
数字或数量大小、数的增减、倍数和分数表示法 | 新编英语阅读手册






twenty (或 as core of) cordless phones 二十部无绳电话
two scores of Web addresses 四十个万维网址


(more than / over / above) 50 五十多
(less than / under / below) 50 五十来(个),不到五十,五十以下


Today’s room temperature is below 20℃。今天室温低于 20 ℃。
They have turned out almost (或 close upon) a thousand pieces of multi-media computers. 他们已生产了近千台多媒体计算机。 Here came nearly fifty students. 近五十名学生来到了这里。
He was back toward(s) 9 o'clock. 他将近九点回来的。


50 more 再(加)50
ten more days 再十天
First add 25 grams of salt to the water. Then add 20 more grams of salt to it. 先加 25 克盐于水中,然后再加上 20 克盐。


a mile or more 一英里或一英里多些
a long mile 一英里还多
a mile or less 一英里或不到一英里
a long hundred 一百二十
a long hour 足足一小时
a gross 一箩(=12 打或 144)
a small gross 一百二十个,十打
a dozen 一打;
dozens 几十,几打
a score二十; a score of boys 二十个男孩;
scores of problems 许多问题
a decade 十;
decades 几十


two hundred odd (或 two odd hundred) girls 二百多个女孩
twenty (odd / and odd) 二十多,二十有余,不到三十
From twenty to thirty 从二十到三十
twenty to thirty 从二十到三十
between twenty to thirty 二十到三十之间

注 1:ten(或 twenty) to one 和 two to one 是英语惯用语,都作“十之八九”讲,用于对某一事物的估计,表示“几乎”、“必定”等含义。例如:

  1. Ten to one it will rain tomorrow. 明天十之八九要下雨。
  2. It is ten to one that she will be late. 十之八九她要迟到。

注 2:在体育比赛场合下说“two to five”,就不能理解为 2 到 5,而应理解为 2 比 5。有时口语中 to 还可省略,但说时中间有停顿。


some thirty feet = around (或<英> round) thirty feet = about thirty feet = thirty feet or so 大约三十英尺
approximately (或 roughly) ten miles= towards ten miles 接近 10 英里或略计 10 英里
in the neighbourhood of thirty kilometers = thirty kilometers or there about(s) 30公里左右
It is something like four hours = It is more like four hours 大概4个小时。
I have been up for like six days. 我起床走动差不多有六天了。
This electronic dictionary cost me something 30 US dollars. 这本电子辞典花了我 30 美元左右。
There are some four or five answers to this question. 这个问题约有四、五个答案。


one hundred and fifty 一百五十
fifty-fifty 各半,平均地
Six and six make (或 makes) twelve. 6 + 6 = 12 (= Six plus six makes twelve. )
hundreds of people 好几百人
thousands of people 好几千人,成千上万个人
tons of people 许许多多人
thousands upon thousands of people (或 hundreds of thousands of people) 成千上万个人,许许多多人,无数的人
a hundred and one (或 a thousand and one) other factories 许多其它工厂(注意:若用 one 代替 a, 则变为“一百零一和一千零一”)
a few hundredths of… …的百分之几
within a factor of ten 在一个 10 的数量级范围内
By 1973, the production of steel had reached 23 million tons, a more than 140-fold increase over 1949. 到 1973 年,钢产量已达二千三百万吨,比 1949 年增加 140 倍以上。(斜体字部分为同位语)

