
Hardly 和 Scarcely 的用法及注意点 | 新编英语阅读手册

Hardly 和 Scarcely 的用法及注意点

Hardly 和 Scarcely 的用法及注意点

一、副词 hardly 和 scarcely 作“几乎不”讲,常用以构成否定式,它们可以否定主语、谓语或宾语等

  1. We could hardly (或 scarcely) understand it. 我们几乎不可能了解这件事。
  2. I hardly (或 scarcely) saw anything. 我几乎什么也没看见。
  3. So it’s scarcely (或 hardly) worth looking for her around here. 因此在这里附近寻找她几乎是不值得的。
  4. There was scarcely (或 hardly) anybody (或 any person, a person) on the street.(当时)街上几乎没有一个人。(scarcely 或 hardly 否定后面的名词时,常在该名词前加用 any 或 a。)
  5. It hardly (或 scarcely) snows ever in Kunming. 昆明几乎从来不下雪。(句中 hardly ever 相当于 almost never。)

注:当有 hardlyscarcely 构成否定句时,一般不要再用 not, never, no 等否定词。但可插入介词短语 without…,只要句义符合逻辑即可。

二、“hardly (或 scarcely)… when (或 before)…”作“刚……就……”讲。注意 hardly 和 scarcely 位于句首时,主、谓语颠倒。参阅第 148 节、一

  1. Hardly had I reached the station when the train started. 我刚到车站,火车就开了。(有时还可用 before 代替 when, 但不如 when 广泛使用。)
  2. Scarcely had he opened the door when a gust of wind blew the candle out. 他刚开门,一阵风就把蜡烛吹灭了。


(1) scarcelyhardly 所在的主句内,谓语动作差一点发生(但毕竟未发生)是在 when 从句内的谓语动作之前,因此主句用过去完成时,从句用过去一般时。(本句型只能用于叙述过去的事)
(2) 若否定词 hardlyscarcely 位于句首,则后面主语和助动词词序要颠倒。
(3) 不能用 than 代替句中的 when, 若非要用 than, 则必须改用 "no sooner… than…" 句型。下列几种表示式的句义相同:
a. He had scarcely (或 hardly) seen the letter when (或 before) he started back home. 他一见到信就动身回家了。(只能用于叙述过去的事。用 when 比 before 好些。)
b. Scarcely (或 Hardly) had he seen the letter when he started back home.(译文和用法同上)
c. He had no sooner seen the letter than he started back home.(同上。)
d. No sooner had he seen the letter than he started back home.(同上。)
e. He started back home as soon as he saw (或 had seen) the letter. (=As soon as he saw the letter, he started back home.)(译文同上。)

注:用 as soon as… 时,主句和从句的时态通常一致。若描述将来发生的事,则 as soon as 引出的时间状语从句要用现在时代替将来时。叙述过去的事,有时也可见到 as soon as 后面从句中用过去完成时。
