
With 的各种搭配用法及分类理解 | 新编英语阅读手册

With 的各种搭配用法及分类理解

With 的各种搭配用法及分类理解

介词 with 的基本词义为“同、跟或和…(一起)”、“具有、带有、伴有或陪衬…”、“以或用…(后接表示工具、实物等词)”、“以…方式”等。至于其它用法,例如“与…相处”、“同意、赞成、一致、符合…”、“与…联系、连接、结合、化合、混合、合作、勾结”、“与…争论、竞争、斗争、”“随身…”、“随着…”、“对于或关于…”、“由于或为了…目的”、“虽然”等意思,都是 with 短语跟有关动词搭配在一定的上下文前提下引申的用法。

一、“with + 有关名词”跟不少动词及其相应的名词连用可分別表示“同或跟…闲聊、交谈、谈判、讨论等”或“与……一起工作、居住或一起走等”

chat with sb. 跟某人闲聊;
have a long chat with sb. 跟某人进行一次长时间闲聊;
discuss with sb. 跟某人讨论;
hold(或have)a heated discussion with sb. 和某人举行(或进行)一次热烈的讨论;
negotiate with sb. For a contract 为订立个合同和某人谈判;
begin (或 open) negotiations with sb. for a contract(我们)为订立合同而开始与某人谈判;
contract with sb. 跟某人订合同;
be (或 keep) in touch (contact) with sb. 与某人接触中(或保持接触);
live (或 work) with sb. 和某人交朋友或恋爱(多年即 for years);
go with…(我们必须)跟上(时代即 the times),(房子)和(游泳池即 the swimming pool)一起出售(或出租),(金钱)和(幸福)并不总是结伴同行[go 前加 does not always];
share… with sb. 通某人分享(股票即 the stocks)等

二、“有关动词 + with…”表示“与…交往、相处关系或状态”时的用法举例

get (或 go) on (或 along) well with sb. 跟某人相处很好;
注意惊叹句用法:Get (或 Go, Come) on (with you)! ﹤口﹥去你的!我不相信!(还可用 Get away with you, Get away, Go along with you, Go along, Get off with you, Get off, Come along 来代替。)How is she getting (或 going) on (或 along) with her work (或 her new book)?她的工作(或她的新书进展如何?get well in with sb. 套近乎或巴结某人;
keep in with the leaders 一直巴结领导;
be well in with…(他)跟(经理)有交情[含贬义];
be in love with sb. (他)和某人在恋爱;
stand well with…(他)跟(经理)的关系好;
be connected with…(他)和(我的家庭即 my family)有关系;
be associated with…(体积即 the volume)与(温度)有关[也可用 be related with 或 to… 代替];
make friends with… 和(某人)交朋友;
keep friends with… 和(他)保持友好关系;
take up with…(他)跟(许多人)交往或要好,(她)对(这个错误的答案即 the wrong answer)信以为真等

三、“有关动词 + with…”表示“同意”、“一致”、“相符”、“合拍”、“相配或协调一致”时用法举例

agree with… 同意(你或你的计划);
be in agreement with sb. there(我)在那点上同意某人;
be with sb. all the way in the fight for equal rights 完全支持某人争取平等权利的斗争;
close with…(我)最后同意(售货员的出价即 the sale girl’s offer),(他们)最后彼此达成一致[with 后加 each other];
I don't hold with this plan. 我不同意这个计划。(常用于否定句或疑问句。)go with sb. on this suggestion 有关这个建议我同意某人看法;
go with…(家具即 the furniture 和(房子)相配;
go along with…(他)同意(这个计划);
comform with…(任务即 the task)和(所承担的责任即 the responsible position)相称一致;
comform… with… 使(我们的想法即 our ideas)和(当今社会即 today’s society)相适应或相符,(我们的表现即 our behavior)与(当今社会)一致;
check with the fact(这)和事实相符或一致;
consist with…(报道即 the report)符合(事实);
keep with…(这些画即 the pictures)和(家具)和谐相配;
match with…(词即 the words)和(曲即 the music)相配一致或合拍;
meet with…(他的讲话)和(我们的观点即 our viewpoint)一致;
work (vt., vi. )in with… 使(我的工作)和(他的计划)合拍,(她)和(我们)协力合作等

