
句子成分 (Sentence Components) | 新编英语阅读手册

句子成分 (Sentence Components)

句子成分 (Sentence Components)



主语是一个句子所说明的主体。主语一般位于句首部分,只有在 there be 结构的句子内、疑问句(当主语不是疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语才位于谓语、助动词或情态动词的后面。主语一般可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如:

  1. This is China Report, but that is World Report. 这是中国报道,但那是世界报道。(两个指示代词作主语。)
  2. The most important is that we have been developing our knowledge economy. 最重要的是我们一直在发展知识经。(形容词最高级名词化作主语。)
  3. a. Two and three make five. 二加三等于五。(基数词作主语。)
    b. There are two ways to make these machines, but the first is worthy of note. 制造这些机器有两种方法,但第一种方法值得注意。(名词和序数词分别作主语。)
  4. To break the record is necessary. (=It is necessary to break the record) 打破纪录是必要的。(不定式短语作主语。)
  5. a. Writing computer programs is creative work. 编写计算机程序是创造性工作。(动名词短语作主语。)
    b. Problem solving and creative thoughts are far more effective in such cases. 在这样一些情况下解题和创造性思维,其效果就好得多。(同上)
  6. Connecting one computer to another through telephone lines is communicating online. 将一个计算机通过电话线与另一个电话连接就是网上通讯。(同上)
  7. That computers are very important is known to us all. (= It is known to us all that computers are very important. )计算机很重要,这是我们大家都知道的。(主语从句。若用 it,则 it 为形式主语。)
  8. How quickly a fuel burns depends on how well it is mixed with oxygen or air. 燃料的燃烧速度有多快,取决于燃料和氧或空气的混合程度怎样。(第一个从句作主语。由于是疑问词引出句,故不再用连词 that。)
  9. It does not matter whether he speaks French or not. 他会不会讲法语,那没什么关系。(从句作主语,It 作形式主语。)
  10. It is not clear which one is the best of all the portable phones. 不清楚在所有这些移动电话中哪一架最好。(同上)
  11. What he said about cloning technology is quite helpful to us. 他讲的有关克隆技术的内容对我们是有帮助的。(从句作主语。)


说明主语的动作或状态的句子成分叫做谓语。谓语多半位于主语的后面。系动词也属于谓语部分,不限于 be, become, get 还有 remain, smell, taste, look, feel, seem, appear, prove, go, sound 等等。详见目录中动词时态、助动词或情态动词 will, would, should, shall, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, need, dare 等。

表语 (包括表语从句)

  1. In business dealings, including electronic commerce, honesty is the best policy. 做生意包括电子商务,讲信誉是上策。(名词作表语。意译)
  2. Their after-sale service is getting better and better. 他们的售后服务越来越好。(形容词比较级作表语。)
  3. Is this video game machine yours? 这台音像游戏机是你的吗?(名词性物主代词作表语。)
  4. The milk went sour. 这牛奶变酸了。(形容词作表语。)
  5. That post fell vacant last year. 那个职位去年是空着的。(同上)
  6. Snow lay thick on the ground. 地上积雪很厚。(同上)
  7. The windows here are broken. Who broke them? 这里的窗户都是破的。这是谁打破的呢?(过去分词作表语。)
  8. She was the first to arrive at the computer center. 她是第一个到达计算中心的。(序数词作表语。)
  9. The flowers smell sweet. 这些花有香甜味。(形容词作表语。)
  10. His dream has come true. 他的梦想实现了。(同上)
  11. Information technology is the marrying-up of computers, television, and satellites. 信息技术是计算机、电视和卫星的“联姻产物”。(动名词短语作表语。)
  12. Hot metals are contracted as they grow cooler. 热金属变冷时就收缩. (过去分词作表语。)
  13. The United Nations’ Law of Sea Conference was over. 联合国海洋法会议结束了。(副词作表语。)
  14. The theory sounds convincing. 这个理论听起来很有说服力。(形容词作表语。)
  15. Noman is born wise. 没有人生来是聪明的。(形容词作表语。)
  16. She went a girl, but came back a mother. 她走时是女孩,但回来时已是一位母亲。(名词作表语。)
  17. Our task is building (或 to build) our motherland into a powerful country. 我们的任务是把祖国建设成一个强大的国家。(动名词或不定式短语作表语。)
  18. Their children are at play (或 school, table). 他们的孩子在玩耍(或上学、吃饭)。(介词短语作表语。)
  19. The fact is that computers are of great aid (或 benefit) to the development of our national economy. 事实是计算机十分有利于我们国民经济的发展。(表语从句。在该从句内介词短语 of… 作表语。)
  20. Is that how you award me for my help? 这就是你为我的帮助而付给我的报酬吗?(表语从句。由于从句由疑问词引导,就不能用连词 that。)
  21. That is what they call TV home shopping. 这就是他们所谓的电视直销购物。(这里也可改用 what is called…,已变为固定结构,作“所谓的…”讲。what 无疑问词含义。)
  22. He is alive (或 asleep, awake, ill 等). 他活着(或睡着、醒了、病了等)。

