
No matter how (或 what, where, who 等)疑问词的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

No matter how (或 what, where, who 等)疑问词的用法

No matter how (或 what, where, who 等)疑问词的用法

No matter how (或 what, where, who, where, when 等) 引出的让步状语从句常可分别用 However, Whatever, Wherever, Whoever, Whenever 等来代替,并分别表示“不管(或不论)如何…”、“不论或不管什么”、“不管或不论何处”、“不管或不论是谁”、“不管或不论在何处或去何处”、“不管或不论什么时候”等含义。

  1. All matter, no matter what (= whatever) it is, is made up of atoms. 每种物质,不管它是什么,都由原子构成。
  2. No matter what (= whatever) happens, we must push on with our work. 不管发生什么情况,我们都必须赶快完成工作. (转译)
  3. When n, P and T have definite values, then V must have a definite value too, no matter what (= whatever) gas is present. So we may write PV = nRT. 不管存在的是什么气体,当 n, P 和 T 具有一定值时,则 V 也必须有一定值。因此我们可写成 PV = nRT。
  4. No matter how(= However)difficult the ship construction may be, we must complete it in time. 不管造船如何艰巨,我们必须按时完成。
  5. Force is measured in pounds, no matter how (= However) it is produced. 不管力是怎样产生的,可按磅来计量。
  6. No matter where (= wherever) you want me to go, I will follow you. 不管你要我去哪里,我一定跟你走。
  7. No matter when (= whenever) you leave, we’ll go to the subway station to meet you. 不论你何时动身,我们都将去地铁站迎接你。
  8. No matter who(= whoever)phones, please tell them we are out. 不论谁来电话,请告诉他们我们外出了。


1)No matter whether he is right or wrong, he usually wins the argument. 不论他是对或错,他在辩论中总是获胜。(本句可省略 No matter 和 he is, 而句义不变。)
2)No matter if he gets into trouble. 如果他惹了麻烦,那也无关紧要。
