
Have (或 Has) 的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Have (或 Has) 的用法

Have (或 Has) 的用法

一、have 作“有”讲

  1. I have a few Chinese video compact discs (或 VCDs). 我有几张中国光盘。
  2. A solid has both definite size and shape. 固体既有一定的大小,又有一定的形状。
  3. Heavy nuclei, having more energy levels than light nuclei, are more likely to effect capture of a particle. 重核比轻核有较多的能级,所以它更能俘获粒子。(现在分词 having 短语作原因状语,但也可理解为非限制性定语。)
  4. It may be had for the asking. 索取时可免费奉送。(句中 had 用于被动态。)
  5. Nothing worth having can be had without labour. 不劳动只能是什么都不该有。(动名词 having 作形容词 worth 的宾语。had 用于被动态。)

二、“have. (或 had) + 过去分词”构成现在(或过去)完成时,而“will (或 shall) + have + 过去分词”构成将来完成时。(见第 134 节 八、九)

  1. He has been to Microsoft. 他去过微软公司。(试比较:She went to Microsoft. 她[当时]去微软公司了。)(现在完成时)
  2. How many times have you been to Internet Mall? 你去过因特网大商城多少次?(现在完成时)
  3. I have stayed in the cloning technology laboratory for 3 days. 我在克隆技术实验室已呆了三天。(现在完成时)
  4. Since then we have kept in contact with each other for quite a long time. 从那时以来,我们保持互相联系已有相当长的时间了。(现在完成时主动态)
  5. Work can produce heat; heat can do work. Of these facts you have had many examples. 功能够产生热;热能够作功。你已有这些事实的许多例子。(现在完成时主动态,had 系 have “有” 的过去分词)
  6. The circuit has been completed. 电路已经接通了。(现在完成时被动态)
  7. They said that they had worked out their work plan. 他们说,他们已经制订了工作计划。(过去完成时主动态)
  8. He said that your pager had been repaired. 他说你的传呼机已经修理好了。(过去完成时被动态)
  9. Yet you will have done no work by merely exerting force. 仅仅施加力,你仍将是尚未作功。(将来完成时主动态)

三、“have, had 或 shall (will) + have been + -ing”构成现在、过去、将来这三种完成进行时主动态。(参阅第 134 节十一、十二、十三)

四、“have + 带 to 的不定式”,作“只得……”、“只好……”或“要……”讲

  1. We have to change our method of operation. 我们得改变我们的操作方法。
  2. There was something wrong with the instrument, they had to repeat their experiment once again. 仪器出了毛病,他们只好再次重做实验。
  3. To produce strong X-rays, the tube has to be made a very good vacuum. 要产生强烈的X射线,管子必须制成高度真空。(划线处为主语补语。)

五、“have + 有动作意义的名词”作“做一下某动作”或“进行某动作”讲

  1. Let us have a look. 让我们看一看。
  2. We want to have a try. 我们想试一试。
  3. We are having a meeting. 我们正在开会。

六、“have + 宾语 + 不带 to 的不定式”表示“使(叫)……做……”之意

  1. We will have you know that we have made the machine work at full speed. 我们将要使你知道,我们已使这台机器全速运转了。(划线处为主句中的宾语补语。)
  2. We can't have the motor run idle. 我们不能让马达空转。(同上)


(1) I will have him go with me. 我要他同我一起走。(表示主语的意志)
(2) I shall have some one come here. 将有人来这里。(表示与主语的意志无关,仅是反映客观上将发生的情况而已。)
(3) They had a fire break out in the neighbourhood yesterday. 他们附近昨天发生火灾。(表示与主语的意志无关,仅是反映客观上己发生的事实而已。切不可按照“使”、“让”来译,将“他们”理解为“纵火犯”。)

