
Through 及其搭配的动词短语用法和判断 | 新编英语阅读手册

Through 及其搭配的动词短语用法和判断

Through 及其搭配的动词短语用法和判断

through 既是介词,又是副词。这两种用法紧密相关,在一定上下文中常可看到介词 through 后面省略了它的介词宾语,于是 through 就成了副词。因此本文基本上就将这两者放在一起讨论,让读者了解其演变过程。

一、介词 through 在空间上作“从…通过”或“穿过…”讲,一般限于后面的介词宾语在其它的场合下可以和 in 相搭配为前提,副词 through 可理解为省略了有关介词宾语的结果。

例如:push through the crowds to the door. (他)穿过人群,来到门口。其中 the crowds 在其它句子中可与介词 in 相搭配使用,即可以用 in the crowds,却不能用 across 或 on 来跟 the crowds 单独搭配使用。若 through 不用于空间,而用于时间、经历、原因,则不受此限制。
又如:burst through… 冲破(云层等);
The clouds rolled away and the sun burst through. 云层滚滚游动,阳光冲破云层[through 为副词];
carry (或 get, take) this table through the door way 搬这张桌子出门口[如果上下文指出这个门,则 through 后面的名词完全可省略,这时 through 变为副词。];
come in through…(阳光等)通过(窗户等)进入;
come through(雨水等)穿过(屋顶即 the roof)漏过来;
come through(信息等)传来,(雨水等)穿漏过来;
come through on the phone from Beijing(她)从北京打来电话;
cut through…(某铁路等)穿过(某省等);
drop through = fall through(某人)跌落下去,(计划等)落空[注意本短语中 through 大多为副词];
get sb. through… 让某人通过(考试等);
get sb. through 让某人通过[注:结合上下文去理解“通过考试或复试等”];
I tried to phone him about it, but couldn't get through. 我力争打电话告诉他这件事,但没有打通(电话)。go (或 pass) through…(学生等)通过(考试),(法律等)通过(国会)获得批准;
put… through… 使(某人)通过(考试),使(条约等)通过(国会)获得批准[注意在一定上下文中 through 后的名词 the exam(考试),the parliament(国会)还可省略,这时 through 就作副词用];
get through to…(消息等)传到(某人),让(某人)听懂或理解,打通电话给(某人),打通电话到(东京等);
be through to… 某人(电话)已接通到(东京等);
get sb. in through the front door 让某人从正门进入;
go through…(线等)穿过(孔眼即 the hole),(大桌子等难于)通过(狭小的门等),(法律、议案等)通过(国会)获得批准[注意在一定上下文中还可省略 through 后面的有关名词。这时 through 作副词用];
make off through…(某人)穿过(树林)跑掉;
pass through… 通过或穿过(森林),经历(艰苦时期);
We are not staying in the town, but just passing through. 我们并不逗留在城里,而只是路过而已。push through the crowds 从人群中挤过去;
push… through… 把(胳膊)伸进去并通过(某孔),推动(某议案)通过(国会)获得批准,推动(某人)通过(考试);
put (或 switch) a call (或 sb.) through to… 把电话(或把某人电话)接通到(东京、某人等)[这里 through 为副词,也可置于 put 或 switch 之后];
run through…(子弹)穿过(腿等),(水等)通过(管道)流动,(消息等)传遍(整个村庄即 the village),(一种想法即 a thought)在(某人头脑即 sb’s mind)中闪现而过;
run… through… 使(水等)流经(管道),用(刀)捅入(某人身体等)[当用 run one’s fingers through one’s hair nervously 表示时’则应理解为“紧张地用手指搔头皮”];
let the dirty run through 让脏东西流出去;
rush through… 迅速穿过(村庄);
rush… through congress 使(议案、条约等)很快通过代表大会批准;
slip through(机会等)错过,(坏人等)溜跑过去;
be voted through(某提案等)经投票通过等。

注:介词 through 有时用于转义,常含“通过某人或某媒介、通过某种行为”之意,以表示行为方式状语。例如:get the book through the library 通过图书馆借到书;

hear sth. only through sb. 只有通过某人才听到某事;
participate in on-line communication through internet(他们)通过因特网参加网上交往;
learn English through practice 通过实践学习英语;
look through a telescope 用望远镜看;
make great achievements through one’s hard work 通过努力工作取得很大成就;
see… through… 通过(窗户)看见(某人、某物),透过(云层)看到(月亮)等。