注 1:英语中有些形容词(如上句中的 alive 等)只能作表语、宾语补语或主语补语。再如:alike, afraid, aware, well(身体好)等。
注 2:连接表语从句的关联词不限于 that;若出现疑问词,则不再用 that。[] (详查目录中语法目录“表语从句”(目录第 11 页)。)
注 3:有时不及物动词或被动态谓语后接形容词或名词,也可将它们一起理解为复合谓语(见上述第 4,6,9,10,12,14,15,16 句)。

宾语 (包括直接宾语、间接宾语、介词宾语、宾语从句、介词宾语从句和形式宾语 it)。


  1. Did you buy a non-stick pan?(当时)你买了不粘锅吗?
  2. She has a multimedia color TV. 她有一台多媒体彩色电视。
  3. Have you ever seen a test tube baby?你见过试管婴儿吗?
  4. a. We must continue deepening (或 to deepen) the reforms. 我们必须继续深化改革。(动名词短语或不定式短语作宾语。)
    b. She didn't go out, and so escaped being seen.(那时)她不外出,因此避免了被人看见。(动名词被动态作宾语。)
  5. How many times have we lowered interest rates? 我们降低利息有多少次了?
  6. Would you like value-guaranteed savings? 你愿意要保值储蓄吗?
  7. He has to improve himself to keep up with such senior engineers. 他务必提高自己才能跟得上这样一些高级工程师。(反身代词作宾语。)
  8. I want to cross out the unnecessary words. 我想删去不必要的词。(不定式短语作宾语。out 也可置于宾语 words 后面。)
  9. There is a light in the room. Please turn it on. 房间内有一盏灯。请把灯打开。(it 不能放在副词 on 后。)

注 1. 上句中宾语为人称代词宾格,则必须放在“动词+副词”所构成的成语动词中间。

  1. They are in for the national college entrance examination. 他们在参加全国高等学校入学考试。(名词短语作介词 for 的宾语。)
  2. For example, twice two is equal to four. 例如,二乘二等于四。(数词作介词宾语。)
  3. I am glad of having met you. 我遇见你很高兴。(动名词完成式短语作介词宾语。)

注 2:以上两例是形容词要求固定的介词短语搭配。这在英语中很常见。

  1. In the event of fire breaking out you must turn off the switch. 如遇火灾发生,你必须将开关断开。(复合结构作介词 of 的宾语,the switch 作 turn off 的宾语。)

  2. There is a great hope of our finishing it tomorrow. 我们很有希望在明天完成这件事。(“物主代词 + -ing”构成的特殊的动名词短语或复合结构作介词宾语)

注 3:以上两例是“名词或物主代词+-ing短语”作介词的复合宾语。详见第 54节、 一、Ⅲ、C 和 ⅩⅣ、B 。

  1. She wants Dr.Fang to buy an optical computer. 她要方博士买一台光计算机。
  2. I did not notice him enter the classroom. 我没有注意他进入教室。(复合结构作动词的宾语。)

注 4:以上两句中是常见的“名词或代词+不定式短语”作复合宾语。详见第 53 节、二、Ⅳ。

  1. I think that he referred you to this electronic dictionary. 我想他当时叫你查这本电子辞典。(连词 that 引出宾语从句。)
  2. A solid is different from a liquid in that the solid has definite shape. 固体和液体不同点在于固体有一定的形状。(意译。由 that 引出介词 in 的宾语从句。也可理解为 in that… 引出原因状语从句。)
  3. I know when he took issue with you on this subject. 我知道他什么时候就该课题同你发生了争论。(从句作宾语,由于出现疑问词 when,不再用连词that. )
  4. What do you know about how he studies? 关于他学习得怎样,你知道些什么呢?(从句作介词宾语,由于出现疑问词 how,不再用连词 that。)

