
Might 的主要用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Might 的主要用法

Might 的主要用法

一、might 作“可以”讲:1. may 的过去时;2. 虽指现在时,但口气谦虚、婉转,属虚拟语气用法之一

  1. I asked him whether I might use his mobile phone. 我曾问他,我是否可以使用他的移动电话?
  2. Might I borrow your pocket calculator? 我可以借用你的袖珍计算器吗?

二、might 作“也许”、“或许”讲,表示可能性:1. 用于过去时;2. 虽指现在时,但对所推断的事情把握不大

  1. They told me that they might come. 他们告诉我说,他们或许来。
  2. In most (或 the majority of) cases the calculations might not be accurate. 在大多数情况下,这些计算可能不准确。
  3. Under open sky, the coefficient might range from 3 to 5. 露天时,该系数值范围也许为 3 到 5。
  4. You oughtn't to have driven that car with the brakes out of order. You might have had a serious accident. 你本来就不该驾驶那辆刹车失灵的汽车。你会出严重车祸的。

三、might 用于目的从句。如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,目的状语从句的谓语动词用"might + 原形动词”

  1. He taught you English (so) that you might serve the people better. (当时)他教你们英语,是为了你们可更好地为人民服务。
  2. We went to the factories that theory might be linked with practice. 我们曾下厂,以便理论结合实践。

四、might 用于让步从句。如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,从句的谓语动词用“might + 原形动词”

Whatever might happen, they were determined to do the work. 无论发生什么事情。当时他们都下定决心去做那项工作。

五、might 用于条件句或假设句,包括用于过去未实现的动作

  1. If he arrived here yesterday, he might go to help them. 如果他昨天到达这里,他也许去帮助他们。(真实条件句)
  2. If he were to consider the new factors, he might come to a different conclusion. 假如他果真考虑那些新的因素,他是会得出不同结论的。(假设句,表示与将来事实可能相反。)
  3. You might have succeeded if you had tried again. (当时)多试一次,也许你早就成功了。(假设句,表示与过去事实相反。)
  4. They might have solved the problem with ease. 他们本来可以容易地解决这个问题。(过去未实现的动作)
  5. The machine might have passed (或 stood) the test. 该机器本可早已检查合格。(实际上过去未实现。)

六、“主语 + might as well + 动词 + 比喻体,as + 动词原形 + 本体”用法。这是一种比较特殊的连接比喻的方式,一般可译为“正如不能…一样,也不能…”

  1. You might as well expect the sun to rise in the west as expect us to Change our plan. 你不能使我们改变计划,正如不能使太阳从西方升起一样。

注意有时省略后面 as 引导的从句,这时 might as well 相当于 had better 的用法,但具有否定意味。例如:

  1. You might as well reason with the wolf! 那样做无疑是同豺狼讲理。
  2. If you had others do your sum, you might as well have them eat your lunch.(如果)你要别人代做算术,何不叫别人代你吃饭呢!
