So 的主要用法
So 的主要用法
一、副词 so 作“如此地”、“这样地”、“那样地”讲,有时代替上文中有关形容词、名词和动词,译成“也”或“确实”
- Why (is that) so? 为什么这样呢?
- Read just so. 就这样朗读。
- a. We say she studies very hard, and so she does. 我们说她学习非常用功,而她确实如此。
b. We say she works well, and so does her brother. 我们说她工作好,而她的兄弟工作也好。(当后一句子主语与前一句相同,并且句意是表明上述内容属实,则后句中主语和谓语不必颠倒。如果前后两句主语不同,但情况相同,则后句中用 so 后的主语和谓语要颠倒一下。b 句即是如此。)
c. But as our population increases, so do the factories and chemicals. 但是随着人口增长,工厂和化学产品数量也增长了。(本句 as … so 相呼应,但 so 用法仍和 b 句相同。)- a. Sidney is a student, and so he is. 锡德尼是个学生,而他确实是个学生。
b. You are a net fan and so is she. 你是网迷,而她也是网迷。- A:It is going to snow. 快下雪了。
B:I think so. 我想是这样的。(=I think (that) it is going to snow.)
二、连词 so 作“因而”、“所以”解
- The door was locked so he could not come in. 门锁工了,所以他不能进来。
- They asked us to go, so we went. 他们要求我们去,因此我们就去了。
三、与 so 连用的一些常用词组
- She does not speak English so well as you。她英语不如你说得好。
- So far from being true, the news is false. 这消息决非真实可靠,而是虚假捏造。(本句中用 so 是表示强调。)
- So far it has not happened. 直到如今此事尚未发生。
- I have read only two pages or so. 我只读了两页左右。
- You may borrow my electronic dictionary so long as you keep it clean. 只要你把我的电子词典保持干净,你就可借用这本词典。
- So far as the noise is concerned, the colour TV set is out of order. 就杂音来说,这台彩电发生故障了。
- As far as I know, he is so angry as not to be able to say a word. 据我所知,他气得连一句话都说不出来(句中 so…as 引出的不定式短语作结果状语用。)
- He will have everything ready so as to keep you waiting. 他将做好一切准备,不使你等侯。(so as to 引出的不定式短语作目的状语用,也可用 in order to 代替。)
注:so that 和 so (或 such)… that 用法见下列专题。其它用法查语法目录。