四、“有关动词 + with…”表示“与…联系、交际、结合、啮合、混合、混淆、化合、合并、合作、勾结、合谋”等用法举例

combine (v.) with… 将(电脑)和(电话)结合起来,(理论)结合(实践),(这个学校)和(那个学校即 that one)合并或联合,(C 即碳)跟(O2 即氧)化合;
link… with… 使(理论)联系(实践);
merge (v.) with…(使)这个公司和(那个公司即 that one)合并;
connect (v.) with…(计算机)给(我)接通(北京),(这条河)和(大海)相通,(警察局即 the police)将(他)和(罪行即 the crime)联系在一起;
corporate with…(我)同(他)合作筹建一个公司[后加 in working up a company];
engage with…(这个齿轮即 this gear)和(那个齿轮即 that one)啮合或咬合在一起;
unite (v.) with…(使)(理论)和(实践)统一或结合,(油)和(水)不相融[谓语用 doesn't…];
mix (v.) with… 将(蛋即 eggs)和(水)混合在一起,(油)和(水)不相融[谓语用 doesn't mix];
mix… up with… 将(这个词)和(那个词)混淆不清;
communicate with…(她)和(我们)交往,(这房间)与(卧室即 the bedroom)相通;
be in communication with…(他)保持和(某人)联系;
join forces with…(我们)和(他们)会师、联合;
plot with sb. (他)和某人策划反对…[后加 against…];
conspire with…(他)和(小偷即 the thief)勾结或密谋做某事[后加 todo something];
be closed with sb. 与某人密谈 等

五、“有关动词 + with…”表示“与…争论、争吵、竞争、交锋、交战、决裂、冲突、斗争、讲道理”等时用法举例

argue (或 debate) with sb. 与某人争论(或辩论);
battle (或 fight, struggle) with… 与(敌人)交战(或斗争);
break with… 跟(某人或旧的想法即 the old ideas)决裂;
conflict with…(这个会议即 this meeting)和(那个会议即 that one)有冲突;
compete with…(他)和(某人)竞争或竞赛;
engage with… 与(敌人)交锋,(机器的各个零件即 the different parts of the machine)彼此交结(或啮合);
quarrel with… 跟(某人)吵架;
reason with sb. (老师)跟(学生)讲道理→(老师)劝告(学生)等


Volumes change with temperatures. 体积随温度而变。
The birds fly away With the winter. 这些鸟随冬天而飞走。
With these words he stepped down From the stage. 说完这些话他便从台上走下来。
She brought up her spoken English with the passing of the years. 随着岁月的流逝她提高了英语口语。
With day light she hurried away. 天一亮,她就匆匆离去。
He is swimming with the stream. 他正顺流而游。
Skill come with experience. 技艺随经验而来→经验越丰富,技艺就越高。

七、含 with 的动词短语表示“赶上…,与…保持同步、同等对比、对比、对照”等时的用法举例

catch (或 get) up with… 赶上(某人或公共汽车),赶上(先进的水平即 the advanced level);
come up with… 赶上(某人),(她)提出(一个建议)[由“带着一个建议走上前来”引申过来];
keep up with… 保持跟上(其他学生或时代即 the times);
keep step(或 pace)with… 与(时代或某人)同步或并驾齐驱;
remain the level with the other players(他)和其他运动员保持同等水平;
stay (或 stick) with…(我们)和(他们)保持相等水平,(他)继续使用(这种方法);
class sb. with the best scientists of the age 将某人列入当代第一流科学家;
rank with the best writers(他)进入最优秀作家行列[由“与…并列”引申过来];
rate (v.) with…(使)(我们的火车)列入(最快的火车);
sing with the best of them 她唱歌可与他们中间的最佳歌唱家相媲美[由“与最佳歌唱家同台演唱”引申过来];
compare (v.) with…(使)(这台电脑)和那台比较;
contrast (v.) with…(使)(善即 good)和(恶即 evil)作对比;
English is easier in contrast (或 comparison) with Chinese. 与汉语相比,英语较为容易。