注 5:引导宾语从句的关联词不限于 that,when,how 引导介词宾语从句的介词也不限于 in。

注 6:少数动词的宾语可能是和动词具有相同词根的同源名词。例如:

1) We are living a happy life. 我们正过着一种幸福的生活。
2) She smiled a pleasant smile. 她高兴地笑了笑。

注 7:注意有时先用 it 作形式宾语,后面再出现真正的宾语(详见第 057 节、一、B)。例如:

1) He’ll leave it to you to decide where to spend your holidays. 他将留给你去决定度假的地点。
2) You can count on (或 upon) it that your daughter will study as hard as possible. 你可以指望你的女儿会尽力用功学习。


有些及物动词,如 give(给)等,需要两个宾语。其中一个指物,另一个多半指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语,但在科技英语中,也有两个都指物。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语之前。

  1. I sent him an e-mail yesterday. 我昨天向他发了一个电子邮件。
  2. Would you please tell me the way to the internet cafe. 请告诉我去因特网咖啡馆的路。
  3. This pager cost me 300 yuan. 这个寻呼机花了我 300 元钱。(句中 me 为间接宾语,300 yuan 为状语。)
  4. a. She showed me her pre-pay telephone card. 她给我看了她的电话磁卡。
    b. The facts show us that we must develop our tertiary industries. 这些事实向我们表明,我们必须发展第三产业。(that 引出宾语从句。)
  5. He gave me a work suit. 他给了我一件工作服。

注 1:并非所有及物动词都可有间接宾语的用法。能用直接宾语而不能用间接宾语的动词有:explain 解释,suggest 建议,announce 通告,express 表达,introduce 介绍,mention 提到,report 报告,say 说,shout 喊叫,point out 指出,describe 描述等。

注 2:有些及动物词的间接宾语可改用“有关介词+原来的间接宾语”表示,并置于直接宾语后面。例如:give a safety cap to sb. 给某人一顶安全帽;show the passport to sb. 把护照给某人看;buy a pocket-size camera for sb. 为某人买一架袖珍照相机,fetch some water for sb. 为某人打点水来,read letter to sb. 给某人读一封信等。

注 3:有些动词本身要求两个宾语,不习惯用介词短语代替其中一个宾语。例如:ask sb. a question 问某人一个问题,answer sb a question 回答某人一个问题,refuse sb the loan 拒绝向某人贷款,sing sb. a song 给某人唱一支歌等。

注 4:当直接和间接宾语均为人称代词时,最好用“动词 + 直接宾语 + 有关介词 + 原来的间接宾语。例如:I’ve bought an electronic watch. Please pass it to Derek. 我买了一块电子表。请把它转交给德立克。

注 5:复合宾语相当于“直接宾语+宾语补(足)语”。详见专题《宾语补(足)语及注意点》(第 141 节)。


定语表示形式:修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句,称为定语或定语从句。定语一般可由形容词、名词、代词、数词、名词所有格、不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、副词和从句等表示,按定语的不同位置可分为前置定语、后置定语、双层定语(见下文 III、B)和分割定语(见第 148 节十一、十二)定语从句分限制性和非限制性定语从句两种。后者还可修饰前面整个主句. 甚至目前已发展为由夹带介词短语的名词性词组作前置定语(见第 69 节)。

I. 前置定语。

例如:our good manager 我们的好经理, my father and Mother’s friend 我父母亲的朋友,TV shopping 电视购物,the multi-media application debate 多媒体应用方面的讨论,technology intensive economy 科技密集型经济,three software companies 三家软件公司,two tons of coal 两吨煤,a broken window 一扇破窗,a dancing girl 一个正在跳舞的女孩,a smoking room 吸烟室,a never-increasing number of people 越来越多的人,the working people 劳动人民,the operating conditions 操作条件,the paper-making industry 造纸工业,man-made ice 人造冰,export-oriented economy 外向型经济,cause a demand for improved service 引起提高服务的要求(意译)等。

