
Who 和 Whom 的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Who 和 Whom 的用法

Who 和 Whom 的用法

一、疑问词 who(主格)和 whom(宾格)作“谁”等讲

  1. Who is he? 他是谁?(若用 What 代替 Who,则句意变为问他的职业。)
  2. a. Who is in the classroom?谁在教室里?
    b)Who are in the room? 谁在房间里?(当心中有明确的复数人物概念时,也可用复数谓语提问。) 注:不清楚人数时,问句大多用单数谓语。
  3. With whom did you talk yesterday?你昨天和谁谈了话?(在口语中还可说成:Who did you talk with yesterday?)
  4. a. I do not know whom you saw yesterday. 我不知你昨天看见谁了。(宾语从句。在口语中还可用 who 代替 whom。)
    b. We all know who we are studying for. 我们大家都知道我们为谁在学习。(也可用 for whom we are studying. )
  5. He knows who else is (或 are) going abroad. 他知道还有谁要出国。(若指两个人以上,则用 are。)
  6. I have consulted all the leaders here on who will go to Shanghai on business. 就谁去上海出差,我已咨询了这里所有领导的意见。(介词宾语从句)
  7. Who delays, pays. 延误者罚款。
  8. Dad, that is who works best in our firm. 爸爸,这是我们公司里工作最好的人。

二、关系代词 who 和 whom 用于定语从句

  1. This is the student who repaired our radio set yesterday. 这人就是昨天修理我们无线电的那个学生。(限制性定语从句)
  2. I am sure there is no one who works here and who is not eager to learn some English. 我确信,凡是在这里工作的人都想学些英语。(两个限制性定语从句并列)
  3. Here is a letter from Miss Wang Ping, who studies at Beijing University. 这里有一封王萍女士来信,她现在北京大学学习。(非限制性定语从句)
  4. Who is the man to whom you were talking when I saw you yesterday? 昨天我看见你时,你在跟他讲话的那个人是谁?(限制性定语从句) 注:在限制性定语从句中,whom 常被省略,如上面第 4 句可写为: Who is the man (whom) you were talking to when I saw you yesterday? 又如:This is the worker (whom) I met yesterday. 这是我昨天遇到的那个工人。He is no longer the boy (whom) he was before he entered the university. 他不再是上大学前的那样一个小孩了。
  5. Dr. Ouyang, whom you in our office last week, is our general manager. 那位欧阳博士就是你上周在我办公室见过的,他是我们的总经理。(非限制性定语从句)
  6. Jenny loves the children, for whom she is ready to do anything. 詹尼爱小孩,并乐于为他们做任何事. (非限制性定语从句)

三、who 用于 "It is… who…" 强调句型中

  1. It is your teacher who often warns you against smoking. 经常告诫你们不要吸烟的正是你们的老师.
  2. It was the old workers who helped us (to) repair the water pumps. 正是这些老工人帮助我们修理了水泵。
  3. It is those who have never been to college but who are sending, or hope to send, their children to college, who are most angry at what happened in the campus. 正是那些过去从未上过大学而目前正在送其子女或希望送其子女上大学的人们才对在校园里发生的事最感到生气。(句中第一、二个 who 引出并列的定语从句,第三个 who 是强调句型中要求的who。)

四、who 和 whoever 引出从句的用法差别

  1. I think, whoever knows the truth will tell you about it. 我想,知道真实情况的(无论什么)人都会告诉你。(不能用 who 代替。)
  2. A wise and experienced leader will assign a job to whoever is best qualified. 一个聪明并有经验的领导一定会把工作交给最有资格做的人。(同上)

从上述两例可看出,whoever 引出的从句表示“知道真实情况的无论什么人”或“…最够格的无论什么人”,即落实到“某一类人”身上,在句中顶一个名词。whoever 用于疑问句中则作“究竟谁”讲。用于让步状语从句,则 whoever 作“无论谁”讲。例如:Whoever comes here, tell them I have gone to Tianjin. 无论谁来这里,告诉他们我已去天津了。总之,who 不具有上述三种用法。
