschool. 孩子们在学校受到良好教育。(由孩子们在校内被好好地带领或引导向前“引申过来。如果是 The fine weather will bring the crops along very nicely. 则应理解为好的天气大大促进农作物的生长”。但这里 bringalong nicely“把…往前带”的原意仍为“好好地把……带领向前”。为此必须深刻理解“把……往前带的”原意,才能真正体会到英汉词典上的注释“教育或帮助(某人)发展”、“促进(农作物)生长”等含义的由来。
  4. The bus conductor often says "Pass along the car please" or "Move along please". 公共汽车售票员常说“请往车里走”或“请往前走”。(句中第一个 along 为介词,而第二个为副词。仍应按原文本意去理解译文。)
  5. How are you getting along? 你(生活过得)好吗?
  6. How is she getting (或 going) along with her work? 她工作进展如何?(相当于:How is her work getting (或 going) along?)
  7. He gets along very well with us. 他和我们相处很好。
  8. She will send it back along with some other things. 她将此物与其它东西一并送回。(句中 along with… 系单独使用,作“与…一起”,可用 together with…来互换。)
  9. The mechanization of agriculture will raise the output, and, along with it, the living standard of the peasants. 农业机械化将提高产量,同时也将提高农民的生活水平。(句中 along with 本意不变,但译为“同时也”。应该说,这是根据原文本意并结合汉语表达方法作出的正确翻译。)
  10. I knew that all along. (那时)对那件事我一直(或始终)真知道。

注:“动词 + 副词 along”的其它常用短语还有:carry… along 携带(一个大包裹即 a big parcel),(洪水即 the flood)挟带(树木即 trees),help sb. along(或 on, toward)帮助某人前进或进步,move along 往前走,(或走开,别停留),take …along 带走(某人或某物)等。