注 1:注意现在分词作前置定语的特点是:被修饰的人或物能产生前面 -ing 的动作。例如:the hard-working people 勤劳的人民,fast moving molecules 快速运动的分子等。动名词作前置定语的特点是:动名词仅表示后面被修饰的事物的用途或跟其有关的动作有关。例如:building materials 建筑(用的)材料,cooling water 冷却用水,the boiling temperature (或 point) of water 水的沸点(仪表示该温度与“沸腾”或“煮开”动作有关而已。若写 the boiling water,则为(这)正在沸腾的水;若写 the boiled water,就变为“(煮)开过的水”)。

注 2:不定式短语、形容词短语、定语从句、无连字符串起来的介词短语一般不作前置定语。

II. 夹带介词短语的名词性词组作前置定语是名词作定语的新发展。参阅第 69 节。

注:比较级形容词短语破例作前置定语:CO2 is a heavier than air gas that neither burns nor supports combustion. 二氧化碳是一种比空气重的气体,它既不燃烧,又不助燃。(若将 heavier than air 放在 gas 后作后置定语,则定语从句的关系代词 that 就易被误解为修饰 air)

III. 有多个前置定语时的先后顺序通常如下:

  1. 限定词,如冠词,this,those 等指示代词、物主代词等。但要注意冠词有时不占首位的几种情况(参阅第 1 节、三、Ⅳ);
  2. 基数词、序数词;
  3. 一般描绘性的形容词,如 good,bad 等;
  4. 表示大小、高低、长短等形容词,如 big,small,high,tall,low,long,short 等;
  5. 表示形状的形容词,如 square,round 等;
  6. 表示老、中、青、新、旧等形容词,如 old,young,new 等;
  7. 表示颜色的形容词,如 red,white 等;
  8. 表示国籍或地区、产地等方面的形容词,如 Chinese,Japanese 等;
  9. 表示物质、材料等方面的形容词,如 rocky,wooden 等;
  10. 表示用途、类别方面的形容词,如 building materials 建筑(用的)材料,a writing desk 写字(用的)台,a used car 一辆旧车(即一辆使用过的或二手汽车)等。

必须指出,修饰名词的前置定语一般不会太多(通常不超过三、四个)如果有几个前置定语,大致可按上述顺序排列,允许循序跳着使用。与汉语比较,则和上述第 8 位的英语形容词的用法差别较大,应予以注意。

Ⅳ. 后置定语:后置定语又可分为限制性定语和非限制性定语两种。这两者在形式上的差别在于后者有逗号介于被修饰的词和后置定语之间,而在意义上的差别则在于:限制性定语对所修饰的词的关系较为密切依赖性大,而非限制性定语和所修饰的词的关系不密切,相互独立性大。若用从句表示定语则为定语从句。定语从句也有限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句之分。

A. 后置的限制性定语:

例如:a student operating the computer 一位正在操作计算机的学生,the impurities difficult to remove 那些难以除去的杂质,the ability to do work 作功的本领,at tend the Internet Symposium held in China 参加在中国举行的因特网讨论会,sell state-owned apartments to the residents at prices compatible with their income level 以与工资收入水平相应的价格向居民出售共有住房,something new in her paper 她论文中的一些新内容,heat used to evaporate the water 用以蒸发这水的热量,firends from home and abroad 国内外的朋友,relatives overseas 海外亲戚,China Today 今日中国[以上两例为副词作后置定语],establish a new type of international economic relations featuring mutual benefit, mutual support and common development 建立新型的互利、互补、共同发展的国际经济关系,There is nothing the matter with your wireless pager. 你的无线寻呼机没有毛病。Anyone with a desktop computer and a modem connecting it to a phone line can Now find ways into the network. 任何人只要有一架台式计算机和一台与电话线连接的调制器,就可获得入网通道。It was the first Internet club established in Northwest China. 当时这是中国西部成立的第一个因特网俱乐部。Video conferencing is gradually becoming an accepted means in which to do business. 电视会议正逐渐成为一种大家认可的开展业务的手段。

