
There be 结构及 there exists 等相类似的句子 | 新编英语阅读手册

There be 结构及 there exists 等相类似的句子

There be 结构及 there exists 等相类似的句子

一、there be 结构的形式和用法英语表示某时某处有(指存在、不是指占有)某人某物时就采用“there + be(be 随后面的主语单复数和时态而变)+ 主语 + 状语”这种句型。在疑问句中将 there 退居第二位即可

  1. There are many multimedia computers in our company. 我们公司有许多台多媒体计算机。
  2. There were no star-rated hotels in our city before 1950. 1950 年前我市没有星级饭店。
  3. There is no room for doubt here. 这里无怀疑余地。
  4. Will there be a boxing exhibition tomorrow? 明天有拳击表演吗?(本句为疑问句,there 和 will 颠倒即行。)
  5. Where there is heat, there is molecular motion. 有热就有分子运动。(本句内地点状语已扩展为地点状语从句,但译文未按原文结构翻译。)
  6. There was a long, long time when there were no living things on the earth. 有一段很长很长的时期,地球上没有生物。(When 引出定语从句修饰前面的 along, long time. )


Ⅰ. 句中 there 没有“那里”这个意思。需要表达“那里”这个意思时,句末还得再加一个 there。例如:There is a teahouse there. 那儿有一个茶馆。

II. 句中状语位置可前可后,也可一前一后,在一定上下文情况下甚至状语也可不用。

  1. There are different elements in nature. 自然界里有各种不同的元素。(状语在后)
  2. Before 1949 there was no modern national defence in China. 1949 年以前中国没有现代化的国防。
  3. A magnetic field is a space in which there are magnetic lines. 磁场乃是有磁力线(通过)的空间。(状语在前)
  4. There are not any perfect conductors. 没有绝对完善的导体。(没有状语出现)
  5. There is not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。(原意为:分秒都不要损失。)

注:"there be" 结构的否定式可以用否定词 no 表示(见上面第 2 句),也可用 not any 或 not a 表示(分别见第 4,5 句)。not any 后常跟有复数名词,no 后单、复数名词均可。其中以 not a 所表示的否定语气较强。

III. there 后面除了用 is, are, was 和 were 以外,还可用包含 be 的各种复合谓语的形式,其中包括各种时态以及使用各种情态动词。但这时 there 和后面的 be 的各种相应的形式始终作“存在”、“有”解。

  1. There have been many great changes in China since 1978. 1978 年以来中国发生了许多巨大的变化。
  2. There must be a lot of fuel in the tank. 油箱里一定有许多燃料。
  3. He said that there would be an important report after breakfast。他说早饭后有一个重要报告。(句中 would be 为过去将来时。)
  4. Without computers, fuel and steel, there would be no modern industry. 没有电脑、燃料和钢,就不会有现代化的工业。(would be 为虚拟语气。)
  5. There may still be a little water in the bottle. 瓶内可能还有一点水。
  6. She said there was going to be a meeting after class. 她说下课后将有一个会要开。
  7. There ought to be (或 There should be) a great demand for these goods. 对这些货物应该有很大的需要。
  8. Is there going to be an experiment tomorrow morning? 明天上午有实验吗?
  9. How many classrooms can there be in this teaching building?这个教学楼内能有多少个教室呢?
  10. If there is to be reform, there must be a correct policy. 要改革,就必须有正确的政策。
  11. There is sure (或 certain) to be many difficulties for us to overcome. 一定会有许多困难要我们去克服。
  12. There are likely to be more difficulties than you thought. 很可能碰到的困难会比你原先想的多。

为了醒目起见,现把常用的“there + 助动词或情态动词 + be 的相应形式”列成下表:

There will (或would) be… 将有…
There can (或could) be… 能有…
There must be… 一定有…
There may (或 might) be… 可能有…
There must have been… 当时一定有了…(表示对过去事情的主观判断)
There may have been… 当时可能有了…(表示对过去事情的主观判断)
There should be… 应该有…
There have (或 has, had) been… 已经有…
There is (或 was) going to be… (当时)将要有…
There is (或 was) to be… (当时)要有…
There ought to be… 应该有…
There is certain (或 sure, bound) to be… 肯定(或一定)有…
There is (或 was) likely (或 unlikely) to be… (当时)可能(或不可能)有…

Ⅳ. 在“there be + 主语”结构有时还可换用“there is (或 are, was, were 等) + said (或 heard, found, known, reported, supposed 等) + to be + 主语”,使 there be 结构增添新的色彩。例如:

  1. There is (或 was) said to be a banana tree near a church. 据说(或那时据说)在教堂附近有一棵香蕉树。
  2. There is reported (或 was found) to be an ancient well near a church. 据报道(或据当时发现)在教堂附近有一口古井。

