
Throughout 的搭配用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Throughout 的搭配用法

Throughout 的搭配用法

一、介词 throughout 作“遍及或贯穿(某国家、地区、城镇等)”时的用法举例

  1. The news spread throughout the city. 这消息传遍全市。
  2. I found this idea throughout his book. 我发现这种想法贯穿他的全书。
  3. Throughout the length and breadth of the land there are a lot of meadows covered with grass. 遍及这块土地各处有许多块草地。
  4. The thief left some traces throughout (或 allover, all throughout) the storeroom. 小偷在整个库房内留下一些痕迹。
  5. We always support the peoples throughout the world. 我们总是支持世界各国人民。(与上句不同,这里作后置定语。还可用 all over the world, all throughout the world 或 around the world 代替。)

注:介词 throughout 后的名词前面不能用 whole 或 entire,因为该介词本身包含“整个”、“全部”的意思。

二、介词 throughout 作“遍及或贯穿整个或一段时期”讲时的用法举例

  1. I trained throughout the night. 雨下了整整一夜。
  2. He has not yet heard of cloning technology throughout his life. 他这一辈子还尚未听说过克隆技术。
  3. Food was scarce throughout the war. 整个战争期间食物短缺。
  4. We often visited her throughout her illness. 在她整个患病期间我们常去看望她。
  5. Ms. Liao was throughout her life a teacher. 廖女士当了一辈子教师。

注:throughout 用于表示“整个…时间”有时就可用 over 或 during 代替。例如:

We were in the country to recruit throughout (或 over, during) the vacation. 整个假期我们在乡间休养。

三、副词 throughout 表示“整个地、完全地”或“从头到尾,始终或一直”时的用法汇总

  1. Jenny is an excellent senior engineer throughout and is going to visit to China next week. 詹妮完全是一位优秀的高级工程师,并准备于下周访问中国。
  2. In this respect, the telephone and the pager differ throughout. 在这方面电话和寻呼机完全不同。
  3. Her house needs painting throughout. 她的房子需要全部漆一遍。
  4. Linda knows the secret throughout. 琳达对这个秘密了解透彻。(还可用 all through 代替。)
  5. We follow a correct policy throughout. 我们始终遵循一条正确的政策。