B. 后置的限制性定语从句和双层定语。例如:

  1. We must write the programs that allow a computer to perform specific functions. 我们必须编写出让电脑执行某些专门功能的程序。
  2. The company is making the new products which sell well in the computer retail business. 这家公司正在制造在计算机零售业中畅销的新产品。
  3. There are hardly any major industries that do not rely to some degree on electronic brains. 几乎没有任何的主要的工业是不依赖电脑的。
  4. If pirating persisted, the money (that) people needed to develop new software would simply not be forth coming. 假如盗版持续下去,人们用于开发软件所需的资金就断了来源。(关系代词 that 还可省略。)
  5. Can you introduce to me any one that we know who is as clever as she? 你能向我推荐一个像她一样聪明又是我们都认识的人吗?(that 引出的定语从句修饰 one,而 who 引出的定语从句则说明 anyone that we know 整个内容,故称为双层定语。)
  6. When you get a personal E-mail address, you can receive and send messages to people (whom) you know and those (whom) you want to know. 当你获得个人的电子邮件地址时,你就能收到信息并给你认识的人和想认识的人发送信息。(两个并列的限制性定语从句)
  7. Web broadcasting could change the way (in which) publishers as advertisers look at the Internet. 网络广播可以改变出版商作为广告商时对因特网的看法。
  8. Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low. 空气从气压高的地方流向气压低的地方。(两个从句都为定语从句,说明各自前面的 places。)
  9. They are the generation who grew up playing computer games and who had an e-mail address by the time they finished their high school. 他们是这样一代人,即玩着电脑游戏长大并且高中毕业时已有自己的电子邮件地址。(两个 who 并列地引出限制性定语从句。句末时间从句仅和第二个定语从句有关。)
  10. The disk is the medium where (或 on which) information is stored. 磁盘是一个存贮信息的介质。

C. 非限制性定语和非限制定语从句

  1. We have to master a whole set of rules for how to behave, called netiquette. 我们务必学会一套叫做网上礼节的言行规范。
  2. To climb the pole, cold and wet with snow, was no easy task. 攀登那根沾着雪又冷又湿的柱子,不是件容易事。
  3. At the center of each atom there is nucleus, in which are found mainly protons, possessing a positive electric charge, and neutrons, possessing no charge. 每个原子中心处有一个原子核,核内主要发现有带正电的质子和不带电的中子。(现在分词短语作非限制性后置定语。)
  4. Our forces, now in control of all the bridgeheads, were ready to take the city. 我们的部队这时已控制了所有的桥头堡,正准备占据城市。(介词短语作非限制性后置定语。)
  5. The mouse, which was devised to make operating a computer easy, is a small, hand-held unit that, when moved around on a flat pad, moves an arrow to the required position on the screen. 鼠标是为了使电脑操作简便而设计的。它是一个可用手握住的小装置。当你在平面上挪动鼠标时,它能使屏幕上的箭头移动到你所要求的位置。(which was devisedeasy 为非限制性定语从句。that 引出的定语从句包含一个时间状语从句。When 后省略 it is,而 it 指 that 所代表的 unit 而言。)
  6. Aluminium combines high tensile strength with lightness of weight, which makes it important in aircraft construction. 铝兼有抗拉强度大与重量轻的特点,这就使得它在飞机制造上变得很重要。(which 代替主句整个意思,引出非限制性定语从句。)
  7. The machine, as might be expected,has stopped operating. 不出所料,机器停止了操作。(as 引出非限制性定语从句)
  8. We will put off the test until next week, when the weather may be better. 我们要将试验延期到下周,那时天气也许会更好些。(when 引出非限制性定语从句。)
  9. In 1953 he came to Tianjin, where he has lived ever since. 他是 1953 年来天津的,从那时起他一直住在天津。(where 引出非限制性定语从句。)
  10. I met the boat man, who then took me across the ferry. 我遇见了船夫,他把我从渡口渡到对岸。(who 引出非限制性定语从句。)


І. 状语的主要功用:


