
句子的种类 | 新编英语阅读手册




Ⅰ. 陈述句 用来叙述一项事实。

A. 基本结构:主语 + 谓语 + ……

  1. They often talk English. 他们常讲英语。
  2. Instant noodles sell well. 方便面畅销。
  3. TV home shopping is popular here this year. 今年电视直销在这里很受欢迎。

注:there be 句型和某些倒装句中主语和谓语有颠倒现象(见第 148 节、一)。

B. 否定结构:主语 + 谓语(随主语而变的 be、have 或助动词、情态动词) + not + …

  1. Glass is not a conductor. 玻璃不是导体。
  2. Henry will not join in our discussion. 享利将不参加我们的讨论。
  3. He has not bought a P.C. yet. 他尚未买个人计算机。
  4. Prof. Lu doesn't get online on Sundays. 卢教授星期日不上网。

注:英语还有用 never, neither, no, none, nothing, nobody, hardly, scarcely 等词表示否定意义,详见上述词的用法索引。

II. 疑问句 用来提出疑问,句末用问号“?”。疑问句的语序一般都部分倒装,即把谓语中的 be (如 is, are 等),助动词或情态动词等放到主语之前。当谓语由行为动词单独构成时,则须在主语前面加助动词 do (或 does, did 等)。疑问句有下列四种形式:

A. 一般疑问句

  1. Are you college students? 你们是大学生吗?
  2. Have you improved the operating rules? 你们改进了操作规程吗?
  3. Does she go by the safety rules? 她遵守安全规程吗?
  4. Is there anybody in the room? 房间里有人吗?

注 1:一般疑问句通常要求用 yes 或 no (或 not at all 等)来回答。对问句表示同意时,除 yes 外,还可用下列同义词语:certainly一定,of course 当然,please do 请便好了,with pleasure 好的,if you please 随你便,quite so 相当对,exactly 正是如此,absolutely 绝对是的,quite right 说得对(或很对),I think so 我想是这样的,yes, if you like 是啊,随意好了,by all means 完全可以或务必这样等。

注 2:英语用否定句形式提问,而在回答时,仍可把它视为肯定句形式的问句来回答。但译成汉语时,差别很大。例如:

Haven't you been to Shanghai? 你没去过上海吗?
Yes,I have. 不,我去过。
No,I haven't. 是,我没去过。

B. 特殊疑问句 疑问句前出现疑问词的,叫做特殊疑问句。这时句中主语、谓语仍按一般疑问句的要求,需要部分颠倒。只有当主语或主语部分有疑问词出现时,主语、谓语才不颠倒。

  1. What is the reason for your being late? 你迟到的原因何在?(句中 What 作表语)
  2. How can we keep pace with the new development of modern scientific research? 我们怎样才能跟上现代科学研究的新发展?
    When and where did he buy the pager? 他何时何地买了这个寻呼机?
  3. Who has read this book? 谁读过这本书?
  4. Which English books were bought by you yesterday? 你昨天买了哪些英语书?
  5. How long is Shanghai’s Metro Route 2?上海地铁二线有多长?

注 1:如果特殊疑问句中插入以一般疑问句形式出现的插入句,则特殊疑问句本身的主语、谓语仍按正装语序排列。例如:How many test-tube babies did she say she had seen there? 她说她在那边见到了多少个试管婴儿?

注 2:注意句子成份不齐全的特殊疑问句。

1) What about our going shopping? 我们去购物怎样?
2) How about watching TV? 看电视怎样?
3) Why go to her office? 为什么去她的办公室?(持否定态度。)
4) Why not have a chat with him? 为什么不和他聊聊?(表示肯定的建议。)
5) Dad is reading a novel. 爸爸正在读一本小说。
Who by (或 By whom)? 谁写的?
6) I wrote a letter yesterday. 我昨天写了一封信。
Who to (或 To whom)? 给谁写的?

注 3:名词从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等)用疑问词引导时,其后面的主语、谓语不必颠倒。例如:I don't know when the conference will be held. 我不知道该会何时举行。(when 引出宾语从句。若将 I don't know 改为 My question is, 则 when 引出表语从句。)

C. 选择疑问句 句型结构和一般疑问句相同,只是句中用连词 or 提供两个或更多个选择方案。

  1. Are you doing this test or that one? 你在做这项试验还是那项试验?
  2. Will you go online or stay here? 你将去上网还是留在这里?
  3. Do you work in Tianjin or in Beijing? 你在天津还是在北京工作?