八、“有关动词 + with…”作“处理、应付、对付、将就过去、容忍、耐心、面临”讲时用法举例

cope with… 应付(许多任务即 a lot of tasks),(我们能)对付(某人);
deal with… 处理(困难),处罚(某人),公正对待(某人)[后加 justly],跟(这家银行)打交道;
What have you done with…?你对(这个顽皮小孩即 the naughty child)作了什么处理或你把(我的书)弄到哪里去了?If he can't get any water, what will he have to do with?如果他搞不到水,那么他将不得不用什么来将就过去(或凑付一下)呢?can't do with…(我)无法容忍(那么大的闹声即 so much noise);
manage with…(他)用(旧的机器)来对付(或将就)过去;
can't bear (或 put up) with… 不能容忍(这样一种工作态度即 such a work attitude);
can't hold with the son cutting a class 不能容忍儿子旷一节课;
be patient with…(她)对(儿女)耐心;
be faced (或 confronted) with… 面临(许多危险即 a lot of dangers)等

九、“有关动词 + with…”作“随身有、随身携带、拥有、设有、备有、伴有、染有、患有”等讲时的用法举例

have money with…(我)随身有钱[with 后加 me];
carry… with…(他)随身携带(一本书)[with 后加 him];
Get away with your son. 带着你的儿子走。Get away (或 off, along) with you!滚开!去你的!(由“带着你自己走”引申过来。)He made away with himself. 他自杀了。(由“他带着他自己离世”引申过来。)run away with…(小偷)携(款)逃走,他和(一个女人)私奔;
possess oneself with our money(他)将我们的钱占为己有[oneself 改为 himself];
He was possessed by bad motives. 坏的动机缠住了他。(由“他被坏的动机所拥有”引申过来。) take the money with oneself 随身带走钱;
be equipped with…(这个学校)设有或拥有(三个球场即 three ball fields),(她)具有(足够的能力即 enough ability);
be stocked with…(这家商店)备有(许多新书等);
be ill (或 sick) with flu(他)患(流感);
be infected with…(伤口即 the wound)受(细菌即 germs)感染;
come(或 be taken)down with flu 患流感病倒;
She accompanied her speech with forceful movements of the hands. 她发表演说伴有强有力的手势。Today’s thunder was accompanied with lightening. 今天雷电交加。I have a cold accompanied with fever. 我感冒还伴有发烧.

十、“with + 介词宾语+宾语补(足)语”结构用于说明附带情况或交待细节举例。注意其中宾语补语可以用现在分词或其短语、过去分词或其短语、副词、形容词、介词或不定式短语形式出现

With the temperature being constant, the volume changes with the pressure. 当温度保持恒定不变时,体积随压强而变。
He felt quite nervous with so many people listening to his talk. 有那么多人听他讲话,他感到很紧张。
She often watches TV with the lamp lighted. 她常亮着灯看电视。
In winter I always sleep with the windows closed. 冬天我总是关着窗户睡觉的。
He is standing there with a book in his hand. 他正站在那边,手里拿着一本书。
He went off with a cap on. 他头戴一顶帽离开了。
We did such an experiment with windows open. 我们当时在窗户敞开情况下做了这样一个实验。
He went out with his head high(或 down). 他昂首(或低着头)走了出去。
In gases, the particles are far apart, with empty between. 气体中各粒子相互隔开,其间有空隙。
With so much homework to be done, I can't go to the cinema. 有那么多作业,我不能去看电影。
With five minutes to go before the train drew out, I got to the railway station. 在火车还有五分钟就要开出时,我到达了火车站。

十一、with 短语在有关名词后作后置定语,用以表示某些特征、附带的情况或作“连同一起”讲

Have you ever seen anybody with this name?可曾见过叫这个名字的人吗?
He is a senior engineer with forty years of experience. 他是位有 40 年经验的高级工程师。
I found your purse this morning, with 400 yuan in it. 我在今晨找到了你的皮包,里面有 400 元。
What a beautiful road, with tall green trees on both sides of it! 多么美丽的一条道路,其两旁都栽有绿树!
Yesterday I made friends with some young men with ideas. 昨天我和一些有思想的男青年交了朋友。
I have been to your office, with a few new-type computers init. 我去过你们的办公室,里面有几台新型的计算机。
We had four English classes only with a short rest period. 我们上了四节英语课,中间只有一次短暂的休息。
Would you like coffee with milk? 你愿要牛奶咖啡吗?

