
Should 用法 | 新编英语阅读手册

Should 用法

Should 用法

一、should 用于第一人称将来一般时助动词 shall 的过去将来时(见第 134 节、四)

二、should 用于非真实条件从句中(详见第 143 节、三[假设情况汇总表])

三、should 作“应该”讲

  1. We should complete our test in time. 我们应按时完成试验。
  2. In sum, theory should be combined with practice. 总而言之,理论应与实践结合。

四、should 用于表示建议、要求、决定、命令等意义的主从复合句内,这时从句谓语一般是“should + 动词原形”,并且其中 should 常可省略

  1. They propose (或 demand, insist, decide, order) that you should read the rules carefully. 他们建议(或要求、坚持、决定、命令)(让)你们仔细阅读这些规则。
  2. It is necessary (或 important) that the the results of an experiment should be checked. 核对实验结果是必需的(或重要的)。
  3. They agree to the suggestion that our laboratory should be re-equipped. 他们同意让我们的实验室重新装备这个建议。
  4. Our demand is that accurate measurement should be made. 我们的要求是测量要准确。

五、should 用于 if 或 in case 引出的从句内,表示从句的内容将来不大可能实现。这时主句要用 would, should, could 或 might 与动词原形来配合,详见第 144 节、三

  1. If Sidney should come today, I would go to see the test tube twins together with him. 假如锡德尼果真今天前来,那么我就同他一起去看试管双胞胎婴孩。
  2. I took a notebook computer in case I should have time to get on-line. 我带了一个笔记本电脑,以备有时间就可上网。

六、should 用于 "for fear that…(唯恐……)"、"(for fear). lest…(免得 ……)”和 "for fear (lest)…(恐怕……)”引导的目的状语从句中。其中 should 常可省略

  1. Lest the wall (should) collapse, they went out of the house. 生怕墙倒坍,他们从房子里出来了。
  2. He places the instrument carefully on the table (for fear) lest it should fall down. 他把仪器小心地放在桌上,以免仪器掉下来。
  3. I must write down the names of the machines lest I (should) forget them. 我必须把这些机器名称写下来以免忘掉。
  4. Take an umbrella with you for fear (lest) it (should) rain. 带上雨伞,恐怕要下雨。

注:本类型从句不限于用 should,还可根据词义需要可换用 would, might 或 may 等。例如:The parents worried for fear that their children would (或 might) hurt. 家长当时很担心,怕他们的孩子会(或可能)受到伤害。

七、should 用来表示谦逊、客气、委婉语气等含义,常用于第一人称

  1. I should say it would be better to have a look at it again. 我倒是以为最好再看一下。
  2. I should be sorry to disturb you. 如果打扰你的话,那就真对不起了。
  3. I should think you are right. 我想你是对的。
  4. I should like to visit this place again. 我倒是愿意再次访问此地。

八、“should + have + 过去分词”表示过去该做而实际上尚未做的动作。其否定式则表示过去不该做而实际上已经做的动作。两者都含有劝告,甚至责备意思

  1. Those cells should have been kept in some dry places. 那些电池早就该放(或保存)在某些干燥的地方。(但实际上却没这样做。)
  2. You should not have kept those cells in the damp place. 你不该把那些电池放在那块潮湿的地方。(但实际上却已经做了。)
  3. You should not have gone back to work without the doctor’s permission. 未经医生许可,你本来就不应该回去工作。
  4. You should have been looking after the children. Why haven’t you? 你本应照看这些小孩。但为什么不看着他们呢?

九、should 用于表示惊奇和欣喜的句子中,表示“竟然”、“居然”等含义

  1. It is strange that the wheel should turn so slowly. 真怪,这个轮的转动竟如此之慢。
  2. We are rejoiced that our calculations should be so accurate. 我们很高兴,我们的计算居然如此准确。
  3. Why should the door be locked? 为什么居然把门锁起来了?
  4. It is wonderful that you should have achieved so much in these years. 这几年中你们竟然取得如此大的成就,真了不起!(注意这里主语从句内出现时间状语 in these years, 一般要求用现在完成时,而使用 should 是为了表示惊异、赞叹意味。因此这里不能仅按上述第八条来理解,而必须注意上下文。)

十、注意 "Why (或 How) + should + …" 句型表示“不能理解”的事

  1. Why should you speak so impolitely? 为什么你如此无礼貌地说话?
  2. How should we students know? 我们学生怎么会知道呢?

十一、should 引申用于表示“或许”、“最好(有劝告含义)”

  1. It should be about three o’clock. 现在也许三点钟左右。
  2. You should see a doctor. 你最好去看一下医生。
  3. You should be able to look around as you read this article and see some of these minerals. 当你读这篇文章时,你最好能往四周瞧瞧,并看到一些这样的矿物。