D. 反意疑问句 提问者先提出情况和看法,然后问对方是否同意。在句子结构上是前面部分用陈述句的形式,后面部分用前面部分的简短问句形式提问。必须注意,如果前面部分是肯定句,则后面简短问句用否定式;如果前面部分为否定句,则后面简短问句就用肯定式. 例如:

  1. She is your teacher, isn't she?她是你们的老师,对不?
  2. He hasn't been to Japan, has he? 他没去过日本,是吗?
  3. They said nothing about it, did they? 他们关于这件事没说什么,对吗?
  4. He has to learn English, does’t he? 他得学英语,是吗?(注意句末否定式与前面谓语动词组成部分不同。)
  5. She never used to drive any car, did she? 她过去从来不开汽车,是吗?(同上)


1) Let’s go and see the film, shall we? 我们去看电影,怎样?(征求对方意见,共同进行某一动作。)
2) a. Send an e-mail, will you? 发一封电子邮件,好吗?(用于第二人称,含有命令口吻。不算反意疑问句。)
b. Have a cup of tea, won't you? 请喝一杯茶。(用于请客场合,仍是反意疑问句。)
c. (It is a) Fine day, isn’t it? 天气很好,是吧?(仍是反意疑问句。)

E. 疑问句的其它难点在于它用于强调句型或在问句中插入定语从句:

  1. When was it that he made up his mind to take a trip to Beijing? 是什么时候他决定去北京旅行的?(被强调的是状语 when。因它是疑问词,在构成特殊疑问句时就置于句首,后面 it was 也就颠倒。)
  2. When is a body which is free to turn about a point balanced? 在某一支点上能自由摆动的物体何时平衡?

III. 祈使句 用来提出请求、命令、建议或祝愿等。主语 you 常省略。

  1. Be careful! 小心!
  2. Don’t be late! 别迟到!
  3. Please don’t make any noise! 请勿喧哗!
  4. Let’s go for a walk. 让我们去散步吧!
  5. May you succeed. 祝你成功。
  6. Long live our friendship! 我们的友谊万岁!

Ⅳ. 感叹句 目的在于表示强烈的感情。常用 what 和 how 引出强调部分并放在句首(what 修饰名词, how 修饰形容词、副词)。

  1. What a tall TV tower (it is)! 多高的电视塔啊!
  2. How tall the TV tower is! 这座电视塔多么高啊!
  3. How fast he is working! 他干得多快啊!
  4. What a mistake (it is) to have rejected the suggestion! 否定了这个建议是多么错误啊!
  5. How time flies! 时间过得多快啊!
  6. The bridge is absolutely unsafe! 这座桥绝对危险!(注意用陈述句加惊叹号构成的感叹句。使用时要用升调和惊叹语气。)


1) Wasn't it a wonderful match! 这是一场太精彩的比赛了! (注意无否定含义。)
2) Am I angry! 我太生气了!


Ⅰ. 简单句只有一套主谓结构,但容许有并列主语、并列谓语。(例句略)

II. 并列复合句含有两套或更多相互并列的主谓结构的句子,叫做并列复合句。换句话说,它是由两个或更多个并列的简单句构成的。各分句靠连词和逗号、分号来连接。

  1. We study English and they (study) Japanese. 我们学英语,而他们学日语。
  2. We often go to the countryside as well as (we often go) to factories. 我们常下厂,也常下乡。
  3. Computers are not only necessary, but they also play an important role in the national economy. 计算机不仅需要,而且在国民经济中起着颇为重要的作用。
  4. Water has weight; air has weight too, but it is very light. 水有重量;空气也有重量,但空气很轻。
  5. A body must move, otherwise (或 or, or else) no work is done. 物体必须移动,否则就没有作功。
  6. It is blowing hard, so (或 and so, therefore, hence)we must close all the windows. 正刮着大风,所以我们必须关上所有窗户。
  7. He speaks very fast, nevertheless we understand him. 他说话很快,然而我们仍能听懂。
  8. He thought (that) it was gold, whereas it was only a brass. 他认为这是黄金,而实际上只是一件黄铜器。(宾语从句为两个并列分句。)
  9. Either the skin will become diseased, or the blood will be injured by being forced to retain its impurities. 强使污物留下,不是引起皮肤病,就是伤害血液。

