
Too 的多种用法和判别 | 新编英语阅读手册

Too 的多种用法和判别

Too 的多种用法和判别

一、too 作“也”讲,只用于肯定句中

  1. We are carrying out this research, too. 我们也在进行这项研究。
  2. They went to the shopping center, too. 他们也去了购物中心。
  3. Our teachers, too, are going away. 我们的老师也准备离开。

注:若用于否定句,一般要用 either 代替 too:If it is not, he neednt go there, either. 如果不是这样,他也不必去那里。(不可用 tooeither。)

二、too 作“太”讲,用于形容词或副词前

  1. There is too much sugar in the cup of milk. 这杯牛奶内糖太多了。
  2. The meeting should not go on too long. 会议不要开得太长。
  3. The problem is rather too hard, but it will be solved in not too long a time. 这个问题太难一点,但过不了太久便能解决。

三、当“too + 形容词或副词 + 动词不定式”时,后面动词不定式意义在翻译时一般要加上一个否定词

  1. The question is too hard to understand. 问题太难,理解不了。
  2. This book is too difficult for me to read. 这本书太难,我读不了。
  3. We thought too highly of him to suppose that he would act like that. 我们对他评价很高,所以想不到他会那样办事。
  4. He is too young to be qualified for such work. 他太年轻,没有资格做这样的工作。
  5. There are too many pumps to name up here. 泵太多,不能在这里一一叫出名称。

注 1:如果后面动词不定式为否定,则译成汉语时变为肯定。例如:They are too wise not to solve this problem. 他们非常聪明,必能解决这个问题。

注 2:有时 too… 后面没有不定式,而用 for 加名词或代词,也表示有否定含义。例如:

1)This book is too difficult for me. 这本书我读太难了。
2)Hardened steel is too hard and too brittle for many tools. 硬化钢太硬和太脆,不宜于制作许多刀具。

有时否定词挪前,翻译时更须注意。见下面例 3。

3)We are never too old to learn. 我们一贯是活到老学到老。(句中 to learn 也可改用 for learning。)
4)The heavy components are too thick to pour at all. 重组分太稠,根本不能灌注。(at all 只用于否定式。这里由于前面出现 too thick 故使 to pour 包含否定意义,因而仍可用 at all。)

注 3:若 too 后的形容词为 ready(甘心的,易于…的),apt(容易的),easy(容易的),inclined(有倾向性的),willing(愿意的,乐意的),eager(热心的,渴望的)等时,则后面的不定式短语仍不被否定。例如:

  1. She is too ready to talk. 她爱说话。
  2. Old men are too apt to forget. 老年人往往健忘。
  3. Such a speed will never be too easy to be kept constant. 这样一个速度将太不易于保持恒定了。

四、当“only 或 but + too + …… +动词不定式”时,后面的动词不定式在翻译时不必加否定词

  1. We are only too pleased to work together with. 我们一起工作太高兴了。(直泽为:只有太高兴了。)
  2. They are but too glad to do so. 他们非常喜欢这样做。

五、“cannot (或 can scarcely, can hardly)… too …”和“It is impossible(或difficult )+ 不定式 + too + 形容词或副词+…”结构应该理解为“无论怎样……也不会过分”和“无论怎样……也不可能过分”

  1. We cannot be too careful in doing experiments. 我们做实验要尽可能小心。(原意为:我们做实验无论怎样小心也不过分。)
  2. It cannot be too much emphasized that high-tech industries play a very important role in the national economy. 应尽量强调高科技产业在国民经济中起着很重要的作用。
  3. a. Her contribution to modern agriculture can scarcely (或hardly) be overrated. 她对现代农业的贡献,无论如何估计也不会过高。(can scarcelycan hardly 是和 cannot 相当的,都属于否定句。overrated 中的前缀 over 包含有 too much之意,因 over -含有“过分”、“过头”之意。)
    b. The importance of information technologies cannot be exaggerated. 信息技术极为重要。(本句直译则为:信息技术的重要性无论怎样夸大也不可能过分。动词 exaggerate 本身含有“言过其实”、“夸大”之意,也即含有“过分”、“过头”之意,故可认为包含 too much 含义。)
  4. a. No man can have too many friends. 朋友越多越好。(注意谓语不是 cannot, 而是由 No… can 构成否定式,然后再与too… 连用。)
    b. A student can never have too many books. 学生的书越多越好。(注意用 can never 代替 cannot 的做法。)
    c. I couldn’t get home fast enough. 我恨不得马上回到家里。
  5. It is difficult to criticize him too severely. 对他无论怎样严厉地批评也不过分。(句中 difficult 词意接近 impossible,故仍属本类句型使用范围。)

六、用 too 时数量或程度的增减情况。参阅第 150 节、ⅪV
