
-ever 构成的合成词的用法和判别 Whoever, Whichever, Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, However | 新编英语阅读手册

-ever 构成的合成词的用法和判别 Whoever, Whichever, Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, However

-ever 构成的合成词的用法和判别 Whoever, Whichever, Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, However

以 -ever 构成的合成词在科技文章中常见的如下:

whoever 谁都……;无论谁
whichever 随便哪个;无论哪个
whatever 凡是……的;无论什么
whenever 随时;无论什么时候
wherever 无论哪里;无论到哪里
however 无论;可是


ever 本是一个加强语气的词,这里作为词的后缀加于疑问词之后,不仅使疑问词语气有所加强(参阅第 40 节、五),而且也可变为具有让步含义,用于引出让步状语从句(参阅下面第 Ⅱ 项)。如从句中带有情态动词 may,也可表示一种可能性。-ever 引出的从句还可用作名词从句。现分别叙述如下:

I. 引出名词从句:

  1. Who ever has eyes can see what great achievements we have made in the past 25 years. 凡是有眼的人都能看到我们过去25年所取得的巨大成就。(主语从句)
  2. You may give the used car to whoever wants it. 你可以将这辆旧汽车送给任何要这辆车的人。(介词 to 后的宾语从句)
  3. We were ready to do whatever our mother wanted us to do. 当时母亲要我们干什么。我们就准备干什么。(todo 的宾语从句)
  4. What ever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 凡是值得做的,就值得好好去做。(主语从句)
  5. You may take whichever book will interest you. 哪本书你感兴趣,你就可以拿哪本书。(宾语从句)
  6. He may write about whatever subject deals with test-tube babies. 他可写涉及试管婴孩的任何题目。(介词宾语从句)
  7. Whichever comes first may have enough time to do this experiment. 无论哪个先来,他就可以有足够时间做这个实验。(主语从句)

II. 引出让步状语从句:

  1. Whoever you may be, you have no right to do such a thing. 不论你是谁,你都无权做这种事。(可省略 may。)
  2. Whatever the reason maybe, the fact remains. 不论什么理由,事实依然变。(同上)
  3. Whatever happens (或 may happen), we will not change our plan. 不管发生什么事,我们决不改变计划。
  4. Whatever shape of a body may be, it is always possible to find out its volume. 不管物体形状如何,总是能求出它的体积的。
  5. You must finish this experiment today, whichever way you do it. 不管你用什么方法,这个实验你务必于今天做完。
  6. However perfect a pager is today, it will become outmoded in the future. 不管今天寻呼机如何完善,它在将来仍将变为过时。
  7. Whenever our motherland needs me, I will respond to her call. 无论什么时候,只要祖国需要我,我就一定响应祖国的号召。
  8. Wherever you go, you will always find the same thing. 不论你去哪里,你总会发现同样的事情。
  9. It is a difficulty to be avoided wherever (it is) possible. 这是无论在哪里都要尽可能避免的困难。
  10. It is a very fine house, whomever it belongs to. 这是一个好房子,不管它是属于谁的。(在口语中也可用 whoever 代替 whomever。)

注:以上各句可用“no matter + 相应的疑问词”构成另一结构类型的让步状语从句代之,而句义相同。
注意 whatever 等词引出的让步从句内的 may 有时可省略(见上面第 1,2 句)。此外,如果改用 “may have + 过去分词“,则表示过去的动作。例如:

  1. The meeting was a success, however inadequate the preparations may have been. 不管(当时)准备得如何不充分,但是这个会开得还是成功的。
  2. He had to continue to study hard, whatever progress he may have made.(当时)不论他进步多大,他仍须继续努力学习。

III. 引出具有强调语气的时间、地点、方式状语从句:

  1. Wherever there is plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green. 哪里阳光雨水充足,哪里的田野就绿油油的。(地点状语从句)
  2. Whenever people say that sort of thing, you know they don't mean cloning technology. 每当人们说那种事时,你知道他们并不是指克隆技术而言的。(时间状语从句)
  3. You may solve the problem whichever way you like. 哪种方法你喜欢,就用哪种方法解这道题。(方式状语从句)
  4. He goes there whenever he has time. 他一有时间就到那儿去。(时间状语从句)
  5. We will go wherever our service is needed in our motherland. 在祖国境内,需要我们到哪里服务,我们就去哪里。(地点状语从句)

Ⅳ. however 作“可是”、“不过”讲,作插入语用;有时作连词。例如:

  1. However, we will look into the matter later. 不过我们以后还要调查这件事。(插入语)
  2. Kerosene molecules, however, have longer carbon chains than gasoline molecules. 可是煤油的分子比汽油分子具有更长的碳链。(插入语)
  3. He said that it was so; however, he was mistaken. 他说这是如此;可是他错了。(连词)

Ⅴ. 在疑问句中 however, whatever, wherever, whenever, whichever, whoever 作“究竟如何、究竟什么、究竟何处、究竟何时、究竟哪个(或哪些)、究竟谁”讲。注意其中 ever 还可分出来单独写。详见第 40 节、五。


I. 如何判别 whatever, whoever, whichever 引导的从句是名词性从句还是让步从句。

当 whatever 等词引导名词性从句时,主句中一定有一个成分(主语、宾语或介词宾语)要由从句来顶替,故从句和主句之间多半就没有逗号。例如:

  1. Whatever we do should be in keeping with our plan. 那时凡是我们所做的,都应和我们的计划相一致。(顶主句的主语)
  2. We will do whatever the people think necessary. 凡是人民认为需要做的事,我们就要去做。(顶主句的宾语)
  3. He succeeded in whatever he undertook. 那时凡是他所承担的事情,他都成功了。(顶主句中介词的宾语)
  4. With the development of modern electrical engineering, we can transmit power to wherever it is needed. 随着现代电力工程的发展,我们能把电力输送到需要电力的任何地方。(顶主句中介词 to 的宾语)
  5. Whoever did it made a mistake. 当时无论谁做此事,就犯了错误。(顶主句的主语)

II. whatever 在让步从句中作表语用时,可以省略 be。

Friction always opposes the motion, whatever its direction. 不论方向如何,摩擦总是阻碍运动的。

III. 注意 whatever 作定语用时的两种词序。

whatever 可以修饰名词(见下面第 1 句),作“无论怎样的”讲,但修饰 any 或当前面有否定词时,则 whatever 就放在所修饰的词的后面(见下面第 2、3、4、5 句)。

  1. Whatever weather it is, we will carry out this test. 不管天气怎样(原意为“不管什么样的天气”),我们一定要进行这个试验。
  2. We cannot see anyone whatever. 无论什么样的人我们也看不见。
  3. No one whatever would design those old-fashioned machines. 无论谁也不会去设计那些老式机器。
  4. There is no doubt whatever about that. 关于那件事绝无疑义。
  5. In mechanics the word "resistance" is generally used to mean anything whatever that tends to oppose motion. 在力学中,“阻力“这个词一般用来指凡是趋向于阻碍运动的任何作用而言。
