
动词时态 | 新编英语阅读手册



任何英语句子里谓语动词所表示的动作,包含着发生的时间和进行方式两个方面,合起来称为“时态”。英语共有十六个时态(见本节末总表),兹分别讨论其中十三种时态。剩下的三种时态,由于很少使用,不再进行讨论。各时态的被动态形式见第 135 节上的一个表。



  1. Computers are of great use to us. They help our national economy (to) developrapidly. 计算机大有用处。它们能帮助我国国民经济迅速发展。
  2. The earth revolves around the sun. 地球围着太阳转。
  3. Now the workshop is in good order. 现在这车间处于良好状态。




Ⅰ. 用过去时动词表示

  1. We had practice (或 worked) in the information center last year. 去年我们在信息中心实习(或工作)。
  2. Before 1949 there was no oil industry here. 1949 年前这里没有石油工业。一般说来,句中出现过去时间的时间状语,谓语要用过去一般时。例如:
  3. Last year he said he spoke English。去年他说,他会说英语。(句中出现 Last year, 谓语就用 said。后面 spoke 固然也是过去一般时,侧重表示当时情况,但这并不意味着:他去年说他会说英语,而今天就一点也不会说了。关于这一点,必须特别注意。)

II. 用 “used to + 动词原形” 表示过去习惯动作或存在状态,而“would + 动词原形”表示过去多次动作。

  1. When I lived in Shanghai, I used to learn Chinese from Mr. Fang. 当我住在上海时,我常向方先生学习汉语.
  2. Used there to be a bookshop on the corner? 过去在拐角处有一家书店吗?
  3. Whenever he was free,he would operate the electronic brain. 那时他一有空,就操作电脑。


Ⅰ. 将来一般时的基本意义和形式

将来一般时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,其一般表示形式为:第一人称单、复数 + shall + 动词原形(美国英语也可用 will 代替 shall。)第二、三人称单、复数 + will + 动词原形

  1. This afternoon we shall(或 will)goto the net friend club. 今天下午我们将去网友俱乐部。
  2. Advanced information technology will bring the development of science and technology to a new stage. 先进的信息技术将把科学技术发展引到一个新阶段。

注:在以 when, if 等连接的时间或条件状语从句内,要用现在时代替将来时:

1)I shall give you the book when I see you tomorrow. 明天见到你时,我就把书交给你。
2)He will not come if it rains tomorrow. 如果明天下雨,他就不来了。

II. 将来时还可用来表示一种倾向或一种固有特性:

  1. Without air and water a living thing will die. 没有空气和水,生物便会死亡。
  2. I think your computer is down. It wont work. 我想,你的计算机坏了。它操作不了啦。

III. 将来一般时还可用下列五种形式表示即将发生或打算做的事:

A. “be going + 不定式(即 to + 动词原形)”(详见第 53 节、二 Ⅱ A)

  1. They are going to pay a visit to Tianjin. 他们打算访问天津。
  2. It is going to rain. 要下雨了。

B. “be + about + 不定式(即 to + 动词原形)”(参阅第 53 节、二 Ⅲ B):

The water is about to boil. 这水马上要开。注:本类句子不再用时间状语,也不能再用 immediately(立即)之类的词语。

C. “be to + 动词原形”即“be + 不定式”(参阅第 53 节、二 Ⅱ C):

  1. We are to persist in our practice. 我们要坚持实践。
  2. These operating rules are to be obeyed by everyone. 这些操作规程人人都要遵守。
  3. There is to be a meeting next Monday. 下周一要安排一个会。

注:本句型比“be going + 不定式”具有更进一步的主动色彩,即不但有打算,而且还要一定实现的。

D. “be on (或 at) the point of…”也表示预期将来,但是动作发生就在眼前。例如:

  1. He is on (或 at) the point of going to the trade centre. 他就要去贸易中心。
  2. The patient is at (或 on) the point of death. 这位病人即将死去。

E. 表示往来动作含义的某些动词(如 arrive 到达,come 来,leave 离开,go 去,start 动身,return 返回,以及 do 做,issue 发行,publish 出版)有时用现在进行时形式表达最近大概要发生或打算要做的事。例如:

  1. He is coming here next week. 他下周来这里。
  2. What are you doing tomorrow?你明天要做什么?

F. 注意“is, am 或 are + likely (或 unlikely, liable, certain, sure, bound) + 带 to 的不定式”也表示将来一般时的含义。例如:

  1. They are likely (或 liable) to see a test tube baby there. 他们可能会在那里见到试管婴儿的。
  2. We are certain (或 sure) to wait on your children. 我们一定会照应你们的孩子。
  3. Is he bound to attend tomorrow’s meeting?是否他必须参加明天会议吗?


