
Still 的用法和注意点 | 新编英语阅读手册

Still 的用法和注意点

Still 的用法和注意点

一、形容词 still 作“静”、“寂静的”、“静止的”讲

  1. still water 静水;still lemonade 无气柠檬水
  2. All sounds are still. 万籁俱寂。
  3. Please keep still while I take the photograph! 我拍照时请别动!

二、“副词 still + 比较级”表示“还要或更…”之意

  1. In appearance this computer is still better than that one. 从外表上看,这台计算机比那台更好。(由“…还要好”引申过来。还可用 even yet 代替 still。)
  2. Molecules are formed from still smaller particles called atoms. 分子由称之为原子的更小的粒子形成。(同上)

注:有时也可用“比较级 + still”,意思同上。

三、副词 still 作“仍旧”、“仍然”讲

  1. He is still busy; he has not finished his work yet. 他仍然很忙;他尚未结束工作。
  2. If heat is still added, the temperature of the boiling water does not rise anymore. 如果再加热,沸水的温度也不再上升。

四、副词 still 修饰全句,作“可是”、“还”讲

  1. Still, you must help him repair the air-conditioner. 可是,你必须帮助他修理这台空调器。
  2. The weather is very hot; still it is not unbearable. 天气很热,但还不是令人受不了。
  3. He is busy, (but) still he will carry out another test. 他很忙,可是他还要做另外一个试验。

五、动词 still 作“使得…平静”讲

Anything cannot still the sea. 任何东西都不能使海洋平静下来。

六、词组 still less (何况), still more(况且)分别用于否定和肯定句

  1. He never thought of the test flight, still less did he conduct it. 他从没想到这次试飞,更谈不上去做了。
  2. He repairs the machine, still more does he set it to pieces. 他会修理机器,那就更会拆机器了。

七、同音词 still(n.) 作“蒸馏釜”讲

The liquid remaining in the still contains much free acid. 蒸馏釜内剩下的液体含有许多游离酸。


I. 注意 still 的词序以及在比较级前出现作“还要”、“更加”讲。

  1. He is standing still. 他站着不动。(形容词)
  2. He is still standing. 他仍然站着。(副词)
  3. For some time to come, then, we can still safely say that human brains are still complex than computers. 那么在未来一段时间内,我们仍可放心地说,人脑比计算机还要(或更加)复杂。

II. 注意 still less, still more 在否定和肯定句中用法(见上述第六项。)

III. still 除作名词、动词用外,在其它大部分情况下作“仍然”讲。