二、英语“大量…、许多…、相当多…、一大堆…、无数…、不少…、大多数 …、少量…、没多少(个)…等”短语汇总。注意举例中用可数、不可数名词问题

  1. a lot of… 许多(人或房子等);
    lots of… 好多(小孩或时间等);
    lots and lots of… 许许多多(妇女或书等)。
  2. many teachers = many a teacher 许多教师(后者体裁文雅些,作主语时其谓语或代词按第三人称单数表示);
    a great (或 good) many… 好多(青年或房间等)
  3. much… 许多(水或钱等)[后接不可数名词],very much rain 很多雨水
  4. a large (或 great, good) quantity of… 大量(油、楼等);
    vast quantities of… 大量或极多的(水果、苹果或大米等);
    a quantity of…一批(篮子即 baskets 等);
    a generous quantity of beer 大量啤酒
  5. a great (或 large) number of… 大量或许多(人或钢笔等);
    any number of… 好多(次即 times);非常多的(小孩等);
    numbers of… 许多(学生或书等);
    a number of… 若干或许多(人或椅子等);
    times out of number = times without (或 beyond) number 无数次,常常;
    beyond number 无数的或无数地[作后置定语或状语]
  6. plenty of… 大量(时间或资源即 resources 等),许多(老师等)
  7. a mint of… 大量(麻烦即 troubles 或钱等)
  8. a (great) store of… 大量(油或事实等);
    a definite store of… 一定量的(水或故事即 stories 等)
  9. a wealth of… 大量的(知识即 knowledge 或单词即 words 等);
    the wealth of phrases 这许多短语
  10. a portion of… 一部分(田地即 the field 等),一份(冰淇淋等);
    a large portion of the air force 大批空军
  11. a world of waters 一片汪洋;
    a world of good 一大堆好处;
    worlds (或 a world) of novels 大量(或很多很多)小说
  12. a variety of goods 各种货物;
    a large (或 great) variety of reasons 种种理由
  13. a host of (或 hosts of)… 大量(农民等),好多(问题等)
  14. a supply of food 一些食物;
    a large (或 a good) supply of… 一大批(酒即 wine 等);
    large supplies of… 大量(食盐即 table salt 等)
  15. a part of… 一部分(网友即 net friends 等);
    part of… 部分(他的知识即 his knowledge);
    (a) great part of the novel 小说的大部分情节;
    work for the best part of a month 工作近一个月的时间;
    stand for the better part of an hour 站立足有半个多小时;
    the most part of her work 她工作的绝大部分
  16. most… 大多数(女孩等),大部分(油等);
    most of them 他们中间的大多数;
    most of the liquid 这种液体中的大部分
  17. a multitude of… 许多(学生等),种种(事实等);
    multitudes (或 a multitude) of… 许许多多(项目即projects等)
  18. a mass of…大量(资料即 data),一堆(沙等);
    the large(或 greatmasses of… 大多数(工人等),大多数(出口货即 exports);
    a mass audience 大量听众或观众;
    a mass production 大量生产
  19. a majority of… 多数(工人等);
    the great (或 vast) majority of… 绝大多数(学生等);
    a majority stockholder in the company 一位在公司内控股的股东
  20. a large (或 great) a mount of… 大量(信息即 information 等)[后接不可数名词];
    quite an amount of …相当大量的(水、雪等);
    any amount of… 任何数量的(油等),大量的(雨等);
    no amount of… 即使再多的(水等)也不
  21. a large fraction of…(原价即 the original price) 的大部分;
    a fraction of a second 一瞬间或顷刻[由“一秒的几分之一”引申过来]
  22. a great bulk of her time 她的很大部分时间;
    the bulk of my income 我的大部分收入,the bulk of the students 大多数学生
  23. a great (或 good) deal of… 许多(糖即 sugar 等)[后接不可数名词]
  24. a nice bit of… 很多或不少(钱)[后接不可数名词]
  25. Few books 没多少本书;
    a few books 几本书;
    a good few… 不少(书等)
  26. little salt 没多少盐;
    a little salt 少许盐[只用于不可数名词]
  27. a small quantity of… 少数(小孩),少量(油等)
  28. a small amount of… 少量(水)[只用于不可数名词]
  29. a bit of… 一小块(地即 land),一点(时间),一点(好处即 good);
    get a bit of rest 休息片刻;
    be a bit of a boy 有点像男孩;
    make a bit of a mistake(你)犯一点错误;
    be a bit (或 little) tired(我)有点累;
    be not a bit tired (他们)一点也不累;
    must have a bit of a chat with him(我)必须跟他好好谈一谈[注意这里 a bit of…作“相当数量的…”讲,因此要注意上下文]
  30. 注意“quite+有关词”表示“数量相当大、相当多、不少…”之意。例如:
    quite a number of… 相当多的(人或书);
    quite a lot of… 很多(人、书等);
    quite some time 相当多的时间;
    quite a long time 相当长的时间;
    quite a little work (或 while) 不少工作(或时间);
    quite a few days 不少天等


Ⅰ. “……+数字(或倍数、不定数)+ 比较级 + than +……”结构的用法。这里数字表示净增减的数量,而倍数有时是净增加的倍数或减到 1/n-1,更多地则不是净增加的倍数,却是只增加 n-1 倍。

