
Back 的搭配及其引申用法的理解 | 新编英语阅读手册

Back 的搭配及其引申用法的理解

Back 的搭配及其引申用法的理解

Back 主要作副词用,但还可兼名词、形容词和动词。这里仅讨论其副词的丰富多彩用法。

一、副词 back 与有关动词搭配,表示“向后面、往后退或往回退、在后面”含义时的用法举例

call (v.) back(在对方打来电话以后我)回电话;
bear back so that the car may pass. 往后挤,让这辆汽车通过。come back(她)回来,(短裙子即 short skins)重新流行;
drive (v.) back 驾车回去,(他)开车把(某人)送回去;
drop (或 fall) back(价格)回落;
fall back(人群即 the crowd)后退,(敌人)退却,(我)往后摔倒;
draw (或 pull) back (人群)往后撤,(他)背弃协议(后加 from the agreement. 由“退离…”引申过来);
get back (或 Stay back)! 后退(或呆在后面)!get back into bed 回去睡觉;
get back to…(他)重返(故乡即 his hometown),(她)再次找(你)谈谈(尤指通电话);
go back(你)回去,(你们)后退两米(后加 two meters);
go back from…(他)背弃(合同即 the contract 或朋友);
go back to… 回到(上海或那个话题即 the topic)(他)回到(他的妈妈)身边;
He was back at nine o’clock. 他九点回来的。How far is it to Tianjin and back? 去天津来回有多远? The boy is back in his work. 这男孩学业落在后面。keep back! 别往前走!look back 往后看;
move (v.) back 往后退,(他)将(他的部下即 his men)调回来;
put back(船)返航进入港口(后加 into the port)或回到岸边(后加 to the shore);
ride back 骑马、骑车或乘车回去;
run back 跑回来,开车回来;
We won't stand (或 sit) back if you punish your brother. 如果你惩罚你的兄弟,我们不会坐视不管。
The information center stands (或 sits) back the road. 信息中心的位置离马路有一段距离。step (或 stand) back 后退或往后站;
turn back(她)回来,翻到(第六页)(后加 to page six);
walk back 步行或(走)回来等

二、副词 back 和有关动词搭配,表示“叫回、带回、送回、放回、收回、调回、搬回、退回、取回、交回(或交还)、撤回、回请”等含义时的用法举例

ask (或 have) sb. back 回请某人;
call sb. back 把某人叫回来,10分钟后再给某人打电话(后加 in ten minutes),收回(错误的想法即 the wrong idea);
bring… back 将(这些光盘即 VCDs)带回来;
bring sb. back a cup of tea 给某人带一杯茶来;
draw… back 拉回或拉开(窗帘即 the curtain),(他)缩回(脚即 his foot);
bed riven back(敌人)被迫后退;
feed (v.) back to… 将(信息即 the information)反馈给(公司),(无信息即 no information)反馈给(公司);
fling (或 throw) sb. back the ball 把球扔回给某人;
fling (或 throw) back one’s head 猛然或很快回首;
get (或 have) the money back 收回或取回这笔钱;
get (或 give, hand)… back to sb. 将(钥匙即 the key)交还给某人;
lay the baby back on the bed 将婴儿送回到床上;
move (v.) back 调回(坦克即 the tanks),搬回(桌子);
pull… back 将(钟即 the clock)往回拨一小时(后加 one hour),撤回(兵力即 one’s forces),从火焰中拉回或拉出(几个女孩即 a few girls)(后加 from the flames);
pay the money back to sb. 将钱付还给某人;
put… back 将(书)放回原处(后加 where they were),将(表)往回拨2小时(后加 two hours);
pass (或 play) the ball back to sb. 将球传回给某人;
place… back 将(戒指即 the ring)放回到(匣子)中(后加 in the box);
report… back to sb. 向某人汇报(调查结果即 the fin dings);
send… back 将(信件)退回,(也可用 pass the letter back),将(小孩)送回到(他的母亲)(后加 to his mother);
(卫星即 the satellite)将(照片即 the pictures)发送回来;
set… back 将(桌子)往后摆一点(后加 a little),将(表)往回拨(或拨慢)一小时;
take… back 接回(女孩),收回(房子)(因未按期付款),将(书)还给图书馆(后加 to the library);
welcome sb. back to… 欢迎某人再来(北京);
write back 写回信,写回信给某人(后加 to sb.)等