  1. The dust particles will soon settle down. 尘粒不久会沉降下来。(时间)
  2. a. Your mobile phone is one centimetre longer than mine. 你的移动电话比我的长一厘米。(程度)
    b. Light wave length is only a few millionths of an inch long. 光的波长只有百万分之几英寸长。(同上)
    c. Your explanation is correct to some extent. 你的解释在某种程度上是正确的。(程度)
  3. The lamp is swinging back and forth. 灯在前后摆动。(方式)
  4. The signs and symbols in mathematics ate used for convenience. 为了方便起见,使用数学中的标记和符号(目的)
  5. Carbon unites with oxygen to form (或 forming) CO and CO2. 碳与氧化合,生成 CO 和 CO2
  6. Under proper conditions the speed of the machine will be slowed down. 在适当条件下,机器速度将减慢。(条件)
  7. In spite of the difficulties, we continued to do our test. 尽管有困难,我们(当时)仍继续进行试验。(让步)
  8. The soldiers dashed forward, machine-gun in hand. 战士们手提着机枪向前冲去。(伴随情况)
  9. In the box there ate a pair of scissors, two pieces of glass, and so on(或 and so forth). 箱子里有一把剪子,两块玻璃以及其他等等。(地点)
  10. A large amount of energy is wasted in machines due to friction. 大量能量由于摩擦而消耗在机器内。(原因)
  11. They were out working already. 他们已出去并在干活了。(伴随情况)
  12. Electricity is most widely used mainly because it is easily transmitted. 电使用最广,主要是因为电容易输送。(mainly 修饰后面整个原因状语从句。)

II. 状语表示法:

A. 副词及副词性词组作状语:

  1. Light travels most quickly. 光传得最快。
  2. Enterprises of tertiary industries and Hi-tech companies are going up here and there. 第三产业企业和高科技公司到处都不断涌现出来。
  3. 《Computers》is difficult, but I like to study it all the more. 《计算机》难,但我仍然喜欢学。
  4. He is quite old; none the less he works like a young man. 他虽然很老了,但还像年轻人那样工作。

B. 名词或名词性词组作状语:

  1. We increased the production of steel last year. 去年我们增加了钢的产量。
  2. Work is done when a force acts on a body and moves it a certain distance. 当一个力作用于物体上并把它移动一定距离时,就作了功。
  3. The machine weighs 100 lb. 该机器重100磅。
  4. He reached the station 5 minutes later. 他晚到车站五分钟。(句中 5 minutes 说明副词 later。)
  5. The Yangtze River is world famous. 长江是世界闻名的。(句中 world 说明形容词 famous。)

C. 介词短语作状语:

  1. This X-ray apparatus has been in operation for two years. 该 X 光机已运行两年了。
  2. We should on no account (或 should not on any account) neglect our physical exercises. 我们决不应忽视体育锻炼。
  3. She will in no wise give up study. 她决不放弃学习。
  4. We do everything with the view (或 aim) of serving the people. 我们做一切事情,都抱着为人民服务的目的。
  5. With the first appearance of the sun, the birds begin to sing. 太阳一出,鸟就开始唱歌。
  6. At the thought of his words, they took courage and fought on. 一想到他的话,他们就有了勇气,并继续战斗下去。
  7. He won't go at all risks. 他不会冒一切危险前去。
  8. At all events, you ought not to stay here. 无论如何,你不应当留在这里。
  9. She is living at No. 305 in the Tianjin Hotel. 她住在天津饭店 305 号房间。
  10. He did it in a certain way. 他用某种方法办了这件事。

D. 动词不定式作状语(详见第 053 二、Ⅶ):

  1. (In order) To calculate the amount of work done, we multiply the force by the distance. 为了计算所作功的数值,我们将力乘以距离。(目的状语)
  2. CO combines with oxygen to form CO2. 一氧化碳和氧化合,便生成二氧化碳。(结果状语)
  3. It is too manifest to need a word of argument. 太明白了,无须说话解释。(程度状语)
  4. We are proud to have won first place. 我们因赢得第一而感到自豪。(原因状语)

注:有时甚至还用“名词+不定式”构成的复合结构作状语。例如:Here is the first volume, the second one to come out next month. 这里是第一卷,而第二卷下月问世。

