
Would 的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Would 的用法

Would 的用法

一、would 用于表示过去将来时、过去将来进行时、过去将来完成时的谓语中

  1. He said (that) Jessica would go off with her mother for a holiday. 他说杰西卡将和她妈妈一起去度假。(过去将来时)
  2. I thought they would be waiting for you there. 那时我想他们将会在那里等着你。(过去将来进行时)
  3. She told me she would have fulfilled the task by ten o’clock. 她告诉我,她到十点钟将完成她的任务。(过去将来完成时)


1)We hoped she would work out the plan if she had free time. 我们希望如果她有空就把计划订出来。(在条件从句中代替过去将来时)
2)He said that he would put up his suggestion while they were talking about this problem at the meeting. (那时)他说当他们在会上谈论这个问题时他会提出他的建议。(在时间从句中代替过去将来进行时。)
3)Joe thought he would call us when (或 after) he had seen his mother off 当时乔想在他送走母亲后就给我们打电话。(在时间从句中代替过去将来完成时。)

二、would 用于假设(详见第 143 节、二)

  1. If he had time, he would see them home. 假如他有时间,他就送他们回家了。(实际上他现在没有空,故不大可能送他们回家。)
  2. Much labour would have been saved if the electronic computers had been invented before. 假如以前就发明了电子计算机,那早就节省许多劳力了。(实际上以前未发明电子计算机。)
  3. She would have come to the supermarket, but she was too busy with her experiments. 本来她早就来超市了,但是她当时太忙于做她的实验了。(实际上她当时没来超市。)
  4. Who would have thought so?(当时)谁会想到这样啊?(实际上当时谁都没有想到这样,故用虚拟语气。)

三、用 would that 表示几乎不可能实现的愿望或跟现实相反的愿望:

  1. We would (= wish) that we could believe it. 可惜我们无法相信这件事。(本义是:巴不得我们能相信这件事多好啊!)
  2. I would that I had stayed. 可惜我当时没有留下来。(原句意思是:我当时留下来就好了。实际上,他当时没有留下来,故用虚拟语气。)

四、would 表示按照某种判断“应当会……”之意,有主观揣测含义,语气要婉转些

  1. Tomorrow would be a fine day. 明天会是个晴天。(语气比 will 婉转。)
  2. I suppose what she has said is true. I don't think she would tell me a lie. 我想她说的话是真实的,我认为她不会对我说谎。(同上)

五、would 用于请求、希望或询问的场合下,作“愿意”、“想要”讲,语气比 will 委婉

  1. Would you please tell us how to operate the super micro computer? 请您告诉我们怎样操作这台超级微型计算机。(表示请求)
  2. I would recommend this method to you. 我愿把这种方法介绍给你。
  3. She would be glad if you would give her an account of it. 你如果愿给她谈谈情况,她就会感到很高兴。(第一个 would 表示讲话人的主观揣测;第二个 would 表示“愿意”之意。)
  4. We would rather go on with the experiment than give it up. 我们宁愿把这个实验进行下去,而不愿放弃不做.
  5. Would you rather I didn't talk about it? 你不愿意要我谈这件事吧?(注意 would rather 后面直接用名词从句。)
  6. I would rather go. 我愿意去。(=I had sooner go.)
  7. I would sooner (或 would rather) stay where I am than go to such a place. 与其到这种地方去,我宁愿留在这里。
  8. Everyone would like to make the best of himeself. 每个人都愿竭尽自己的力量。
  9. He would as soon die as disgrace himself.(=He would rather(或 sooner)die than disgrace himself.)他宁死不受辱。
  10. I would go with you as soon as not. 我宁愿同你去。(后面 as soon as not 相当于:胜过或不是我不愿同你去。)
  11. a. Would you like chocolate?你愿意(或想)吃巧克力吗?(有“请客”想法。)
    b. Do you like chocolate? 你喜欢吃巧克力吗?(仅是一般提问而已。)

六、would 表示过去多次动作

  1. Newton was often so deep in thought that he would forget his dinner. 牛顿常常沉思,以致多次忘记吃饭。
  2. When I was in Shanghai, she would tell me about the great changes in Shanghai. 当我在上海时,她常给我讲述上海的巨大变化。

注意 would 只表示过去多次动作,而 used to 表示过去习惯动作和状态,并且还有过去和现在的对比意味。故在下列头两句中不能用 would 代替 used to:

  1. She used to be very careful in her research. 她过去搞科研总是很仔细。(表示过去习惯的状态)
  2. Before 1998 he used to work ten hours a day. 1998 年以前他常常是每天工作十个小时。(言外之意,他现在不再这样干了。)
  3. He would go to work on Sundays,too. 他过去往往在星期日也去上班。(这句话并不表示“他现在不再在星期日工作”。)

七、以 would 表示过去的不可避免的倾向,而 wouldn't 表示过去办不到的事。

  1. During the war who would look up to us? 在战争期间,谁看得起我们?
  2. They told us (that) the lamp would not light. 他们告诉我们,这盏灯亮不了。

八、would 用于科学幻想的文体中

In 2030,out of curiosity, I might even take a trip in a spaceshuttle and spend my vacation on another planet. By that time space travel would have become very much easier. 2030 年我出于好奇心也许乘航天飞机去另外一个行星旅游度假。到那个时候,宇宙旅行会变得容易多了。
