
Time (Times) 的用法和注意点 | 新编英语阅读手册

Time (Times) 的用法和注意点

Time (Times) 的用法和注意点

一、作“倍数”讲,其一般搭配格式和用法如下(详见第 150 节)

Ⅰ. “基数词(3 以上)或 many, a few 等词 + times,”作状语:

  1. A is three times as great as B. A 是 B 的三倍。(或:A 比 B 大两倍。)
  2. Measuring anything means comparing it with some standard to see how many times as big it is. 测量任何东西就是把它同某个标准进行比较,看看它是(这个标准的)多少倍。
  3. This computer operates three times as fast as the other one。这台计算机运算速度比另一台快两倍。(或译“…运算速度是另一台的三倍。”)
  4. As against last year, our coal output has increased by three times. 与去年相比,我们的煤产量增加了三倍。(若在句中去掉介词 by,则变为“增加了两倍”。)
  5. This room is six times larger than that one. 这间房间比那间大六倍。(不少美国人理解为“…大五倍”。注意下句括号内说明。)
  6. An oxygen atom is 16 times heavier than a hydrogen atom. 氧原子重量是氢原子的 16 倍。(在“倍数+比较级 + than…”结构中,这个倍数可能是净增加,更可能是毛增加。英语中这种倍数表示法尚未完全统一,故应根据上下文和科学道理进行判断。一般用上述第 3 句表示法为宜。)

II. 把“基数词(3 以上)或 many, a few 等词 + times”构成一个词组,并作为一个定语来修饰后面的名词或代词 that, 甚至修饰 what 引出的名词从句。也可理解为 …times (…) = (…) multiplied by,即作“…被乘以…”讲。

  1. Three times four is twelve. 三乘四等于十二。(直译为:三倍的四为十二。)
  2. The volume of the sun is about 1 300 000 times the volume (或用 that 代替 the volume) of the earth. 太阳体积约为地球体积的 1 300 000 倍。
  3. The price of fresh fruit in winter is twice what it was in autumn. 冬天的新鲜水果价格要比它秋天的价格贵一倍。(注意 what 从句常可顶一个名词来用。)
  4. The force equals mass times acceleration. 力等于质量乘加速度。(从 F=ma 式中也可看出,F 等于 m 倍的 a,原文即是这个意思。但也可理解为… equals acceleration multiplied by mass 即“…等于加速度被乘以质量”。)
  5. The time cycle for the complete operation is only a few seconds. 整个操作的时间周期仅仅几秒钟。


Ⅰ. “基数词等 + times + 单位时间范围等”(但用 once, twice 表示一次、两次)。

  1. We have English classes three times a week. 我们每周上三次英语课。
  2. They measure gas pressure five times per hour. 他们每小时测量五次气体压强。
  3. Take two tablets once (或 twice) a day. 每日服一次(或两次),每次服两片。

I. “序数词等 + time(单数)”表示“第几次”:

  1. Let us try a second time. 让我们做第二次尝试。
  2. When they read the book for the second time, they detected a number of mistakes. 当他们第二次读这本书时,发现了不少错误。

三、作“时间”讲,一般用 time。注意 some time, sometime, sometimes 用法

  1. a. We have no time to do it. 我们没有时间做这件事。
    b. We had a good time in Shanghai. 我们在上海度过了很好的时光。
  2. The time for the production of iron was cut down by half. 产铁时间缩短了一半.
  3. The workers turn on the switches at the appointed time. 工人们在规定的时间合闸。
  4. It is (high) time to develop our high technology industry. 该发展我们的高科技产业了。(=It is time (that) we developed (或 should develop) our high technology industry. 这里用关系副词 that 引出定语从句,修饰名词 time。that 和 should 还可省略。developed 和 should develop 是虚拟语气的形式。)
  5. It takes time to carry out the test. 进行这个试验需要时间。(不定式短语为真正主语,而 it 为形式主语。)
  6. At that time they were measuring the temperature of water. 那时他们正在测量水温。(at that time 一般用于过去时和将来时。)
  7. a. We shall visit the watch factory sometime in May. 在五月份我们找个时间参观手表厂。
    b. She will stay here for some time. 她将在这里逗留一些时间。
    c. They will come to see you some time or other. 他们迟早会来看你的。
    d. It is sometimes cold and sometimes (或 another times) warm。天气时冷时暖。
    c. We hope you will start out for work sometime soon. 我们希望你早点上班。
  8. At the same time that you are teaching English you are improving your English. 你在教英语的同时,也就在提高你自己的英语水平。(句中关系副词 that 引出修饰 time 的定语从句。)

四、作“时期”、“时代”、“日子”讲,一般用 times(复数)

  1. Whether matter can be split up is known to have interested many people from ancient times. 物质是否能够分割,据了解从古代起就有许多人注意到了。(直译是:人们知道,物质是否能够分割,远从古代起早巳使许多人感兴趣了。)
  2. We must move with the computer times. 我们必须跟上计算机时代。
  3. Times are good. 我们的日子很好过。
  4. We know of wood having been used as structural material in prehistoric times. 我们知道,木材在史前时期就已经被用作建筑材料了。(of 后接复合宾语,其中 as 又引出相对的主语补语。)

五、once 作“一次”讲,而 at a time 也作“一次”讲和 at one time 作“一度”讲,只限用于下列类似场合

  1. She goes to our office once a week. 她每周去办公室一次。
  2. Enter two at a time. 每次进来两个人。
  3. He was at one time a salesman. 他一度当过售货员。
  4. At one time scientists thought that there could be nothing smaller than atoms. 科学家曾一度认为没有比原子再小的东西了。

六、注意用 by the time(到……时),each time, every time(后两者都作“每当……时”讲),at the time(在……时)等词组来引导时间状语从句

  1. The truck will have arrived by the time (that) you have all the things packed up. 等你们把所有这些东西包装完毕时,卡车已经抵达。
  2. The piston completes a stroke each time (that) it changes direction of motion. 每当活塞改变一次运动方向,它就完成了一个冲程。
  3. A low, threatening sound was suddenly heard at the time the man was doing some mending. 正当这个男子在修理东西时突然听到一种低沉的令人恐惧的声音。

注:by the time 和 each time 等后面的 that 其实是关系副词,引出定语从句修饰 time。考虑到 by the time 和 each time 等在句中作时间状语,后面 that 常省略,就将它们理解为直接引出时间状语从句。见下列 4~8。

  1. You should see that each time there is a magnetic effect there is a movement of electrons. 你应该清楚地知道,每当发生磁效应的时候,就有电子运动。
  2. The second time we met, he replied to a lot of questions. 我们第二次会面时,他回答了许多问题。
  3. Next time I see you, I will give you an English book. 下次见到你时,我将给你一本英语书。
  4. He grows younger and younger every time I see him. 我每次见到他,他显得越来越年轻了。
  5. I will lend you the book any time you like. 我将把这本书借给你,随便什么时候都可以。

七、复数 times 一般用来指时期,时代,但注意单数 time(作“时间”讲)具体化时,也可用复数 times 表示多种不同的具体时间

  1. We do the job at odd times. 我们用零星时间作这个活。(这里零星时间指一刻钟、半个钟头等具体的零星时间。)
  2. The three sections of the book were written at different times. 这本书的三个部分是在不同的时间写的。(按汉语习惯,不如译为“……在不同的时期写的”。)

注:time 的一些常用的固定词组:

at that time 那时;at the same time 同时;at times 时常,有时;for the time being 暂时;in no time 立刻;in time 及时;on time 按时,准时;once upon a time 从前等。
