
Both 的用法及注意点 | 新编英语阅读手册

Both 的用法及注意点

Both 的用法及注意点

一、形容词 both 作“两个…都”讲

  1. Both (the) students have read a good few books. 这两个学生都读了不少书。(定语)
  2. Both cancer research and cloning technology are important to us。癌症研究和克隆技术对我们都很重要。(同上)
  3. There are trees on both sides of the street. 街道两旁都有树。(定语)

从上述前两句中可看出作定语用的 both 含有“两个……都”之意。第3句中的 both 用法还表明:街道只有两旁,没有三旁、四旁。

二、代词 both 作“两人”、“两者”讲,作同位语用,仍含有“两者都”之意

  1. Science and education both play an important part in the national economy. 科学和教育在国民经济中都起着重要的作用。
  2. They have both been to Beijing Computing Center. 他们俩都去过北京计算中心。(若改用 Both of them,则代词 Both 作主语。)
  3. She and I are both computer programmers. 她和我都是计算机程序员。

三、"both… and…" 起连接词作用,作“…和…两者都”、“又…又”、“不但…而且”讲

注意 "both… and…" 能连接各种并列成分,甚至两个句子。

  1. Both you and your son have given both your mother and myself a lot of trouble. 你和你的儿子两人都已给你的母亲和我两人带来了不少麻烦。("bothand…" 分别连接两个主语和两个间接宾语。)
  2. What he saw at that time both surprised and frightened him. 那时他所看到的情况使他感到既吃惊又害怕。(连接两个谓语动词)
  3. These materials are both useful and important. 这些材料既有用又重要。(连接两个表语)
  4. The word "sound" may be used both as a noun and as a verb. "sound" 这个词既可作名词用,又可作动词用。(连接两个主语补语)
  5. Copper is an important conductor,both because of its high conductivity and because of its abundance and low cost. 铜是一种重要的导体,因为它的导电率高,而且资源丰富,价格又低。(连接两个状语)
  6. It is necessary to build a lot of petrochemical works both because China is rich in petroleum and because there is a great demand for petrochemicals. 由于中国石油丰富,而且对石油化学产品需要量又大,所以有必要建立许多石油化工厂。(连接两个状语从句)

四、注意“both + 否定式谓语 + …”构成部分否定

  1. Both (the) instruments are not precision ones. 并非这两个仪器都是精密仪器。(=Not both instruments are precision ones.)
  2. Both of the films are not wonderful. 这两部电影并非都是精彩的。

注:若要把上句改为全部否定,就要用“neither… + 肯定式谓语”或“either… + 否定式谓语”。详见第 7238 节。