十二、“with + 表示情绪、意志、程度等的名词”作状语用,表示“……地”时的用法举例

face difficulties with courage 勇敢地面对(困难等);
meet guests with politeness 有礼貌地迎接客人;
speak Chinese with fluency 流利地讲中文;
visit Beijing with pleasure 高兴地访问北京;
study with a will 热情起劲地学习;
walk with ease 步履轻盈;
work with satisfaction 满意地工作;
smile with pride 得意地微笑;
agree to the plan with one voice(他们)异口同声地同意这个计划;
praise sb. with one accord(我们)一致表扬某人 等

十三、be + 表示态度或情绪的形容词(有时用过去分词形式)+ with…”结构用法举例

be delighted(或 pleased)with…(我)喜欢(这个舞蹈即 the dance);
be angry with sb. 对(某人)生气;
be concerned with… 关心(形势即 the situation);
be disappointed with (或 in)…对(他或他的工作)失望;
be frank with… 对(她)很坦诚;
be good (或 nice) with… 对(朋友)很好;
be popular with (或 among)…(这位教师)很受(家长即 the parents)欢迎;
be satisfied with… 对(某人或他的货物即 his goods)很满意;
be strict with…(他)对(儿女)很严格等

十四、with + 表示工具、手段等含义的名词等”跟有关动词搭配时表示“以或用…”意思时的举例

eat with… 用(筷子即 chopsticks)用餐;
clean glass with… 用(一块布即 a piece of cloth)擦玻璃;
be cooled with…(房子)用,空调器即 conditioners)冷却;
defend the motherland with… 用(枪炮即 guns)保卫祖国;
break… with a stone 用石头打破(窗户);
kill… with a gun 用枪打死(一只老虎即 a tiger);
be green with trees(这个地区即 this district)绿树成荫;
see much better with the advanced glasses 用高级眼镜看就清楚多了;
pollute air with CO 用一氧化碳污染空气;
shoot with… 用(枪炮)射击;
write with a ball pen 用圆珠笔写;
welcome a guest with open arms 张开双臂欢迎客人等

十五、“有关动词+ with…”表示“以…开始或结束”、“以…供给或贈给”等含义时的用法举例

begin (或 start) (v.) with…(今天)以(好消息即 good news)开始,(我们)以(这样一个胜利)来开始(新的世纪即 the new century)[begin 或 start 后接 such a victory] To begin (或 start) with, we want to visit Beijing. 首先,我们想访问北京。(句首部分为固定的插入语。)start off with…(这本英语手册即 the English handbook)以(A 字母)开始的;
end (或 finish)(v. )with…(他们)以(汤即 the soup)结束(正餐即 the dinner),(他)和(那个人)断绝来往;
conclude… with…(他)以“多谢”结束他的(演讲即 his speech)[with 加 many thanks];
present sb. with… 赠某人(一台桌面式计算机 a desk-top computer);
supply… with… 以(软件即 software)供给(市场即 the market);
provide… with…(我们)供给(他们)以(食物即 food)等

十六、“有关动词+ with…”表示“填充、填满、挤满、充满、富于、满足、满灌(或淹没)”等含义时用法举例

fill… with… 将(这个箱子即 the box)填满(沙子即 sand),将(这油箱即 the oil tank)灌满(汽油),将(水)灌满(杯子);
crowd the shelf with books(他)将(书)摆满书架;
be crowded with…(这房间)挤满(人即 people);
be fraught with…(探险即 the expedition)充满(危险),(这条船)装满(货物即 goods);
be flooded with…(麦田即 the wheat fields)被(大雨即 the heavy rain)淹没,(大厅即 the hall)到处是(抱怨声即 complains);
be loaded with… (卡车即 the truck)装满(石子即 stones);
be rich with…(她)富有(做汽车生意的经验即 experience in dealing in cars);
be satisfied with…(他)酒足饭饱 [后加 food and drink],(我)对(结果即 the result)心满意足;
be stocked with…(冰箱即 the refrigerator)贮满(食物);
be thick with…(空气)充满(烟雾即 smoke),(他的讲话即 his talk)充满(喜悦即 joy)等