七、“have + 宾语 + 过去分词(作宾语补语,不作后置定语)”表示“让……受到……”、“让人把……弄……”、“使得……”的意思

  1. They have just had the instrument adjusted. 他们刚(请人)把这个仪器调整好。
  2. We must have the steel pipe shortened. 我们必须把这根钢管截短。
  3. You should have the radio repaired. 你应该(请人)把无线电修好。
  4. Electric heaters have their electric energy transformed into heat. 电热器使其电能转变为热能。
  5. He had his experiment report all written out neatly. 他把实验报告写得清清楚楚。


(1) I had my watch mended. 我请人把我的表修好了。(表示主语的意志)
(2) I had my minicamera broken. 我把小型照相机弄坏了。(表示与主语意志无关。不要理解为“我有意让小型照相机摔坏”之意。)


He has only one finger left. 他只剩下一个指头。(定语)

八、“have + 宾语 + 形容词、副词或 -ing(作宾语补语用)”表示“听任……”、“保持……”的意思

  1. It is too hot, you must have all the windows open. 天气太热,你们得让所有窗户都开着。
  2. It is therefore better to have a cutting tool tough and not too hard. 因此最好使刀具有韧性,不太硬。
  3. We have him trying an experiment. 我们让他在试作一个实验。
  4. We can't have them wasting the material in this way. 我们不能允许他们这样浪费那种材料。
  5. Let us have Dr. Fang over. 让我们请方博士过来吧。
  6. He had a tooth out. 他拔了一个牙。

但注意本句型结构中的 -ing(现在分词) 有时不作宾语,而作后置定语。例如:

Last year we had a dry spell lasting 130 days. 去年我们遇上干旱期持续130天。

九、“have it that + …”作“表明”、“主张”、“说”、“声称”等讲

  1. The newspaper has it that our five-year plan was overfulfilled. 报纸上说我们的五年计划超额完成了。
  2. He will have it that his idea will come true。他会声称他的想法会实现的。

十、“had + better + 不带 to 的不定式”表示“最好……”之意

  1. You had better improve the equipment with the senior engineers. 你们最好是跟这些高工一起改进这个设备。
  2. We had better go over the circuit once more. 我们最好把线路再检查一遍。

注意这里的 had 不是过去时。这个句型,不论用于过去时、现在时或将来时,都是以 had 形式(虚拟语气)出现。

  1. He had better not remain here any longer. 他最好不要在此久留。

十一、“have been + 不定式”表示刚完成的动作

I have been to see a doctor. 我刚才去看医生了。(注意说这句话时正是我刚从医生那儿回来了。)


Our aim has been to work out a successful method of synthesis of this compound. 搞出这种化合物的成功的合成法已是我们的目标。

十二、have got 相当于 have 及 have got to 相当于 have to 的用法

  1. We have got (= have) many different electronic dictionaries. 我们有许多各种各样的电子辞典。
  2. You have got (= have) to stop it. 你必须加以制止。

十三、注意 having 的用法

  1. A greater current will overheat and seriously damage the generator having the smaller current capacity. 电流大,就能使载流量较小的发电机过热并受到严重损坏。(后置定语)
  2. Besides having inertia all material objects have the ability to attract all other objects. 一切物体除了有惯性以外,还具有吸引所有其它物体的性能。(介词宾语)
  3. The moon having no atmosphere, there can be no wind. 由于月亮没有大气层,所以就没有风。(独立分词结构)
  4. Dr. Ouyang(’s) having left made the situation here hard. 欧阳博士走后,这里处境就困难了。(复合结构或动名词短语作主语。)
  5. Not having enough time, I could not gain access to Yahoo. 由于没有足够的时间,我未能再次访问雅虎(网站)。(现在分词短语作原因状语。)
  6. Having failed several times, he needs some encouragement. 失败了几次以后,他就需要得到一些鼓励。(现在分词短语完成式作时间状语。)
  7. Having had no answer, he wrote again. 由于无回音,他又写了一封信.(现在分词短语完成式作原因状语。)
  8. A body at rest cannot be moved without having an enough force acting on it. 如果没有一个足够大的力作用于静止的物体上,那末该物体是不会(被)移动的。(动名词短语作介词宾语,其中包含宾语和宾语补语。)
