
Least(包括作“最不…”讲)的用法 | 新编英语阅读手册



一、least 是 little(小;少)的最高级,作形容词或副词用

  1. Silver has the least resistance of the metals. 在这些金属中间,银的电阻最小。(句中 least 为形容词最高级,而 of… 表示比较范围。)
  2. He likes that raincoat least of all. 他最不喜欢那件雨衣。( of 用法同上。但 least 为副词。)
  3. It happened just when I least expected it. 那件事就在我最没有想到的时候发生了。

二、“least + 形容词或副词”构成劣等最高级,作“最不……”讲

  1. This is the least expensive method. 这是最不费钱的方法。
  2. These motors operate least noisily. 这些电动机运转时的噪音最小。
  3. She has not the least experience. 她毫无经验。(注意 not the least… 作“丝毫无…”讲,由“连最少的…都没有”引申过来。)

三、名词 least 及其常用词组用法举例

  1. A has little, B has less, and C has (the) least. 甲没有多少,乙更少,而丙最少。
  2. He is not in the least touched. 他一点也未被碰伤。
  3. At (the) least, it costs 5 pounds (= It costs at least 5 pounds). 至少这值5英镑。
  4. You should at least tell me. 你至少应该告诉我。
  5. I have done thus and so, to say the least of it. 至少可以这样说(或退一步说),我已如此这般做了。(斜体字为插入语。)
