
注意:“介词+介词短语、副词或形容词”结构 | 新编英语阅读手册





  1. We should work still harder from now on. 今后我们应更加努力地工作。
  2. He did not know the basic principles until quite recently. 直到最近他才知道这些基本原理。
  3. Not a few senior engineers work in the computer companies about(或 around)here. 不少高工在这里附近的计算机公司工作。
  4. From here we see that the liquid flows down the tower under the force of gravity, but vapor flows upward. 由此可见,液体在重力作用下沿着塔往下流,而蒸汽往上流。
  5. Their cloning-related research is far from over. 他们有关克隆的研究工作远没有结束。
  6. I live with my uncle, who has a business in a mountain town north of here. 我和叔叔一起住,他在这里的北部山城开了一个公司。
  7. From far out in space come other kinds of radiation known as cosmic rays. 还有其它一些称之为宇宙线的辐射线系来自遥远的外层空间。
  8. All rooms were cleaned except here. 除这里以外,所有房间都打扫了。


  1. The hovercraft is something in between a boat and an aircraft. 气垫船是介于船和飞机之间的一种交通工具。(意择)
  2. Choose a beeper from among these. 从这些寻呼机中挑选一个。
  3. We take coal and petroleum up from under the ground. 我们从地下开采煤和石油。
  4. The device was removed from out of the room yesterday. 室外的这个装置昨天已被搬走。(原义为:这个装置昨天从室外被搬走了。)
  5. The blue whale can grow to a length of up to 30 meters. 兰鲸身体可长达30米。
  6. Pipistrelles are active in summer from dusk to just before sunrise. 小蝙蝠夏天活动时间是从黄昏到日出前。
  7. They came from over the sea (或 from all over the world = from around the world). 他们来自海外(或来自世界各地)。
  8. We can remove practically all the air from between the double glass walls of a thermos bottle. 我们实际上可以将热水瓶双层玻璃中间的空气全部抽走。
  9. They are peasants from out of the city. 他们是城市郊区的农民。
  10. Our test will be started in from fifty minutes to two hours’ time. 我们的实验将在 50 分钟到两个小时以后开始。
  11. From across the fields came strange noises. 从田野那边传来奇怪的闹声。
  12. The whole process is controlled by between three and six engineers with the help of computers. 整个过程由 3 到 6 之间的工程师(即四、五位工程师)借助于计算机来控制。(但 between three and six 作前置定语。)


  1. The result of his experiment is far from satisfactory. 他的实验结果远远不是令人满意的。
  2. The patient looked anything but well.(当时)病人脸色绝非良好。
  3. She has brought up her spoken English considerably of late. 最近她英语口语大大地提高了。
  4. The magician may turn the liquid from blue to red. 魔术师可以将这液体由蓝变红。
  5. The boy came back at last. 这个男孩终于回来了。

注:at most(至多),at least(至少),at latest(最晚),at longest(最长,最久)等表面上是“介词+形容词”结构,实际上是这些形容词最高级前面省略了定冠词 the,因此这些前面加 the 的最高级形容词已名词化了。


有些句子,乍一看似乎有“介词+介词短语”结构,实际上第一个词不是介词,而是和前面动词有关的副词。这时必须注意动词有否此种搭配用法,最后根据全句意义是否合乎逻辑来进行判断. 例如:

  1. We shall go on with the work. 我们将继续做这项工作。go on 是不可分的词组,意义是“继续”,on 在这里是副词,不是介词。
  2. He has been somewhat behind with his studies and is now work in hard to catch up with the others. 学习有点落后,现在加紧干,以赶上其他人。 behind 是副词,在这里作表语。Catch up with 是一个不可分的词组,意义是“赶上”。
