
When 的用法和判别 | 新编英语阅读手册

When 的用法和判别

When 的用法和判别

一、when 作“什么时候”讲,当疑问词用

  1. When did you buy the stocks and bonds? 你何时买的这些股票和债券?
  2. He doesn't know when to get online. 他不知何时上网。
  3. From when did our paging business begin to grow rapidly? 我们的寻呼(机)业务从何时起开始迅速发展?
  4. Since when have you been ill?你从何时起生病的?(说话时你病尚未痊愈。但上面第 3 句只侧重从过去哪一时间开始起,不联系今天的现状,故谓语用一般过去时。)

注:when 在这里是介词 from 和 since 的宾语。when 作介词宾语时,还可作“那时”讲,但句义必须是没有疑问口气的。例如:That was in 1979, since when things have been better. 那是在 1979 年,而从那时以来,事情就更好了。

二、when 引导时间状语从句

  1. When water becomes solid, we call it ice. 当水变成固体时,我们把它叫做冰。
  2. When (或 While) working in the plant, we learned a lot from the workers. 我们在工厂劳动期间,向工人学到了许多东西。(when 后省去了与主句相同的主语及其相应的 be, 即省略了 we were。)
  3. This kind of steel becomes very hard and very brittle when hardened. 这种钢淬火后就变得很硬很脆。(when 后省去了表示 this kind of steel is 的代词 it 和 is。)

注 1:注意 when 后用完成时,when 含义相当于 after。当 when 后用一般过去时,而主句用过去完成时,when 含义相当于 before。例如:

1)When (= After) he had sold all the newspapers, he went home. 他卖完报纸后就回家去了。(若使用 After 时,则后面也可用过去一般时 sold,因 after 词义已表明动作先后了。)
2)He had been a salesman when (或 before) he was told to be a teacher. 叫他当教师之前,他当过营业员。

注 2:when 引出的时间状语从句不使用将来时和过去将来时及相应的将来或过去将来完成时。这时靠主句用将来时或过去将来时,而从句用现在时或过去完成时来表示。例如:

1)When once (或 Once) he understands, he will forgive everything. 一旦他明白过来,他会原谅一切的。
2)I will return you the book when I have read it through. 我看完这本书后还给你。
3)He said that he would be able to see you when he had written that letter. 他说,他写完那封信以后就能去看你。


  1. I didn't know when (=what time) it was. 那时我不知道是什么时候。
  2. When all the students can operate computers is an important problem. 何时所有的学生都会操作计算机是一个重要的问题。(主语从句)
  3. What we want to know is when they can design a new-type IP phone. 我们要知道的是他们何时能设计出新型网络电话。(表语从句)
  4. Next week will be when it would be most convenient to do this experiment. 下周将是做这个实验最方便的时间。(表语从句。若用 the time when 代替 when,则 when 引出的是 time 的定语从句。两句结构不同,但意思相同。)
  5. She remember (the days) when she was a child. 她记得她的儿提年代。(宾语从句。去掉 the days,则为宾语从句。)
  6. I’ll certainly go to work every day next month except when I am ill. 下个月我一定每天上班,除非我生病例外。(介词宾语从句)

四、when 引导定语从句,常用来修饰前面表示时间的名词

  1. May is the month when we are most busy. 五月是我们最忙的一个月(when 引导的定语从句修饰 the month。)
  2. We all look forward to the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the universe. 我们都期盼着科学工作者发现更多的宇宙秘密的那一天。(定语从句说明 the day。)
  3. a. The event happened in the year when I came to this city. 这一事件发生在我来到这个城市的那一年。(限制性定语从句)
    b. She came here in 1953, when she was only a little girl. 她于 1953 年来到这里,那时她还只是一个小姑娘。(when 引出非限制性定语从句)

注 1:必须注意,when 引导的定语从句在某些句型和某些时间状语中常可以省略不用 when。例如:

1)You may go there any time you like. 你随便什么时候都可以去那儿。
2)In two months I studied there I learned 500 English words. 在那边学习的两个月中,我学了 500 个英语单词。

注 2. 有时 when 引导的定语从句,其前面无表示时间的名词。这时要靠上下文进行逻辑判断。例如:These were photographs of Engineer Wang when he was a student。这是王工程师当大学生时的一些照片。