E. 过去分词、现在分词短语(包括独立分词结构)作状语(详见第 37 节、一、Ⅵ 和 Ⅶ. A. (a),第 54节、一Ⅳ、D 和 XIV、A )。

  1. If there is a letter, you read it eagerly, pleased that your friend has thought of you. 假如有一封来信,你如饥似渴地读着信,并为你的朋友惦你而感到高兴。
  2. Starting with very simple equipment, they have produced a great number of transistors. 由简陋的设备起家(原义“着手”),他们已生产了大量晶体管。
  3. a. Seen from an aeroplane, this would look like a great green sea. 从飞机上看,这像是一大片碧绿的海。
    b. Looking from an aeroplane, you would see a great green sea. 从飞机上看,你会看到一大片碧绿的海。(从a,b句中可看到句首分词和主语有语态关系。)
  4. Electrons being taken away,a body becomes charged. 由于移走了电子,物体就变为带电了。(独立分词结构)
  5. This (being) done, Joe went online. 这事做完后,乔就上网了。(同上)
  6. The test (being) over, we went to the computer center. 试验完毕后,我们就去计算机中心。(同上)
  7. Supper (being) ready, they came to the table. 晚餐准备好了,他们便向饭桌走去。(同上)
  8. The oil having been used up, the car stopped. 油用完后,汽车就停了下来。(同上)

F. 用逗号隔开的形容词短语作状语:

  1. Being fatally ill, the boy was taken to the hospital. 那个男孩因病重被送往医院。
  2. John, fatally ill (=who was fatally ill), sent for a doctor. 约翰因病重派人去请医生。
  3. The scientists are searching, eager for truth. 科学家们为渴望真理而进行探索。

从上面第1、2句中可看出,这里的形容词短语是由前加 being 或由非限制性定语从句演变并紧缩而成的。现在它已可直接用作状语(见第 3 句)。

G. 从句作状语:

  1. When we are speaking of power, time is taken into account. 谈到功率时,我们已考虑了时间。(时间状语从句)
  2. There is air all around us although we cannot see it. 我们周围到处有空气,虽然我们看不见它。(让步状语从句)
  3. We can find out the amount of x because y and z are known quantities. 由于 y 和 z 是已知量,因此我们能求出x值。(原因状语从句)
  4. Seeing that (= Since) the chemical composition of matter remains unchanged, this is not a chemical change. 既然物质的化学组成仍保持不变,这就不是化学变化。(原因状语从句)
  5. Once you begin, you must continue. 一旦开始,你就得继续下去。(条件状语从句)
  6. It is very difficult to live where there is little water. 在没有多少水的地方,生活是十分艰难的。(地点状语从句)
  7. We must strive for further progress in order that we may serve the people better. 我们必须继续求取进步,以便能更好地为人民服务。(目的状语从句)
  8. Just as the kilometer is the unit of length, so the ohm is the practical unit of resistance. 正像公里是长度的单位那样,欧姆就是电阻的实际单位。(方式状语从句)
  9. If we make a gap in the circuit the current will not be able to flow. 如果我们在电路里造成间隙,电流就不能流通。(条件状语从句)
  10. Through long power lines, electricity goes where (it is) needed. 电通过很长的电线,输送到需要电的地方。(地点状语从句)

注 1 :状语从句多半允许省略与主句相同的主语及其相应的 be 的变化形式(见第 10 句)。详见第 145节、二。

注 2:时间状语从句和条件状语从句不能用将来时态,要用现在时的相应时态代替将来时的相应时态(见第 9 句和第 本节、五中的注)。

注 3:引导状语从句的连词很多。有时甚至无连词,但仍是状语从句。例如:Be it late, I want to do another experiment. 虽然很晚了,但我还想再做一个实验。

III. 各种状语和状语从句在句中的位置

A. very,pretty,rather,quite,fairly可以修饰后面的形容词或副词以表示程度。其各自表示的强烈程度正好按上述词的顺序递减。

  1. She works very hard. 她工作十分努力。
  2. Jenny has bought a pretty (或 rather) large motorboat. 詹妮已经买了一辆很大的汽艇。(这艘汽艇不如 a very large motorboat 大,但比 a quitefairly large motorboat 大。)

注 1:其中 fairly 不能用于坏的方面,例如不说 fairly stupid, fairly dangerous 等。

注 2:其中只有 quite 和 fairly 还可置于不定冠词的前面。例如:It is rather (或 quite) a cold day. 这是个颇冷(或较冷)的一天。

注 3:其中只有 quite 和 rather 还可和动词和介词短语搭配在一起。例如:

1)Sorry, we don't quite agree with you. 对不起,我们不完全同意你。
2)I quite (或 rather) like to swim in the morning. 我颇喜欢在上午游泳。
3)They both went off. It was rather like going on a honeymoon. 他俩走了。这颇像去度蜜月。