同时也须注意,用 so 代替前句(限于肯定句)中出现的句子成分,并要求句子成分倒装(见第 10、11 句)。在否定句中,则用 neither 或 nor 代替否定句中出现的有关成分(见第 12,13 句)。

  1. Heat is energy, so is electricity. 热是能,电也是能。
  2. He likes to study English, so do I. 他喜欢学英语,我也喜欢。
  3. Neither is he mistaken, nor am I. 既非他错,也非我错。
  4. Ms.Liao does not speak French, neither(或 nordo I. 廖女士不会讲法语,而我也不会。
  5. The oil must be out, for the lamp has gone out. 油一定用完了,因为灯已熄灭。(后一句通过 for 补充说明,故未用 because。)
  6. Liquids, however, resist change of sizeor volume), gases do not. 可是,液体不会有尺寸大小即体积的变化,但气体就有这种变化。(本句用逗号连接两个并列分句。)
  7. More than 150 students took the entrance examination, yet out of them only 90 passed. 当时参加入学考试的学生超过 150 人,但仅有 90 人通过。
  8. His painting is not very valuable—still I like it. 他的绘画不是很值钱—但我喜欢它。

要特别注意 when, while, until 等连词引出的并列分句,多数前面有逗号。例如:

  1. He was about to go on, when a new idea made him stop. 他正想继续走下去,而一个新的念头使他停了下来。
  2. She studies harder, while her brother is not a hard student. 他学习较努力,而她的兄弟却不是个用功的大学生.
  3. The little baby grew more and more sickly, until presently he died. 那婴孩病得越来越重,终于不久死去。

III. 主从复合句 含有两套或更多的主谓结构,其中有一个是主要的主谓结构,其它主谓结构从属于它并担任其句子成分。这个主要的主谓结构为主句,其它附属于它的主谓结构为从属句,担任主句中某个成分,如主语、表语、宾语、介词宾语、定语、同位语、状语(包括地点、条件、时间、原因、让步、比较、结果等状语)。从句担任哪个句子成分,这个从句就叫做该成分的从句,如主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等即是。兹举例如下:

  1. Who made these improvements is unknown. 谁作了这些改进,大家都不知道。(主语从句)
  2. It is certain that he will come to the discussion. 他来参加讨论是肯定无疑的。(主语从句,为形式主语。)
  3. Our conclusion is that he must keep up with the times. 我们的结论是:他必须跟上时代的发展。(表语从句)
  4. I don't know who invented computers. 我不知道谁发明了计算机。(宾语从句)
  5. What do you know about how the IP phone works? 关于网络电话如何工作你知道些什么呢?(介词宾语从句)
  6. A generator is a machine that (或 which) changes (或 transforms) mechanical energy to electrical energy. 发电机是将机械能变为电能的一种机器。(定语从句)
  7. He has come to the conclusion that science and education are quite important to the national economy. 他已得出结论:科学和教育对国民经济颇为重要。(同位语从句)
  8. If (或 When) I have enough money,I would like to go on a trip. 如果我有足够的钱(或当我有足够的钱时),我就愿专旅行。(条件状语从句或时间状语从句)
  9. Since this method doesn’t work, let them try another one. 既然这个方法不行,就让他们试用另外一种方法。(原因状语从句)
  10. This is where my mother lives. 这就是我母亲居住的地方。(表语从句)
    You have to go where you met that experienced programmer. 你务必去你当初遇到那位有经验的程序员的地方。(地点状语从句)

从上述例句中可看出,从句只作句子某个成分,并且还要靠 that(无词义;仅在第 6 句中 that 代替前面的 machine,并在从句中作主语),which,where,when,if,since 等词来引出从句。我们把这些词统称为关联词。这些词不限于引导某一种从句,同时还有其它用法。这些正是本手册的重点内容。可在目录中按字母顺序查这些词的用法,又可从语法目录中各种主从复合句中查出这些词可引导哪几种从句。这里,我们拟提一下 where by(借此,凭此),whence(自该处),where in (在那里,在那点上),where on(在那上面)等引出定语从句的用法,并举例如下:

  1. This is the best method where by (=by which) we produce such chemicals. 这是我们生产这样一些化学制品的最好方法。
  2. He has returned whence (=to the place from which) he came. 他已回到他出来的地方。
  3. These are matters where in (=in which) I differ from you. 这些是我和你看法不同的问题。
  4. The island where on (=on which) he lived for many years is far from Shanghai. 他住过多年的岛离上海很远。