The project is likely to have been discussed. 这个项目可能已作了讨论。

四、过去将来时(参阅第 132 节、一和七)

过去将来时表示在过去某一时刻以后将发生的动作或存在的状态。表达式为:主语 + would (第一人称用 should) + 动词原形

  1. Yesterday he learned (that) we should go to work in a major high-tech firm next week. 昨天他听说我们下星期将去一个大型高科技公司工作。(句中 go 动作虽然尚未发生,但这里着眼点是与 learned 这个过去的动作相比,故用过去将来时。)
  2. He said (that) he would come when he had time. 他说过他有空就来。(come 这个动作将在过去时动词 said 以后发生。)

注:上面表示一般将来时的第 Ⅲ 类中 A—E 五项,只要把其中的 be 改成过去一般时形式 was 或 were,也就可变为过去将来时。例如:

1)They told me they were to pave the way for the research workers. 他们告诉我,他们要为科研人员铺平道路。
2)I did not know when he was going there again. 我不知他何时再去那儿。
3)She said she was about to start. 她说她马上要动身了。
4)I didn't expect he was going to fetch my hat for me from the next room. 我没想到他准备从隔壁房间里为我拿来帽子。

注 2:如果在该用过去将来时句子中出现表示将来的具体时间,则就可用一般将来时代替过去将来时。例如:

He said he will do it in 2010. 他说他将在 2010 年做这件事。

五、现在进行时(参阅第 54节、一、I)

Ⅰ. 现在进行时表示此时此刻或目前一段时间内正在进行或不断进行的动作。它的表达式为:主语 + is (或 am, are, 随主语而定)+ 现在分词。

  1. The space shuttle is revolving about the earth. 这架航天飞机正绕着地球运转。
  2. This machine is working in full under the action of heavy current. 在强电流作用下,这台机器正以全速运转。
  3. They are reading English beneath the window. 他们正在窗户底下读英语。

注:在时间或条件状语从句中,可用现在进行时代替将来进行时。例如:You will learn a lot from the programmers while you are working in the computing center. 当你们在计算中心工作时,你们将向程序员学习许多东西。(注意主句谓语为一般将来时。)

II. 现在进行时和一般现在时比较:

  1. John is singing. He sings beautifully. 约翰正在唱歌。他唱得很优美。
  2. It is getting dark. It gets dark at 6∶30. 天黑起来了。一般六点半天黑。


六、过去进行时(参阅第 54节、一、Ⅰ第 2 句)

过去进行时表示过去某时刻或某阶段内正在进行的动作。其表达式为:主语 + was(或 were, 随主语而定)+ 现在分词。

  1. At ten this morning, I was receiving a radio station at 990 kHz. 今天上午十点,我在收听 990 千赫的无线电台。
  2. Even when he came here, we were still working in the open. 甚至当他来这里时,我们仍在露天作业。

七、将来进行时(参阅第 54节、一、Ⅰ第 3 句)

将来进行时表示将来某时刻或某阶段内在进行的动作。表达式为:第一人称单、复数 + shall be + 现在分词 第二、三人称单、复数 + will be + 现在分词

  1. At this time tomorrow we shall be waiting for you in Bank of China. 明天这个时候,我们将在中国银行等你。
  2. He says (that) he will be having a computer class from eight to nine this morning. 他说今天上午八点到九点他将在上计算机课。
  3. Man was, is and always will be trying to improve his living conditions. 人类过去、现在而且将来总是在尽力改善生活条件。


1)Joe will come here to see you. 乔将来这里见你。(表示一种意志、意向和坚持。) 2)Emily will be going there to see her aunt. 埃米莉将去那边看望她的姨。(仅表示将来进行的动作,语气较比上句婉转。) 3)I’ll be doing our best. 我将竭尽全力。(比 we’ll do our best 婉转)