Ⅴ. 当有几个并列成分作主语时,动词也可以只与最靠近的一个主语在人称和数方面协调一致。例如:

There is a worker and some students at the construction site. 建设工地上有一个工人和几个学生。(用 are 当然也可以。)

三、注意“there is no + 动名词”表示“不可能……”之意

  1. There is no accounting for his conduct. 无法解释他的行为。
  2. There is no telling what will happen. 未来的事无可奉告。

四、注意 there be 结构的非谓语形式的表示方法和用法

  1. I do not want there to be any mistake in the homework. 我不希望在课外作业里有任何错误。(斜体字部分是 there be 结构的不定式短语表示形式,作动词 want 的宾语。)
  2. Far from there being too many, there are only just enough English magazines in our reading-room. 我们阅览室内的英语杂志决不是多了,而只是刚够而已。(斜体字部分为 "there be" 结构的动名词短语的形式,作介词 from 的宾语。)
  3. There being no car, I had to stay at home. 因为没有汽车,我就不得不呆在家里。(这里 There being… 为独立分词结构。)

五、与 there be 类似的结构在科技文章中有时我们还能见到 “there + seem (或 appear, happen, used to be, exist, remain, stand, live, lie, occur 等不及物动词)+ 主语”的句型结构。现举例如下:

  1. There seems (或 appears) to be no doubt about this problem. 看来对此问题没有怀疑了。
  2. There exist many sources of energy both potential and kinetic. 存在着许多位能和动能的能源。
  3. There do exist complex computations in science and engineering. 在科学、工程上确实存在着复杂的计算。
  4. There remains one more test to be carried out before putting (或 bringing) the robot into operation. 这台机器人(投入)运转前还剩下一个试验要进行。(未按原文结构翻译)
  5. According to the periodic table, there seem to be still some elements undiscovered. 根据周期表,似乎还有一些元素未发现。
  6. There stands a chemical plant by the river. 那条河边有一个化工厂。
  7. There doesn't seem to be too much hope of his being still alive. 他仍然活在世上的希望似乎不太大。
  8. There used to be very much rain there. 过去那儿一向(有很)多雨。(一般用“主语 + used + 不定式”表示过去经常性动作。这里前面加 there, 而 used 后加 to be,就变为 "there be" 结构的过去经常发生的”有”。)
  9. There lies a wide river near our city. 我市附近有一条宽阔的河流。

六、若要表示事物或人物的有无,尤其当主语部分文字较长时,为了引起对方对句中主语的注意,常常先在句首加一个 there 充数,将真正的主语移到句末利用这种观点可解释以上所有的 "there be" 结构及其类似的结构中主语位于谓语之后的理由,也可用来解释下列一些句子。

  1. There came a time when he did get at the meaning of the word. 后来他确实懂得了这个词的意思。(when 引出定语从句。)
  2. There was seen a very wonderful sight people had never heard of. 人们看到了一个从未听说过的十分奇妙的景象。
  3. Once there lived a great scientist whose name was Archimedes. 从前有个大科学家,他的名字叫做阿基米德。(whose 后引出定语从句。)
  4. There goes Mr.White, who has been in the hospital for months. 怀特先生要走了。他在医院呆了好多个月了。
  5. There suddenly rushed into the cinema a group of students from the elementary school. 突然从小学来了一群学生冲入电影院。
  6. There has been developed wonderful solar stove for cooking. 已研制出一种用来烹煮食物的奇妙的太阳炉灶。

七、注意 there be 结构作定语从句时,省略作从句主语的关系代词;同时注意在以 there be 开头的句子中,主语的定语从句有时省略关联词

  1. He has made a list of all the papers there are on this subject. 他将所有关于这个题目的论文列了一个单子。(there are… 为定语从句,省略了主语 which。)
  2. There is a officer downstairs wants to speak to you. 楼下有一位军官想和你说话。(定语从句的 wants 前省略的关系代词,正是修饰主句的主语 officer 的。)
  3. There is possibility we’ll go, it all depends on the weather. 我们可能去,但这完全要可能天气而定。(修饰 there be 结构中主语的定语从句,省略了关联词。)

八、there be 结构的其它常用搭配

  1. There is no reason (或 sense) in doing such a thing. 没有理由做这样的事。
  2. There is no point in speaking out here. 没有必要在这里大声讲话。(不能用 There is no point to speak… 代替。)
  3. There is no need to thunder out at the meeting. 没有必要在会上大声疾呼。(不能用 … no need in thundering… 代替。)
  4. There is no use (in) talking about this plan. 议论这项计划没有用处。(no use 后不能用不定式。)