五、when 作“那时”讲,等于 and then。在本情况下,when 前一般有逗号,并列地连接前后两个句子

  1. They were just about to give up the question, when suddenly they found the answer. 他们正打算搁下这个问题,而那时他们突然找到了答案。
  2. The water in the flask boils, when you pour the cold water over it. 烧瓶內的水开了,那时你就把凉水浇于瓶上。
  3. Trees start growing in the spring time, when the ground gets warm. 树木到春天才开始生长,那时大地逐渐暖和起来。
  4. He was just going to speak, when the bell rang. 他正要说话时,铃响了。(未按原文结构翻译)
  5. The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. 飞机播种快一个月,天就开始下雨了。(注意 when 前有时未打逗号。)

六、when 的基本用法判别举例

  1. a. Ask her when she will come back. 你问她什么时候回来。(句中 when 引出宾语从句。when 后面的谓语用将来时,也反过来表明 when 引导的从句不可能是时间状语从句,因为时间状语从句一般不用将来时态。)
    b. Ask her when she comes back. 她回来时你就问她。(when 引导时间状语从句。)
  2. I don't know when they will come; but when they come I shall have a talk with them. 我不知道他们何时来,但他们来时,我将找他们谈一谈。(第一个 when 引出宾语从句,而第二个 when 引出时间状语从句。)
  3. a. We saw the film last May when it was first shown in Shanghai. 这部影片是我们在去年五月该片首次在上海放映时看到的。(定语从句)
    b. We send our children to school to prepare them for the time when they will be big and will begin to work for themselves. 我们送孩子上学是为了他们日后长大开始为自己生活而工作进行准备。(定语从句)
    c. The natural reaction of some people when they see a line forming is to get in it immediately—even before they know what is being sold. 有些人一看见正在排队时的自然反应是立刻上前排队——甚至在他们还不知道正在卖什么东西的时候。(时间状语从句一定语从句)
    d. There are times when finely powdered fuels like coal dust and flour explode. 就有煤尘和面粉那样的细粉状的燃料发生爆炸的情况。(定语从句。times 作“时机、机会”讲。)
    e. The day will come when man can fly to wherever he likes in the universe. 人能飞往宇宙中他喜欢去的任何地方的日子将要来临。(when 引导的定语从句还带一个介词 to 的宾语从句 “whereverthe universe”。从形式上看,when 从句似乎可以看作时间状语从句,但句义讲不通。这时就应考虑:英语中有时为了使句末不留几个词作谓语,而把前面主语带上的一个很长的定语从句放到句末去,以求句子结构的匀称。)
  4. Some of the pieces thrown out when the nucleus is cracked are neutrons. 核子裂变时被扔出的片片中,有些是中子。(when 引出的时间状语从句与分词 thrown 有关,即指“核子裂变时被扔出的片片”。如果 when 引导的时间从句和主句有关,则上句中 when 引导的从句前后就得有逗号。)
  5. When, as is usually the case, science does not give a complete answer, we must use experience and judgement. 当科学不能提供全面的答案时,而这种情况还是常有的事,这时我们就必须使用经验和判断。(as 引出的非限制性定语从句是属于 when 引出的时间状语从句范围内的。)
  6. a. When (he was) reading the book, he found out some answers to this question. 在阅读这本书时,他找出了这个问题的几个答案。(when 引出的时间从句中省略了与主句相同的主语及其相应的 be 的形式。)
    b. Anybody, when (it is) heated to a high enough temperature, becomes a source of light. 任何物体被加热到一个足够高的温度时,就变为光源。(同上)

注:有时 when 引出的时间状语从句省略的不是主句的主语,而是省略了无人称代词 it 或主语短语中某个有关的词。为此必须注意结合上下文进行逻辑判断。例如:

1)We will do that only when (it is) necessary. 只有在必要时我们才做那件事。(句中 it 为无人称代词。)
2)Inertia is the tendency of matter to remain at rest when at rest or to keep moving when in motion. 惯性是物质静则恒静或动则恒动的倾向性。(省略 it is,但 it 指 matter,而不是 inertia。)
3)The colour of the copper oxide changes when heated in hydrogen. 当氧化铜在氢气中加热时,其颜色就变了。(不能理解为 when 后省略了与主句相同的主语 colour。)
4)This fact is very useful when doing chemical calculations. 进行化学计算时,这个事实十分有用。(when 后省略的主语当然不会是 this fact。)
