
Against 用法及注意事项 | 新编英语阅读手册

Against 用法及注意事项

Against 用法及注意事项

一、against 作“反对”、“违反”讲

  1. The slaves rose against their masters. 奴隶们起来反对他们的主人。
  2. This explanation is against the natural laws. 这种解释是违反自然规律的。
  3. Our workshop has a regulation against smoking. 我们车间有一条禁烟规定。
  4. He will speak againnst anything he knows to be wrong. 他将发言反对凡是他认为是错误的一切东西。

二、against 作“靠着”、“位置相对着”、“逆着”、“对着”、“顶着”、“衬着”讲

  1. The picture hangs against the wall. 这张画挂在墙上。(原义是:“……靠着墙挂着。”)
  2. Their house is over against the laboratory. 他们的房子正在实验室对面。
  3. Now our car is running against the wind. 现在我们的汽车正逆风行驶。
  4. A force is needed to move an object against inertia. 为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。
  5. That ship will not strike against a rock by using some new-type instruments. 那条船使用新式仪表将不会触礁。
  6. I saw the grey summit of the mountain against a wonderful background of blue sky. 我看见灰色的顶峰后面衬着蔚蓝色天空的绝妙背景。

三、as against 和 against表示“对照“、“对比”关系

  1. As against last year, our grain output has increased by more than 6 per cent. 与去年相比,我们的粮食生产增加了百分之六以上。
  2. The factory has produced 95,000 tons of sugar this year,as against the 59,300 tons of last year. 这个厂今年已生产了 95,000 吨糖,而去年只生产 59,300 吨。(意译)
  3. She was elected chairman by a majority of 50 votes against 10. 她以五十对十票的多数被选为主席。(chairman为主语补语。)


  1. She is saving money against old age. 她存钱防老。
  2. We must guard against disease. 我们必须预防疾病。
  3. They store up coal against the winter. 他们贮藏煤以备冬用。
  4. We should save fuel against the day of battle. 我们应该节省燃料以备战时之用。
  5. These watches are guaranteed against water damage. 这些表是防水的。(由“…被保证防止浸水损坏”引申过来。)

五、理解带有 against 的固定短语可从下列三个方面着手:

Ⅰ. against 表示“反对”、“反抗”、“违反”之意。

例如:advise against sb’s doing… 劝某人不做…;argue against sth. 争辩反对某事……;struggle(或 fight,combat)against… 与(敌人)斗争(或战斗,搏斗);come against sb. 进攻某人(由“前来反对某人”引申过来);declare against… 宣布或声明反对(那种错误的观点等);dispute against sb. 和某人辩论;discriminate against sb. 歧视某人(由“以区别对待反对某人”引申过来);go(或run)against …违背(某人的观点等);inform against sb. 告发某人;protest against…抗议反对(物价上涨即 the price rise);cry against…大声抗议或抱怨(削减工资即 the pay cut);turn against… 转为反对(某人,某事)等。

II. 从表示位置关系来理解并记忆下列带有 against 的固定短语。

例如:stand (或 sit) against… 靠(墙即 the wall)站或坐;dash against… 猛撞(大门等);patter against the windows(雨)嗒嗒地打在窗户上;strike… against… 把(自行车)撞在(墙)上;strike against…(他)撞在(门即the door)上;do work against friction 克服摩擦而作功(直译为:顶住摩擦而作功)等。

III. 从against(反对)及其反义词for(支持、赞成)来加深理解这两个系列的相应短语。

例如:be against (或 for) the suggestion 反对(或赞成)这个建议;stand against (或 for)… 主张反对(或支持)(某事或某人);speak against (或 for) sb. 发言反对某人(或为某人辩护);vote against(或for)sb. 投票反对(或赞成)某人;struggle against (或 for)…和…作斗争(或为…而斗争);strike against(或 for)…为反对(或为获得)……而罢上等。