十七、with 短语和有关动词搭配或单独使用作“对于…、关于…”、或“与…有关、就…说来”讲时的用法举例

He concerned himself with the plan. 那时他对这个计划很关心。This Book is concerned with Asia 这本书是关于亚洲的。be familiar with… 她熟悉或通晓(计算机即 computers)[=Computers are familiar to her];
be busy with… 他忙于(他的研究即 his research);
All is normal with my eyes, nose and ears. 我的眼、鼻、耳全都正常。All things are right with us. 我们的一切都很顺利。That’s a bad behavior with some children here. 那是与这里一些小孩有关的不良表现。have difficulty with…(我们)对(这个项目即 the project)有困难;
leave… with sb. (我)将(信、地址)留给某人,将(女儿)托付给(母亲);
lie with…(这项工作)是(他)的职责或由(他)承担;
raise a lot of questions with… 对(他)提出许多问题;
take up… with sb. 向某人提交(住房问题即 a question of housing)等

注 1: 下例中 with 短语的用法较为灵活:

1)With most of them (,) learning is more important than travel. 对他们大多数人说来,学习比旅游重要。
2)What’s the matter with her? 她怎么了?
3)It’s the same with old people. 对于老年人来说,情况是相同的。
4)It is night with the Americans while it is day with the Chinese. 对美国人来说是夜晚而对中国人则是白天。

注 2: 注意另外三个也表示“关于…”含义的 with 固定短语(主要用于书面语)

1)With reference to GDP, we will soon give you our further information. 至于 GDP(指国内生产总值)我们即将发布进一步的信息。
2)He didn't say anything with regard to his own income. 他没有说有关他个人收入的任何情况。
3)The debate with respect to the theories will be put off till next week. 有关这些理论的辩论将延期到下周举行。

十八、用介词 with 短语表示肯定的条件(联系用介词 without 短语表示否定的条件)

  1. With the temperature being constant, the greater the pressure (is), the less the volume (is). 若温度不变,则压强越大,体积就越小。
  2. Without sunlight and water there would be no plant. 如果没有阳光和水,就没有植物。

十九、介词 with 短语作“由于…”讲时用法举例

  1. What with the heavy rain I was late again. 由于下大雨,我又迟到了。
  2. The boy was tired with running. 这男孩跑累了。
  3. She died with cancer last night. 她因患癌症于昨晚去世。
  4. With such knowledge and experience, you will certainly write good software. 你有这样的知识和经验,一定能编出好的软件。
  5. They came here at midnight, their ears red with cold. 他们半夜来到这里,耳朵冻得发红。
  6. The girl lost her voice with singing too many songs. 这女孩唱歌太多把嗓子唱哑了。
  7. He is infirm with age. 他年老体弱。

二十、介词 with 短语作“虽然或尽管”讲时用法举例

  1. With all her money, she isn't living a happy life. 尽管她很有钱,但她并没有过着幸福的生活。
  2. I don't like this project with all its advantages. 尽管这个项目有许多有利条件,但我不喜欢(它)。
  3. With all her achievements, she was quite modest. 尽管她很有成就,但她当时却很谦虚。

二十一、有时 with 短语表示目的或结果。为此注意上下文的搭配关系及常用的几个固定短语

  1. With the view of improving your listening comprehension, we are going to make use of educational films. 为了提高你们的听力理解,我们准备利用教学影片。
  2. She wants to go to the supermarket with the attention of buying a video camera. 她想去超市,其目的是买一架摄像机。
  3. She arrived at the small village with the purpose of visiting her teacher. 她到达这个小村庄是为了拜访她的老师。
  4. They have discussed the contract for weeks, with the result that this morning we arrived at an agreement. 我们对这份合同讨论了好几个星期,结果于今天上午达成协议。
  5. He didn't accept many good pieces of advice, with disastrous results. 他不接受许多有益的劝告,结果遭到灾难性的后果。

二十二、注意“有关副词 + with…”的一些固定短语的用法

Away with…! 把(它)拿走!去掉(旧的观点即 old viewpoints)!让(他)走开!Down with fascism!打倒法西斯!off with…! 脱下(你的帽子即 your cap)!断绝和(他)的关系!Off (或 Out) with you! 给我滚开!On with your shirt!穿上你的衬衣吧!On with the dance! 起舞吧!Up with China team! 支持中国队!Bring all your reference books, together (或 along) with a dictionary. 带上你所有的参考书,同时带一本辞典来。