八、现在完成时(参阅第 49 节、二)

I. 现在完成时的基本意义和形式:

现在完成时表示一个过去发生而对现在还有影响的动作,或表示过去一直继续到现在的动作或状态。其表达式为:主语 + have(但第三人称单数则用 has)+ 过去分词

  1. We have lived in Tianjin for two years. 我们在天津已住了两年。
  2. Since 1978 great changes have taken place in Beijing. 1978 年以来,(在)北京发生了巨大的变化.
  3. Tianjin has been rapidly changed. 天津已迅速改变了面貌。
  4. There have been a lot of changes here in the last twenty years. 过去二十年,这里发生了许多变化。
  5. They have just seen over the show house. 他们刚才察看了样品房。(注意 "have just + 过去分词”表示刚才发生的动作。)
  6. Have you heard about it before? 你以前听说过这件事吗?

注 1:"have got + 名词”形式上是现在完成时,实际上和 have(有)具有相同意思。例如:

He has got (或 He has) a few compact discs. 他有几个光盘。

注 2:当状语为 already, not yet, in the last ten years, in the past three years, before, lately, in recent years, recently, during the past five years. within the past decade, since then, in these days, for a long time 等时,谓语仍可用现在完成时。当时间状语为 yesterday, last year, after 1949, in 1998 等时,谓语通常用过去一般时。

II. 现在完成时和过去一般时的比较:

  1. I opened the windows this morning. 今天早晨我开了窗户。
  2. I have opened the windows. 我已把窗户打开了。
  3. He came here last week. 他上星期来这里的。
  4. He has come here. 他已经来这里了。

从上述四句中可看出,第 1, 3 句中出现了表示过去时间的状语,着重表示过去发生的动作,至于现在“窗户是否仍开着”和“他是否走了”就不得而知了。第 2、4 句现在完成时着重过去动作的现状,即联系到目前时刻或过去动作在目前产生的影响。具体地说,“窗户现在仍开着”、“他现在仍在,没走”。现再举几例:

  1. She has been to Shanghai Bund. 她去过上海外滩。
  2. When did she go to Shanghai Bund? 她何时去上海外滩了?
  3. I haven't been to Shanghai Bund. 我没有去过上海外滩。
  4. I did not go to Shanghai Bund last year. 去年我没有去上海外滩。

上面四句中,第 5 句用现在完成时是联系到目前说话时刻为止去过上海外滩,并且去过上海外滩的累积次数至少是一次。第 7 句是现在完成时否定式。“没有去过上海外滩”意味着到目前时刻为止去过上海外滩的累积次数为零。“零”也是一个联系到现在为止的累积数,故也必须用现在完成时。第 8 句出现表示过去时间的时间状语 last year,谓语就必须用过去一般时。同理,第 6 句也必须用过去一般时,因为用疑问词 when 提问,回答时用的时间状语也必然指过去某时而言,因此谓语用过去一般时也是理所当然。

注 1:现在有一种倾向,特别是在美国,在随便谈话时,常用过去一般时代替现在完成时。

注 2:注意 “have just + 过去分词” 具有现在完成时形式,但表示“刚才做…”之意。例如 She has just seen such a thing. 她刚才见到这样的东西。

注 3:just now 既可与过去一般时连用,又可与一般现在时连用,但含义各异。

1)What she told me just now is right. 她刚才告诉我的事是对的。
2)They are busy just now. 他们现在正忙着呢。

注 4:如果主句用将来时,而时间或条件状语从句用现在完成时,则该现在完成时谓语实际上指将来的动作,并且还先于主句的谓语动作。例如:

  1. I shall go with you when I have done my experiment. 我做完实验后就和你一起去。
  2. He will help us if he has done his homework. 如果他做完课外作业,他就会帮助我们的。

九、过去完成时(参阅第 49 节、二)

过去完成时表示过去某时刻或某动作以前已经完成的动作,即表示“过去的过去”。其表达式为:主语 + had + 过去分词

  1. By the end of 1962, we had met the demand for petroleum. 到 1962 年底,我们已满足了对石油的需要。
  2. When you came here, we had coped with all kinds of difficulties in the scientific research. 当你来这里时,我们已解决了科研中各种困难。
  3. By the time I entered Tianjin University, he had studied there for a year and a half. 到我上天津大学时,他已在那儿学了一年半了。
  4. The letter reminded me of what she had once told me. 这封信使我想起她有一次和我讲的话。
  5. They had failed several times, nevertheless they were confident (that) they would succeed in the end. 他们失败过几次,但他们仍然相信最后是能成功的。(本句以 they were confident(过去一般时)作为基准时间,前句为“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时;后句是“过去的将来”,故用过去将来时。)