三、副词 back 本意不变,跟有关动词搭配时表示“回击、击退、回嘴(或顶嘴)、回敬、报复”之意

answer (或 talk) sb. back 对某人顶嘴或回嘴;
beat back… 击退(敌人即 the enemies),(火焰即 the flames)使(消防人员即 the firemen)往后退;
fight back against the enemy 回击敌人;
hit (或 strike) sb. back 回击或反击某人;
get back at sb. 向某人报复;
throw back the enemy 很快击退敌人;
pay the enemies back for their trick(我们)回惩敌人的阴谋诡计;
pay sb. back for his help 报答某人的帮忙;
give (或 pay) back the enemies blow for blow(我们)对敌人以牙还牙(由“以打击对付打击回敬或报复敌人”引申过来)等

四、副词 back 与有关动词搭配,表示“追溯到、回忆起、回想起…”含义时的用法举例

bring back …to sb’s mind(这)使某人回忆起(童年时代即 the childhood)(由“把…带回到脑海中”引申过来);

cannot call her face back 不能回想起她的容貌(由“不能将…呼唤回来”引申过来);
carry sb. back to his(或 her)youth(这本书)使某人回忆起青年时代(由“将某人带到青年时代”引申过来);
Let’s throw (或 cast) our thoughts (或 minds) back to the last meeting. 让我们回忆最后一次会见。(意译);
Their names came back to her soon. 她很快回想起他们的名字。
It came back to me when she taught us English. 我回忆起何时她教我们英语。
go back to one’s younger days 追溯或回忆年轻时代;
Those photographs took her back to her childhood. 那些照片使她回忆起她的童年。
look back on (或 upon) one’s youth 回忆青年时代等

五、副词 back 与有关动词搭配,由其本意“往回”引申为“回原处或回原状”时的用法举例。这时动词短语常有“恢复、重新、再……”含义

The doctor brought (或 put, pulled) her back to health. 医生使她恢复了健康。(由“重新把我带、拉到健康状态”引申过来。)
check back tomorrow about this matter 明天再联系这件事;
get (或 call) sb.’s strength back(这药即 this medicine)恢复了某人的体力[过去时];
come back into fashion(那种服装款式即 that style of dress)重新流行起来[现在完成时];
give sb. his (或her) good spirits back(假日旅行即 the holiday travel)恢复某人的良好情绪;
go back to…(小孩)重返家中[后接 the family];
He can put back all the weight he lost in the past two months. 他能恢复最近两个月减去的体重。
Put (或 Bring, Take, Get) the letter back where you found it after you read it. 看完信后请将信重新放回(或带回、拿回、退回)到你先前发现信的地方。

六、副词 back 与有关动词搭配,表示“耽误、推迟、抑制、忍住、阻拦、隐瞒、紧缩、减少”含义时用法举例

bite back the complaints on the tip of the tongue(她)把到嘴边的怨言咽了下去;
cut back… 将(电线即 the wire)剪短,将(支出即 the expenses)削减(转译);
fight back 忍住(笑即 one’s laughter),抑制(做某事的欲望即 the desire to do sth.);
keep (或 hold) back… 抑制(怒火即 one’s anger),(警察即 the policemen)阻拦(人群即 the crowd),(河堤即 the banks of the river)阻挡(洪水即 the flood),(雨)耽误(我们),(她)对我隐瞒(这些事实)(后加 fromus. 由“使这些事实与我们保持隔开”引申过来);
pull back on one’s spending 紧缩(开支)(由“将…往回拉→紧缩”演变过来);
put back…(战争)使(经济增长即 the economic growth)耽误30年[用过去时。后接 by 30 years]等
