
Otherwise 用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Otherwise 用法

Otherwise 用法

一、连词 otherwise 作“否则”讲,与 or else 和 if not 同义

  1. Heat the water, otherwise it will freeze. 把水加热,否则水会结冰。
  2. A body must be moved, otherwise no work is done. 物体必须被移动,否则就没有作功。
  3. He was busy with his experiment yesterday, otherwise he would have come to the meeting. 他昨天忙于作实验,否则他早就来开会了。(本句中 otherwise 实际上等于;if he had not been busy with his experiment yesterday, 所以构成了对过去事实相反的假设,后句谓语用虚拟语气。)

二、副词 otherwise 作“取别的方式”、“除此以外”、“从其它方面来说”讲

  1. You think it will rain today, but he thinks otherwise. 你认为今天会下雨,但他看法不同。
  2. That is the only blemish in an otherwise perfect portable phone. 那个手机除了有这个唯一缺陷外,可以说是很完美的。(意译)
  3. A catalyst will enable a condition of equilibrium to be attained more quickly than otherwise would be possible. 催化剂可使平衡状态比不采用催化剂时更快地达到。(斜体处英文原意是“取别的方式”。)
  4. Otherwise expressed, the current varies directly with the voltage. 换种形式表达,电流和电压成正比。(过去分词短语作状语。)
  5. In the process of converting coal into gas underground a hole is dug down to the otherwise unusable coal seam and the coal is ignited. 在地下煤的气化过程中,先往下挖洞,一直挖到用其它方法都不能开采的煤层上。然后点燃煤层。

三、形容词 otherwise 作“别样的”、“其它性质的”讲

  1. Some of the methods are successful, some are otherwise. 在这些方法中间有些是成功的,有些则不然。
  2. Fine or otherwise, we shall have to carry out this test. 不管天气好不好,我们非做这个试验不可。(句首部分系Whether it is fine or otherwise 的省略形式。)