二、through 表示“从头到尾把…看完、审阅、翻阅、检查、看穿”之意时有关动词短语用法举例

check these proofs through 校阅完这些校样;
go through… 翻阅(报纸即 the newspapers),做完(练习),审改(全部建议),办完(一切手续等),上完(大学),翻看(抽屉、口袋),参观(车间即 the workshop);
go through four editions(该书)出版四次;
go through(建议、论案等)获得通过;
leaf(或 glance)through… 迅速翻阅(书等);
look through… 翻阅或查看(书、论文、报告等), 把(书、论文、报告等)读或看一遍,看穿(阴谋即 the trick);
look… through 仔细考查(建议),仔细阅读(规定即 the rules);
look straight through sb. and walk on 故意不理某人(或视而不见某人)并继续走下去[在一定上下文中也可写成 look me straight through and walk on];
read… through = read through… 审阅(书稿等),把(名单即 the list)从头到尾读一遍;
run through… 匆忙地把(信、报告等)看一遍,将(乐曲、台词等)练一遍,把(整个剧)彩排一次,把(讲演即 the lecture)过一遍;
run… through 把(录像带即 the video tape)放一遍;
see through… 看穿(某人或他的谎言即 his lie);
skim through… 浏览或粗略地将(书、报等)看一遍;
hurry through… 匆匆地翻阅(几本书)等

三、through 与有关动词搭配,表示“阅完、花完、完成”之意。这里 through 体现“从头到尾”,基本上体现上述短语中的“完”字含义

carry… through 完成(某课题、任务等);
follow… through 把(事情等)进行到底;
follow through… 完全遵照(协议、条款等)[本短语中 through 仍为副词];
get(或 go)through… 花完(这些钱),用完(信封等)[介词];
get(或 go) through with… 把(计划、工作、任务、交易等)进行到底;
put… through(厂长等)完成或办完(这笔交易等);
run through so much money 用完那么多钱[介词];
rush through… 匆忙做完(某事、合同等)[介词];
see sb. through (college, the lawsuit, the struggle 等)帮助某人上完(大学),打完(官司),把(斗争)坚持到底;
see sb. through… 帮助某人度过(困难)或完成(某艰巨任务等)[这里后面部分的文字(指“度过”、“完成”等)应结合上下文来选择译文];
see sb. through another week(这笔钱等)帮助某人再维持一周;
see sth. through 把(工作、任务、斗争等)进行到底,把(电影、戏剧等)看完;
be through with…(某人)做完(工作等),看完(书、报等),写完(信件等);
be through(某工作等)完成,(某人)通过考试等,(某人)电话接通等

注:注意上下文:through 有时指“关系结束即不再来往”,有时指“本身某一职务的结束”。例如:Do what you like. We are through. 你愿做什么就做什么,我们的关系到此为止。He was through with a football player. (那时)他挂靴不踢足球了。

四、介词 through 与有关动词搭配用于转义,表示一种经历。

例如:“度过(艰难历程)、克服(困难等)、经历(几个阶段)”。副词 through 一般可理解为介词 through 后面省略了有关名词的结果 have been through…(某人)经历了(一场重病、一段艰难时期),(某新产信一信等在生产线上)经历了(十个阶段等);
come through… 经历(世界大战即 the world war);
He was lucky to come through. 他很幸运地走过了这段历程[句中 through 可结合上下文理解为“经受了战争等各种磨难和危险并活了下来”。] bring sb. through… 使某人度过(战争);
bring… through…(医生)使(病人)脱离(危险);
get through the difficult times(某人)度过艰难的年代;
live through… 经历(战争或严冬等)而活过来[本短语中 through 一般作介词用];
pass through… 经历(一段困难时期等)[还可作“完成或学完(三门课等),上完(四年大学等)”讲];
pull through… 度过(困难、危机、考试),摆脱(疾病等);
pull (或 bring)(vt., vi.) through a serious illness(医生)使某人从重病中恢复健康[指“带着某人度过即摆脱重病”],(病人)从重病中康复过来;
Good nursing will pull the patient through. 护理好就可使病人康复过来。(句末 through 为副词);
win through(某人或某试验等)最后获得成功[这里 through 后可理解为省略 troubles, difficulties 之类的词,体现“成功来之不易”的色彩]等

五、through 后接有关名词表示“通过一段时间”或“一直到某日期”

be (或 stay) here through May(他)整个五月份将呆在这里[用将来一般时];
be open from Monday through Friday(商店等)开门营业从星期一到星期五(包括星期五在内);
get through those days 度过那些日子;
work through the night 通宵工作等

六、介词 through 接有关名词表示原因,它和动词的搭配很广

fall ill through eating too much(他)由于吃得太多而病倒;
get the chance through being a manager(某人)由于担任经理而获得这个机会;
happen through his carelessness(事故等)的发生起因于他的粗枝大叶;
make mistakes through one’s inexperience(某人)由于没有经验而犯错误等
