
Within 的搭配用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Within 的搭配用法

Within 的搭配用法

一、介词 within 表示“在…内部或里面”或“进入…内部”,用于表示空间、距离在某些限度范围内

lie within the city walls(这些房子)在城(墙)以内;
keep within doors(他)呆在屋里;
be within ten kilometers from here(学校)离这里不到两公里;
be within sight (或 view) of land(我)已能望见陆地;
live quite within a stone’s throw of the hotel 住在离旅馆很近的地方[由“投掷石块所及的地方”引申过来];
sit (或 stand) within two paces of me(她)坐(或站)在离我不到两步的地方;
stay within shouting distance(小孩)呆在一喊便能听见的距离范围内;
see within the human body by using x-rays 利用 X 光看见人体内部;
come (或 be well) within range(敌人)正好处于射程范围内;
be within his rights(这)属于他的权利范围;
fall within…(这)属于(或落入)(我们的职责即 the scope of our duty)范围,(他的年龄即 his age)在(规定限度即 the prescribed limits)内;
won't refuse to do anything within reason 不会拒绝做任何合理的事;
be within…(这些结果即 the results)在(精确度即 the accuracy)范围内或不超过(实验误差即 the experimental error)等

二、介词 within 用于时间、数量方面表示“在…以内”、“不足…”之意

be (或 come) back within an hour(他)一小时内回来;
be repaired within five minutes(这台计算机)在五分钟内修好;
receive the letter within a week(我)不足一周便收到来信[过去时];
be stepped up within the year(生产即 the production)在一年内上升一个台阶;
die (或 be dead)within a month 一月内去世;
afford to buy… within 10000 yuan(他)在 1 万元内买得起(计算机)等

注 1:介词 within 和 in 用于表示时间方面的差别:

1)Henry will start out for Beijing within 3 days. 亨利将在三天以内动身去北京。
2)They will start out for Shanghai in 3 days. 他们将在三天以后动身去上海。(注意只限于用在将来时,不能用 after 代替 in。)
3)She worked out the plan in two hours. 她用两小时制订了计划。

注 2:有时通过“在微小的距离内”转译为“差一点”含义。例如:

1)The boy came within an inch of being run over by a car. 这男孩差一点被汽车压倒。
2)The girl was within an ace of drowning. 这女孩当时差一点淹死。(ace 本义为“毫厘、微量”。)
3)The man was beaten to within an inch of his life. 这男人差一点被打死。(比喻生与死的差距不足一英寸。)

三、介词 within 用在内心、状态方面表示“在…以内”、“不超出…”之意

  1. Within our knowledge, such an event has never happened before. 据我们所知,这样的事件过去从未发生过。(由在“我们了解的范围内”引申过来。)
  2. James felt that entirely fresh influences were at work within him. 詹姆士感到一些全新的影响在他内心起着作用。
  3. Her speech is not within my memory. 她的演讲我记不起来了。
  4. Their hearts sank within them at the news. 他们听到这消息,心就凉了大半截。

四、副词 within 用法举例

be clean within and without(房子、汽车等)里外都干净;
be white without and red within(窗帘、外衣等)外白内红;
inquire within 入内询问;
apply within 入内申请,be calm without and pure within(他)外表镇静和内心纯洁等

注:有时单个 within 作后置定语。例如:He stood at the door and saw all of the teachers within. 当时他站在门口并看见里面的所有老师。

五、单个副词 within 作介词 from 的宾语

open the door from within(我)从里面把门打开;
be shocked by a cry from within(她)被里面传出的叫喊声所震惊;
split… from within(敌人想)从内部分裂(党)等
