
Under 的搭配用法及其分类理解 | 新编英语阅读手册

Under 的搭配用法及其分类理解

Under 的搭配用法及其分类理解

一、介词 under 作“在…下方”讲或引申为数量“不足…”讲时的用法举例

pass under the bridge(汽车等)在桥下通过;
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since we met at the railway station. 自从我们在火车站见面以来已过了很长时间(或起了很大变化);
fall under… 跌到(火车)下面;
get (v.) under…(使)(老鼠即 the mice 等)从(墙即 the wall)底下过来,使(真空吸尘器即 the vacuum cleaner)伸到(椅子)下面;
get (或 bring keep)… under control 使(火即 the fire 或男孩)受到控制或管教;
go under…(老鼠)从(墙)底下钻过去,(硬币即 the coin)滚到(椅子)下方;
place (或 put)… under… 将(这封信)放到(那些书)下面,将(某人)逮捕[under 后加 arrest],对(某人)监视或对(病人)观察[后加 observation];
keep(或 store)sth. under… 将某物搁(或存放)在(床即 the bed)下;
stay (或remain, hold, keep, stop) under (water) for 10 seconds(他)在水下呆了 10 秒钟[过去时或完成时];
lay the cables under the sea 将电缆铺设在海底;
The child came out from under the bridge. 这孩子从桥底下出来。There are under ten computers in the room. 房间里的计算机不足十台。Don't give a lot of money to children under seven years old. 不要给七岁以下的小孩许多钱。The train travels 200 kilometers in under an hour. 这辆火车不到一小时能走 200 公里。Our housing expenses are under what was expected. 我们的住房费用低于预计值。This pen is 20 yuan under the market. 这枝钢笔比市场价低 20 元。It seems to me that he is an officer under a general. 在我看来,他似乎是低于将军级的军官。

二、介词 under 和有关动词搭配,表示“在…条件下”或“在…领导,指导下”时的用法举例

work under her able leadership (或 guidance)(他们)在她的很有才干的领导(或指导)下上作;
learn Chinese under sb. (小孩)在某人指导下学习汉语;
carry out the test flight under these conditions 在这些条件下进行这项试飞;
That company has been labouring under difficulties for the last three weeks。那家公司最近三周一直在困境中挣扎。The boat goes fast under a sail. 这条船扬帆疾行。

三、介词 under 和有关名词连用,表示“处于…过程中、正在…中”之意

This suggestion is under study. 这个建议正在研究中。be under…(这座立交桥即 the flyover)正在(建造即 construction)中;
(手表)正在(修理即 repair)中;
(这个问题)正在(讨论即 discussion)中或正在(调查即 investigation)中,(房地产业即 the real estate business)正在(发展即 development);
see… under… 看见正在建设中的(高架内环路即 the elevated inner-ring road)[under 后接 construction, 作后置定语];
visit a special economic zone under development 访问一个正在开发的经济特区等

注:上述例子中的 under 短语相当于 being + 相应动词的过去分词。如第 1 例中的 under study 相当于 being studied, 第 4 例中的 under development 就相当于 being developed 等

四、介词 under 和有关动词搭配,表示归属含义时的用法举例

  1. Such problems belong under the general heading of the application of computers to the national economy. 这样一些问题就属于计算机用于国民经济的一般范畴。
  2. Both words go under S. 这两个词都归入字母S。
  3. This book should be grouped under information technology. 这本书应归入信息技术。

五、副词 under 用法举例

There is a fence there, and the mouse wants to go under. 那边有围墙,而老鼠想从底下钻过去;
go under(船或人)沉下去,(公司)失败或破产;
keep… under 控制(感情即 the feelings 或火),压制(人民);
remain (或 stay, hold, keep) under(游泳的人即 the swimmers)呆(或停留)在下面约五秒钟[后加 for about five seconds]等

六、under 作形容词用法举例

an under layer下层;
an under servant 一个手下仆人;
take an under dose of medicine 服用剂量不足的药;
The patient was under one hour after he had taken an overdose of sleeping pills. 这病人服用过量安眠药后一小时便昏迷了。

七、Under,Below,Beneath 等用法比较参阅第 25