注 1:过去完成时还可用来表示本来打算做而实际上没有做的事。由此推论,对过去事实作相反的假设,也就可用过去完成时的形式宋表示。这时过去完成时变为虚拟语气表示法中的一种形式。例如:

1)I had hoped to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn't get away. 我本来希望出去散步。但有人来找,脱不了身。
2)I wish (that) I hadn't spoken like that. 我巴不得当时没那样说多好。
3)If he had left for Beijing yesterday, you couldn't have met him today. 假如他昨天动身去北京的话,那么今天早就碰不到他了。

注 2:除去假设句以外,在表示“过去的过去”这类句子中,若出现表示过去时间的绝对时间(如 in 1976 等)或以今天时间作为基准而表达的相对时间(如 yesterday, lastnight 等),则仍须用过去一般时。例如:

1)He said (that) you worked in an enterprise of tertiary industry in 1998. 他说你 1998 年在一家第三产业的企业工作。
2)She told me (that) her teacher came here yesterday. 她告诉我,她的老师昨天来这里了。

十、将来完成时(参阅第 49 节、二)

将来完成时表示在将来某时刻之前完成的动作。其表达式为:主语 + shall(但第二、三人称用 will)+ have + 过去分词。

  1. By three o’clock this afternoon, the fuel in the furnace will have burned up (或 out). 到今天下午三点,炉内燃料将烧完。
  2. When you come at eight o’clock tonight, I shall have reviewed ten lessons. 你今晚八点来时,我将已复习完十课书。


Ⅰ. 现在完成进行时基本意义和形式:

现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,强调动作的延续过程。但这个动作可能刚刚终止,也可能仍在进行。其表达式为: 主语 + have(但第三人称单数用 has)+ been + 现在分词

  1. She has been listening to the Sports News since seven o’clock. 从七点起她一直在听体育新闻。
  2. He has been working at The Shanghai Stock Exchange for ten years. 他一直在上海证券交易所工作了十年.
  3. He has been watching (或 looking at) Animal World TV the whole morning. 他整个上午一直在看动物世界电视。(注意和现在一般时态句中用 always 的用法不同,后者指过去、现在以及将来都“一直”。)
  4. They have been visiting some technology intensive industries these few days. 这些天他们一直在参观一些科技密集型产业。(动作是否延续,要视上下文而定。)

II. 现在完成进行时和现在完成时的比较


I have been reading the book for the whole day, yet I have not finished it. 我整天一直在读这本书,但是还没有读完。
I have read the book. 我读过这本书了。

前一句着眼于“一直不停地读”,但没有说明是否读完或可能读完。还须靠下文交待。但后一句 "have read" 着重说明“读过”或“读完”了。


过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始并延续到过去这个时间。这一动作当时可能还在进行,也可能已经停止。其表达式为:主语 + had been + 现在分词

  1. Derek told me that he had been waiting for me for two hours。德立克告诉我,他一直等了我两小时。(动作不再延续)
  2. By the time I came to China Telecom, Ann had been working here for eight years. 到我来到中国电信时,安在这里已经一直工作了八年。(当时动作可能还在进行。句中 by the time 引出一个时间状语从句。)


将来完成进行时表示在将来某一时刻以前一直延续的动作。其表达式为: 主语 + will (第一人称用 shall) + have been + 现在分词

By next summer she will have been working in the insurance company for three years. 到明年夏天,她一直在保险公司工作将有三年了。

[附表] 英语动词十六种时态形式总表(以动词 work 为例)

时态 一般 进行 完成 完成进行时
现在 work(s) am working
are working
is working
have worked
has worked
have been working
has been working
过去 worked was working
were working
had worked had been working
将来 shall work
will work
shall be working
will be working
shall have worked
will have worked
shall have been working
will have been working
过去将来 should work
would work
should be working
would be working
should have worked
would have worked
should have been working
would have been working