  1. X is two more than Y. X 比 Y 多 2。
  2. Y is two less than Z. Y 比 Z 少 2。
  3. Wheel A turns twenty percent faster than wheel B. A 轮转动比 B 轮快 20%。
  4. You may take a few more hard disks. 你可以再拿几个硬盘。
  5. Better dresses have been reduced to prices as low as half price and some lower. 较好的服装已减价一半,甚至比半价还低一些。
  6. This room is three time larger than that one. 这个房间比那间大两倍(或)三倍。(“大三倍“可参阅《英语惯用法词典》第 672 页)。为此必须注意上下文和说话人的具体情况。但大多数美国人仍理解为“大两倍”。必须注意,若增加一倍,一般不用上述句型结构,而要改用下面第 Ⅲ 项“twice + as + 形容词或副词 + as +…“的表示法。此外,要注意到”倍数 + 比较级 + than +…”更多地仅是增加 n-1 倍。
  7. C is twice thinner than D. C 的厚度是 D 的 1/2。(由“C 的薄度是 D 的两倍”转译过来。)
  8. Mt.Jolmo Lungma is 8,882 m high,about two and a half times higher than Mt. Fuji. 珠穆朗玛峰高8,882米,比富士山高一倍半左右。

注:表示倍数增减时,最好用下列第 Ⅲ 种表示法。

II. “主语 + be 的变化 + 倍数或百分数+ upon(或 over)+ 被比的对象”表示净增加的倍数或百分数。例如:

  1. The grain output of last year in this province was 20% over (或 upon) that of 1997. 这个省去年的粮食产量比 1997 年增加百分之二十。
  2. Agricultural output for this year is estimated to be 4% up on(或 over)last year. 农业产量估计比去年增长百分之 4。

III. “…倍数 + as + 形容词或副词 + as +…”——本句型中实际上净增加 n-1 倍或减少到 l/n(或减少(n-l)/n。例如:

  1. A is twice as long as B. A 的长度是 B 的两倍。(或译:A 比 B 长一倍。)
  2. In 1959 we produced a hundred-fold as much steel as we did in 1949. 在 1959 午我们生产的钢是 1949 年的一百倍.
  3. The moon is much smaller than the earth and you weigh six times less. 月亮比地球小得多,因此你体重减少六分之五。
  4. This substance reacts three times as fast as the other one. 这个物质的反应速度是另一物质的三倍。(意指快两倍。)

试比较:This substance reacts one-tenth as fast as the other one. 这个物质的反应速度是另一物质的十分之一。(或译:这一物质的反应速度比另一物质慢十分之九。)

Ⅳ. “as + 形容词(如 high, many, much 等)+ as + 具体数字” 表示“(高、多)达…(具体数字)”之意:

  1. The temperature is as high as 6000℃。温度高达 6000℃。
  2. Some layers between the third and last layers of the atom contain as many as 32 electrons. 该原子内第三层和最外层之间的一些电子层,含有(多达)32 个电子。

Ⅴ. “……+ as much(或 many, fast 等)again as + ……”表示净增加一倍:

  1. Wheel A turns as fast again as wheel B. A 轮转动比 B 轮快一倍。
  2. This wire is as long again as that one. 这根金属线比那根长一倍。(或译:这根金属线的长度是那根金属线的两倍。)

注:上面两句中的 again 也可移到第一个 as 的前面。

Ⅵ. “…+ half as much (或 many, fast 等)again as + …”表示净增加半倍,即是后面被比对象的一倍半。例如:

The amount left was estimated to be half as much again (或 half again as much) as all the copper that has been mined. 当时估计铜的剩余数量是已开采的铜的总量的一倍半。

Ⅶ. “…+ by + 数字 +…”结构

当本句型中有比较级出现或有表示增减意义的动词或分词出现时,by 后表示的都是净增减的数。

  1. A is longer than B by 2 inches = A is 2 inches longer than B. A 比 B 长二英寸。
  2. The prime cost decreased by 60%. 主要成本降低了 60%。
  3. This year the value of our industrial output has increased by half as compared with that of last year. 今年我们工业的产值比去年增加一半. (若增加一倍,则将 by half 改为 twice 即可。)
  4. 100 increased by 200 is 300. 100 加上 200 等于 300。
  5. 300 decreased by 100 is 200. 300 减去 100 等于 200。
  6. By 2020 the earth’s population should exceed the present figure by two billion. 到 2020 年,世界人口应比目前数字超出20亿。

Ⅷ. “表示增减意义的谓语 + by a factor of n”只表示增加 n-1 倍或减小 (n-1)/n 例如:

  1. The error probability is greater than that one by a factor of at least 6. 这个误差概率比那个至少大五倍。
  2. The electronic brains under development will reduce the error probability by a factor of 7. 正在研制的电脑将使误差概率降低 6/7。(或译“…降到 1/7”。)
  3. The speed exceeds the average speed by a factor of 4(或 by three times). 该速度超过平均速度三倍。

Ⅸ. “……倍数(或分数)+数词或名词+……”——本句型中实际数值是倍数(或分数)乘上后面的数词或名词(包括 what 引出的名词从句)所表示的值。例如:

  1. Four times two is eight. 4 乘 2 得 8。(或“4倍的2为8”。)
  2. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的大小是月球的 49 倍。
  3. The mass of an electron is 1/1850 that of a hydrogen atom. 电子质量是氢原子质量的 1/1850。
  4. The velocity of sound in water is 4,900 ft. per second, or more than four time its velocity in air. 水中声速为每秒 4900 英尺,比空气中的声速大三倍多。(直译则为:…是空气中声速的四倍多。)
  5. The depth of water in the first tube is less than half that in the other. 第一根试管内水的高度比另一根试管中的浅一半还多。
  6. Our factory today is twice what it was two years ago. 今日我厂是两年前我厂规模的两倍。

Ⅹ. “表示增减意义的动词或分词 + to + 数字 +……”一本句型表示增加到(或减少到)某个数目。例如:

  1. The members have increased [或 decreased] to 100. 成员增加[或减少]到 100 名.
  2. In 1933, industrial output in the USA sunk (或 fell) to 65 percent of the output in 1929. 美国在 1933 年的工业品出口降到 1929 年水准的百分之六十五。

必须注意,若 to 后面接倍数,则仅增加 n-1 倍。例如:

  1. Last year, the production of different kinds of machine tools in our plant increased to three times compared with 1999. (句中 to 还可省略,句义不变。)去年我厂各种机床的生产比 1999 年增加两倍。

Ⅺ. “增减意义的谓语或词组十倍数”或“n-fold increase 或 decrease(名词)” 都表示增加 n-1 倍或减少 n-1/n 例如:

  1. The output of coal has been increased three times as against 1992. 煤产量比 1992 年增加了两倍。
  2. The sales of industrial electronic products have multiplied six times since 1996. 自 1996 年以来,工业电子产品销售量增加了五倍。
  3. Switching time of the new—type transistor is shortened 3 times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。(或译为“……缩短到原来的三分之一”。)
  4. Total output value of Tianjin’s textile industry has grown 3.2-fold since 1986. 自 1986 年以来,天津的纺织工业总产值增长了 2.2 倍。
  5. The principal advantage over the old-fashioned machine is a four-fold reduction in weight. 与旧式机器相比的主要优点是重量减少了四分之三。
  6. There is a 50% increase of steel as compared with last year. 钢产量比去年增加50%。

Ⅻ. “增减意义的谓语或词组+百分数”表示净增减的百分数,并和百分数前面用 by 时的含义相同。表示净增减值时,用 by 和不用 by 均可,而且意思相同。例如:

  1. The oil used by this factory has been decreased (by) 5% in comparison with last year. 该厂用油量比去年减少 5%。
  2. The output value of our factory for 1998 increased (by) 20% (as) compared with that of 1997. 我厂 1998 年的产值比 1997 年增长百分之二十。

XIII. 当倍数特别大而且一倍之差微不足道时,对于增加的倍数不采用 n-1 倍的译法。例如:

  1. The mass of the sun is 332 000 times greater than that of the earth. 太阳的质量为地球的 332000 倍。(或译:太阳质量比地球大 332000倍。)
  2. The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass. 金属的导热率比玻璃高数百倍。(句中“数百倍”的“数”必须译出。由于倍数大,不必减去基数本身的一倍. )

XIV. 用 too 时的数量或程度上的增减情况:

  1. It is too long by half. 它过长一半。
  2. He has given me six books too few (或 many). 他少[或多]给了我六本书。(注意不能说※… six too many(或few)books. )
  3. This rod is 3 inches too long. 这杆过长 3 英寸。
  4. He is going on a little too slowly. 他进行得太慢了一点。

XV. 注意由一些数词组成的词组:

  1. The current flows through T1 and T2 on a fifty-fifty basis (或 on a half and half basis). 电流平均地流过 T1和T2
  2. The current has been split into halves. 电流分成两半。
  3. Ten to one, we shall overfulfil our production plan for this year. 十之八九,我们将超额完成今年生产计划。


  1. one third 三分之一;
    two thirds 三分之二;
    one(或 ahundredth (=one percent) 百分之一;
    three twenty-fifths, 二十五分之三;
    two and a half 二又二分之一
    three and a third 三又三分之一
    a few tenths of the given volume 给定的体积的十分之几等
  2. Give me a third. 给我三分之一。
  3. The appearance of the discharge tube at a pressure of a few tenths of a millimeter of mercury is shown schematically in Fig.2. 图 2 所示的是压强为零点几毫米汞柱时,放电管的大致外形。