注 4:其中只有 rather 可和比较级以及“too + 形容词、副词”可连用,而 quite 只能和比较级 better 连用。例如:

1)This spacecraft is rather smaller than I thought. 这艘宇宙飞船比我原先想的小了不少。
2)She felt quite (或 rather) better last night. 昨夜她感到好多了。
3)The computer is rather too difficult for me to operate. 这台计算机让我操作就太难太难了。

B. 表示频度或持续含义等的副词(如 often, frequently, rarely, regularly, seldom, certainly, sometimes, usually, continually, ordinarily, ever, never 等)一般置于复合谓语中第一个助动词或情态动词的后面。often 和 sometimes 有时仍可位于它们前面。如果单用助动词而省略了后面的谓语动词,则上述副词必须置于助动词之前。

  1. I will never forget what happened yesterday. 我永远不会忘记昨天发生的事。
  2. "Are you always in high spirits?" I always (或 usually) am. “你总是情绪很高吗?”——“我平时就情绪很高。”
  3. She is ill and must often be tired. 她有病,一定常感到疲倦。(但也可说… and often must be tired. )
  4. He certainly did praise me. 他当然确实表扬了我。(这里副词必须位于强凋肯定语气的 did 前面。)
  5. a. She doesn't really like such a child. 她不怎么喜欢这样一个小孩。
    b. I really don't like such a boy. 我实在不喜欢这个男孩。(注意 a,b 句意思有所不同。)
  6. She probably will not go to Microsoft. = She’ll probably not go to Microsoft. 她可能不会去微软公司。(若用简略的否定式 won't,则 Probably 只能用于 won't 前面。)

C. 表示好坏的评价性副词多半用于句末部分。若用于修饰分词,则放在分词前面。例如:

  1. She speaks French fluently. 她讲法语很流利。
  2. The boy plays tennis badly. 这男孩网球打得不好.
  3. The girl has been ill-treated. 这女孩已受到虐待。
  4. This is well-known multinational (或 multi state) corporation. 这是一家著名的跨国公司。

D. 表示方式的副词 (如 rapidly, slowly 等) 和介词短语(如 by plane, in Sucha way 等)常置于句末部分。有时也可位于复合谓语中间,极少位于动词前面。

  1. We drive a car slowly at night. 我们夜间开车慢。
  2. They are going to carry out their research in such a way. 他们准备用这样一种方法来进行研究。
  3. They are transporting these advanced computers by air. 他们正在空运这些先进的计算机。
  4. I will in no way give up this chance. 我决不放弃这个机会。(介词短语位于复合谓语中间。)
  5. It has been a long time since I last saw him. 自从我最后一次见到他,这已有很长一段时间了。

E. 表示地点或时间的状语一般位于句末或句首。若在句末,这两个状语顺序大多是先地点状语,后时间状语。

  1. Yesterday they played video games in the club. 昨天他们在俱乐部玩了电子游戏。(Yesterday 也可置于句末。)
  2. IBM introduced a new generation of portable computers in U. S. A. last month. 国际商业机器公司上月在美国推出新一代的提携式计算机。

F. only 说明哪一成份,它就放在该成份前面。但副词 alone 作 only 讲,必须放在所说明的名词或代词后面。

  1. She only behaved like that when she was angry. 她只是在生气时才那样表现。(only 也可位于 when 前面。)
  2. Man alone (或 Only man)can design still (或 even) more advanced computers. 只有人类才能设计更加先进的计算机。

G. 可以说 the very smallest particle(最最小的粒子),若用 by far 或 easily 表示类似意思,则必须写成easily(或 by far)the smallest particle。

Ⅳ. 状语从句在句中的位置:它们常位于主句的前面或后面,若位于主句的主语或谓语中间,则从句前后用逗号跟主句主语和谓语隔开。状语从句插入主句复合谓语中间较少见。详见状语从句的有关连词(如 when, if, though 等专题)。

  1. I’ll stay at home if it rains in the afternoon. = If it rains in the afternoon, I’ll stay at home. 如果下午下雨,我就呆在家里。
  2. a. These boys, if they listen to their teacher’s advice, may study very well. 这些男孩如果听老师的忠告,可能会学习很好。
    b. Those students may, if they study diligently, get good marks in the exams. 如果那些学生勤奋学习,他们是可能在考试中取得良好成绩的。
