
One 和 Ones 的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

One 和 Ones 的用法

One 和 Ones 的用法

一、one 作数字“一”讲,并有引申用法(见第二、三例)

  1. One plus (或 and) one is two. 1 加 1 等于 2。
  2. Babies begin to talk at one。婴儿一岁开始说话。
  3. We all rose up as one at once. 我们立即全体起立.
  4. You don't try to talk at one time. 你们不要同时抢着讲话。

二、one 泛指“一个人”,后接 of + 某类人或物,则为“…中之一(人或物)。在一定的上下文中还可表示同一个人或物

  1. One should study and work for people. 人应该为人民而学习和工作。
  2. Tianjin is one of the big cities in China. 天津是中国的大城市之一。
  3. The child didn't know ice and steam are one. (那时)这小孩不知道冰和水蒸汽是一回事。
  4. I thought Dr.White and Prof.White were one. 当时我还以为怀特博士和怀特教授是同一个人。

三、不定代词 one 作主语时,后面要用 he, his 或 one, one’s 作其相应的代词。注意 one 或 ones 可分别代替前面出现的可数名词单数或复数,也可能分别代替前面复数名词的单数或前面单数名词的复数

  1. The idea of "atom" has a long history, one extending back to about 600 B.C. 原子的概念有悠久的历史,可以追溯到公元前 600 年左右。(one 是 history 的同位语,也是为避免重复 history 而用的代词。后面 extending… 为后置定语。)
  2. A:Those mobile phones don't look nice. 那些移动电话不好看。
    B:Here is one which looks quite nice. 这里有一部很好看。(one 代替前面出现的复数名词中的单数。)
  3. There were a number of well-known scientists in the last century, but Albert Einstein was one of the more interesting ones. 上世纪有许多著名科学家,但是埃·爱因斯坦是其中较为有影响的一个。
  4. There are many advantages which have led to the increase of nuclear power plants. One is that they are less expensive to operate than conventional ones. 有许多优点导致核电厂数量增加。其中一个优点是核电厂的操作费不如普通发电厂贵。
