
Less(包括作“较不…”讲)的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册



一、less 是 little(小;少)的比较级

  1. He spends less time (in) doing experiments. 他做实验花时间较少。
  2. Such problems are of less importance. 这样一些问题比较不重要。
  3. The value of Y is no less than ten. Y 值不止 10。(本义为“决不小于 10”,表示多的意思。)
  4. The power is not less than 15 h. p. 功率不小于 15 匹马力。
  5. She says less but does more. 她说话较少,但做事较多。
  6. Negative figures are figures less than zero. 负数就是比零小的数。(斜体字部分为形容词短语作后置定语。)
  7. We regard her less as our teacher than as our friend. 我们把她看作我们的朋友,胜过我们把她看作我们的老师。
  8. He does not study English the less for its difficulty. 他并不因为英语难学就不想学了。(原义为:他不因为英语难而不怎么学。)

二、“less + 形容词或副词”构成劣等比较,作“较不…”讲

  1. It is less warm than (it was) last week. 天气不如上周那样暖和。
  2. He studies English less hard than before. 他学英语不如以前那样努力。

三、“no less + 形容词或副词”本义为“绝不+有关形容词或副词的反义词”。

  1. No less small 绝不大(这里 small 的反义词为“大”),no less slowly 绝不快,no less long 绝不短等
  2. A boat race is different from a horse race but no less exciting. 赛船不同于赛马,但决不逊色。
  3. Last year he studied very hard. Now he studies no less hard. 去年他学习很努力。现在他学习也绝不差劲。

四、less 作名词用,表示“较少量”、“较少数”之意

  1. They designed a couple of new-type air conditioners in less than a year. 他们用不到一年的时间设计了两台新型空调器。
  2. Less than ten of the thermometers remain. 这些温度计剩下来的不到十支。

五、less 作介词,当“不足”、“还差”讲

  1. Five less two leaves three. 五减去二余三。
  2. The time cycle is a year less three days.(时间)周期等于一年差三天。
  3. The voltage across RB is equal to VB less VA. 加在 RB 上的电压等于 VB 减去 VA

六、带有 less 的一些常用词组用法举例

  1. a. He will be studying more or less a week. 他将学习一星期左右。
    b. It’s more or less a mistake, really. 说真的,这多少是个错误。
    c. We can learn more or less according as we study and work. 根据学习和 工作情况,我们可以学得多一点或少一点。
    d. It is neither more nor less a lie. 那是十足的谎言。(斜体字部分原义是“不多也不少”。)
  2. I speak no English, much less (或 still less) Spanish. 我不会讲英语,更不用说西班牙语了。(注意只用于否定句。第二部分也可改用下列三个短语中的任一个短语:to say nothing of Spanish, not to speak of Spanish 或 not to mention Spanish.)

注 1:在肯定句中要用 more 代替其中的 less。例如:I like chemistry, much more (或 still more) physics. 我喜欢化学,而更喜欢物理。

  1. He has fault, but we help him none the less (或 no less). 尽管他有缺点,我们还是(或仍旧)帮助他。
  2. We expect nothing less than a good harvest. 大丰收正是我们盼望的。
  3. Although he met with some difficulties, he was none the less sure of his success. 尽管碰到一些困难,但他依然坚信他会成功。
  4. They will be back in less than no time. 他们将马上回来。

注 2:最后再强调一点:lesser 不是 little 的比较级。little(形容词兼副词)的比较级应该用 less。但 lesser(“较小的”、“次要的”)大多用作定语。例如:a lesser river(小河),a lesser nation(小国)等。lesser 也可用以修饰形容词。例如:a lesser-known modern poet(一位名望较小的现代诗人)等。
